How to Be the
“Secret Weapon”
Behind Successful Copy
Making Their “Good” Copy GREAT!
Hi, it’s Rebecca…
I’m here to share with you something that’s “outside the box” of what we normally talk about here at AWAI.
In short, it’s an opportunity to earn excellent money doing something a little “different” with your writing skills.
You hear us talk a lot about the value of becoming a skilled copywriter…
And how you need to learn the formulas… practice your writing… grow your skills… and always be researching and coming up with new ideas.
But what I want to share with you today requires NONE of that.
Instead, it’s a way to become the “secret weapon” behind the best copywriters…
The person who’s brought in to put on the “finishing touches” that turn “good” copy into GREAT copy…
Or to take ads, content, emails, and sales letters that are not quite “there” yet… and make them SING…
All without having to write a single line of original copy.
You see this kind of thing in many industries, where a specialist comes in at the end and “closes” the deal…
Like in the film world…
The movie director is the visionary…
But to bring his vision to life, he relies on a great film editor to strategically “cut” the film’s scenes together, so they have the best flow for maximum impact…
This happens in real estate too…
The architect draws up the blueprints for a new house. And the builders construct the house from bottom to top…
But then an expert comes in at the end to “stage” the house, so it feels inviting and allows potential buyers to see themselves living in the house.
Same in professional golf.
The athlete develops the raw skills through years of training — but it’s the caddy who gives the information needed to make that “perfect shot” at the right time.
And it’s also true in the world of copywriting.
The copywriter has an idea…
They are hired and given the go-ahead to write it.
Then they do all the work — planning, research, writing, and rewriting…
And after weeks and sometimes months, submit a final draft.
But before the marketing team starts using the copy, they need to bring in their “secret weapon” to finish the job.
That’s where you come in!
Just like the movie editor cuts the film together just right — you’ll make sure every section of copy “fits” together for maximum impact…
Just like the home stager arranges the décor after the house has been built — you’ll make sure the copy is clean and inviting, getting rid of any errors that “sneaked past” the writer…
And just like the caddy gives the golfer the info he needs to hit the perfect shot — your expertise will turn the copy into the writer’s “perfect shot”!
Copywriters will LOVE you for it… because making their copy stronger and more cohesive puts more money in their pockets.
Clients will love you too…
Because putting that last “coat of paint” on the copy could make the difference between record sales and leaving thousands of dollars on the table.
It’s far easier than writing any type of copy from scratch…
Yet, you’ll still get to use your creativity… your attention to detail… and what you already know about writing to take a writer’s copy to the next level.
Then there’s the sheer demand…
As a marketer myself, I can tell you that not one piece of consequential copy gets published here at AWAI without the expertise of this person…
Not to mention the dozens of pieces of new content every day — from articles, to emails, to promotional letters and more…
And we’re a relatively small company!
I know companies that publish hundreds of pieces of online content day in, day out…
Which means — once you have this amazing skill — your problem won’t be finding projects…
It will be keeping up with the backlog your clients keep sending you!
And the money — I’ll talk about that in a minute…
But let me just say right now…
Even though you’ll work outside the spotlight…
Even though you’ll never have to come up with a breakthrough idea on your own…
Or write any original copy…
EVERYONE will know how valuable your contributions are.
In fact, if you ask any marketing manager — or any top copywriter — they’ll tell you…
A writer who can come in during the final phase and make “good” copy GREAT is worth their weight in GOLD.
Which is why if you love the world of writing…
Want your skills to be in high demand and appreciated…
Want to be paid very well while maintaining the freedom of the writer’s life…
But you don’t want the *pressure* that can sometimes come with writing new copy from scratch…
This could be the PERFECT opportunity for you.
So let me explain how it all works…
The Hidden “MVP”
of Every Marketing Campaign
Writing is a solitary activity…
This ability to be completely alone… anywhere in the world… and get paid to “create.”
Some writers are drawn to this romantic notion…
While others — especially introverts — simply enjoy the solitude, and the freedom to work at their own pace.
But just because copywriters write alone, that doesn’t mean they work alone.
Even the best copywriters rely on others…
Including a copy chief… marketers… and the hidden “MVP” of the entire copy process…
We call this person the copyeditor.
And even though copyeditors typically stay out of the spotlight…
There’s a reason they’re so valued by marketers and copywriters…
And why they’re trusted as the last person to “touch” the copy before it gets published.
Because without their “fresh eyes” and attention to detail…
It’s impossible to be certain the copy is on target, free of errors, and ready to make the biggest impact.
So without their fine-tuning the final result, the copy that gets published is weaker…
Sales, leads, and engagement fall…
And the business suffers.
It’s WHY in the age of AI-generated content, this role has become even more crucial.
Copyeditors are now also the bridge between AI-assisted content and human creativity.
They are the ones who make sure the content that gets published maintains its authenticity.
That’s why…
No Copyeditor = A Nightmare Scenario
A report from the BBC showed one company in the UK was losing HALF its sales — until it corrected a spelling error on its website…
What a nightmare!
And to think how easily they could’ve avoided that situation with more careful editing!
They’ll never recoup the money they left on the table.
On the other hand, Master B2B Copywriter Steve Slaunwhite has seen conversions DOUBLE thanks to skillful copyediting.
When a copyeditor “swoops in” to lend their expertise before the copy is published…
Everyone working on the marketing campaign gains peace of mind…
Confident that every word is clear…
On target to the right audience…
And consistent with the company’s style.
As a copyeditor, your superpower is taking the fruits of the copywriter’s labor — and making them even more POWERFUL!
That’s why the Crowd Content Blog says…
“Investing in copyediting services is like supercharging your copywriter; their talents are suddenly magnified and, at the same time, given extra focus until your vision is expertly tailored for maximum connection, conversion, and engagement.”
Bottom line…
A great copyeditor is crucial for any serious business that wants to communicate effectively with their customers and prospects.
We’ve long understood that at AWAI.
That’s why I “max out” the bandwidth of the top copyeditors we work with.
We publish an extraordinary amount of copy and content…
And for skilled copyeditors I trust, I’ll fight tooth and nail to lock up as much of their time as they’ll give me — and pay them VERY WELL for it!
Once you establish yourself as a skilled copyeditor, clients rely on you…
Because you’ll own a valuable skill set most writers DON’T possess.
But what does a copyeditor actually do to have so much impact?
Let me show you…
Deeper Than Surface Level
When you hear the word “copyediting,” what bubbles up in your mind?
Let me guess…
Fixing spelling errors and typos…
That’s correct — but there’s a LOT more to it than that.
Anyone with good attention to detail can spot and fix typos…
And anyone with basic computer literacy skills can run spellcheck.
Someone who fixes only surface-level issues like those is considered a proofreader.
And don’t get me wrong…
Proofreading is important.
But it’s just the start for a copyeditor.
Your main job as a copyeditor is to bring as much clarity to the copy as you can.
This means focusing on organization and structure…
Word choice…
Making sure the tone matches the messaging…
That there’s consistency throughout the copy…
That it’s easy to read… with a consistent flow…
And so much more.
I think you’ll get a better idea if I show you how you might approach a copyediting assignment…
Imagine being handed this blog post to edit:

Okay, so where would you begin?
For starters, the first time you read the whole piece, you’ll want to get a feel for the content without trying to make any edits.
That way, you’ll know what you’re working with… you’ll get a sense of the writer’s “voice” (which you don’t want your edits to change)… and you’ll understand the overall message of the copy.
Next, you’ll read the copy a few more times…
But instead of trying to make ALL the edits at once, divide them into different levels…
And on each read-through, focus on just one thing.
So on your first pass, you’ll look for surface-level issues like…
- Is the headline accurate? (Are there actually FIVE reasons included — not four, not six?)
- Are there any spelling errors or glaring typos?
- Are all words used correctly? (You don’t want to let “they’re” slip through when it should be “their.” 😉)
- Is there anything you need to fact-check? (Like quotes, statistics, studies, or research that’s referenced.)
Now, this is where a proofreader would stop.
And like I said, proofreading is an important service. (You could certainly get hired as a proofreader if that’s all you want to do.)
But you’re even more valuable as a copyeditor who sees the “big picture.”
Copyediting is deeper and more involved than proofreading…
And if your first thought as you’re reading this is Hey, can I get paid MORE as a copyeditor than just as a proofreader??
Well, first off, I LOVE where your head is…
And secondly, the answer is ABSOLUTELY!
So with that in mind, let’s get to those deeper edits…
The No. 1
Most Important
Job for Copyeditors
Do you know how short the average human attention span is nowadays?
We’re officially less able to focus than a goldfish. 🤦🏻♀️
Now, I might be telling you this for laughs… but it’s important for you to keep in mind as you edit…
Because your No. 1 responsibility as a copyeditor is clarity.
And copy without clarity…
Copy that’s confusing…
Copy that doesn’t grab the reader’s attention immediately…
Is copy that readers will click off of faster than you can say “please don’t go!”
So, after you finish your surface-level edits, you’ll focus only on clarity when you go through the copy again.
You’ll ask yourself questions like…
- Is the copy well organized?
- Is there clear structure to the argument?
- Does each point support the overall message?
- Are there any “logic gaps”?
- Is there enough proof to satisfy each claim made?
And if the copy was generated by AI, you’ll also ask questions like…
- Does the content sound natural, or are there awkward phrasings that reveal its AI origin?
- Is the content original, or does it fall into AI’s vanilla “same as everyone else’s” style?
- Does this match your clients’ “voice” and brand?
- Is it factually accurate and correct?
From there, you might want to rearrange paragraphs…
You might want to rearrange paragraphs…
Or delete extraneous information…
Or even leave a note for the writer suggesting they “beef up” a weak section.
This dog article we’re looking at here would be pretty simple to edit because it follows a basic formula…
Each point is numbered and gives a different reason why dogs make the best friends.
And there are plenty of writing projects — like emails, space ads, web copy — that will be just as simple and that you can bang out quickly.
But let’s say you’re editing a 40-page sales letter…
Clarity is more important than ever…
Because clarity will help the copy achieve the best results — whether that’s sales, signups, downloads, or whatever action it asks readers to take.
Now, this part of the process takes the most time and thought…
But it’s your chance to SHINE…
Because this is when you use YOUR copyediting skills to put the copy in the most flattering light…
And to EMPOWER the writer to write even stronger, more persuasive copy that gets the best results.
After these big-picture edits, your next time through the copy is really fun!
Finish with Style…
Every company is unique…
So they all have their own ways of “styling” their copy.
In fact, many even have their own “style guide”!
Some stuff they include in their guide is super basic, like whether to write out numbers below 10 or use numerals instead…
Or how to style an ellipsis…
But there’s also stuff each company makes part of their brand…
Like product names that need to be capitalized a certain way or written with a trademark symbol…
Or let’s say a company is all about great business practices… and their core values are honesty, integrity, and transparency…
Maybe every time they use one of those words on their website or in their marketing materials for any reason, they write the word in all caps.
That’s obviously not how most people would write those words…
But it’s unique to their style and brand…
It helps them stand out…
And it makes readers take note of who they are and what they’re about.
As a copyeditor, you have to be aware when your client does something like that…
And you’ll use this pass through the copy to make sure everything in their style guide — the unique and the mundane — stays consistent.
(Oh, and when a company doesn’t have a style guide… that’s something YOU can create for them — for a handsome fee!)
… and Make Sure
Nothing Sneaked by You
Accuracy is one of the pillars of a copyeditor’s job…
So your last pass through the copy is to double-check that you didn’t miss anything.
Think about it like this…
If you’ve ever watched a baseball game, chances are you notice the umpire only if he blows a call.
But when he gets all the calls right, nobody pays attention.
The same is true for copyeditors.
When you do your job well and the copy is error-free, it lets the copy’s message shine through…
Which means readers won’t notice the outstanding job you did.
But that’s okay!
This is what you want — because a persuasive message is what gets people to buy…
And it’s your job to make sure nothing gets in the way of that message.
Even if readers don’t know the impact you had on the copy (you are a “secret weapon,” after all)…
Your clients certainly will…
And when they know they can count on you to get great results, they’ll be fiercely loyal to you!
So once you’ve made this final pass through the copy, that’s it.
You’re ready to send it back to the client — polished up and fit for publication.
And all the skills you need to become a well-paid and trusted copyeditor are easy to learn.
I’m going to show you how you can get these all-important copyediting skills in a few moments.
But first, you might be wondering who needs copyeditors…
Why the Demand for Copyediting Is Sky High…
This is where things get really exciting…
Because ALL types of businesses use copyeditors!
Businesses of all sizes — from small ones with fewer than 50 employees to big ones with more than 10,000 employees — hire copyeditors, according to career resource site Zippia.
No matter what kind of copy or content they publish…
They can expect better results when it goes through a copyeditor first.
This is also true throughout all industries and sectors, including media, government, Fortune 500 companies, finance, health care, education, tech, and many more.
Just like copywriters can choose any niche they’re interested in…
So can copyeditors.
But the vast diversity of companies that use copyeditors isn’t the only reason demand is soaring…
Simply put…
There’s more copy being published online today than ever before…
Which means more copy needs to be edited first.
And the demand is still growing…
A lot of it is because of the pandemic.
Businesses that were already online doubled- and tripled-down on their digital marketing…
And those businesses that were exclusively bricks-and-mortar had no choice but to move online to survive.
Copy and content flooded the internet…
And it hasn’t slowed down since.
In fact… now that we have AI, MORE content is being created than ever before.
And if you’ve played around with any of the popular AI tools, you KNOW how much AI-generated content NEEDS to be refined, polished, and given that all-important human touch to be effective.
That is why going through a skilled copyeditor gives ALL of this copy and content its best chance of standing out and succeeding.
That’s why you WILL NOT struggle finding clients in need of copyediting.
In fact, when you specialize in copyediting (especially now that clients need it more than ever before, thanks to AI-generated content), it’s a win-win…
Because you’ll build your expertise, which will let you earn more in the long run…
And you’ll take a LOT of pressure off the writers you work with.
They can move from project to project faster when they don’t have to edit their own work, freeing them up to get more copy published, and ultimately bring in more sales for their clients.
AND you’ll help clear the “bottlenecks” many companies face when all the copy that needs to be edited gets backed up.
We face this here at AWAI, too…
And we’re a relatively small company that maxes out our copyeditors’ time.
Just think how many millions of other companies are dealing with this same issue…
That’s why you can get paid a healthy five- or even six-figure income as a copyeditor…
And still live whatever lifestyle you’re dreaming of.
Live the Writer’s Life…
as a Copyeditor!
If you’re craving the freedom of the writer’s life…
And you want to use copyediting as your path to get there…
That’s more than doable.
It’s no different than it is for copywriters…
You can land freelance copyediting clients and travel at will, without them ever knowing where you are…
Or stay home and enjoy working from your patio, curled up in your favorite easy chair, or lounging by the pool…
You can work whatever hours suit you best, morning or night…
Even if your ideal writer’s life is simply waking up every morning without an alarm, meditating or doing some yoga, pouring yourself a steaming cup of coffee, and starting your workday nice and relaxed…
It’s all possible.
And get this…
You can have great security as a copyeditor too…
Because copyediting lends itself perfectly to monthly retainer deals that pay you predictable income.
After all, any one client could have enough editing needs to fill your entire calendar…
And once you earn their trust and learn their style, you’ll make their life much easier if they can lock in your services on a steady basis.
Another possibility is charging an hourly rate.
This works to your benefit because you’ll never have to worry about putting in too much uncompensated time on a project…
With an hourly rate, you’ll always get paid for the time you put in.
But you can earn a very good living as a copyeditor no matter how you get paid.
The median annual income for copyeditors is over $75,000, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics…
With the top 10% of copyeditors earning more than $138,000 a year!
And I’ll bet we see that number go UP in the coming years because of the huge influx of AI-generated content that is BEGGING for great copyeditors to make it more “human.”
And remember…
The better you get…
The more your clients trust you…
The more of their most important and highest-paying projects they’ll ask you to edit!
Introducing AWAI’s
First-EVER Copyediting
Self-Paced Training Program
Now that you’ve seen why the demand for copyediting is skyrocketing…
That there’s no limit to the types of companies you can work with as a copyeditor…
That you’ll get to be the “secret weapon” who has a huge impact on the copy you edit…
That you’ll empower and supercharge the copywriters you work with…
That you can earn five or even six figures and land income-predicting retainer contracts from clients…
And that you can still live your version of the writer’s life — even as a copyeditor…
I want you to see something we’ve put together for you.
It’s an entirely self-paced training program that teaches you how to be a skilled copyeditor…
And I can’t wait to show you how to get started right away…
So you’re ready to begin landing clients in a matter of weeks!
All right, let me introduce you to…
How to Use Copyediting
for Career Advancement and Side Profit:
Simple Techniques to Elevate Your Writing Value and Your Income
The timing for this couldn’t be better…
Copyediting is more vital now than ever before, thanks to AI…
There’s unprecedented demand for online copy and content…
And businesses NEED copyeditors…
So everything they publish is clear and consistent, free from errors, sounds human, and looks professional.
That’s why we created this training program…
To introduce AWAI members to this extraordinary path to living the writer’s life that they might not have thought about before…
And to get them up and running with this skill FAST.

Guiding you along this path is one of AWAI’s most popular instructors — and biggest successes — Mindy McHorse!
Mindy is a six-figure-a-year copywriter and editor of Barefoot Writer magazine.
She’s also an exceptional copyeditor with more than a decade of copyediting experience.
Mindy has authored multiple programs in AWAI’s catalog… she’s taught and shared her expertise on countless webinars… and she even got her start as AWAI’s first-ever Reality Blogger for Digital Copywriter, where every week she let members follow her journey to reaching her goal of becoming a six-figure copywriter.
In this program, she will teach you some of the best practices for copyeditors that she uses herself and that she’s picked up over the years in this industry.
Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll learn that will help you become a sought-after copyeditor who transforms “good” copy into GREAT copy:
- A simple technique that will let you “hear” any awkward phrasings or run-on sentences (best to do this when you’re NOT sharing an office with someone!)…
- An unorthodox method for “tricking” your brain into making sure it doesn’t “gloss over” simple errors and typos…
- An easy way to catch any accidental plagiarism before the copy gets published (this is a popular trick teachers use when they suspect a student might have plagiarized, and it takes less than 10 seconds to do)…
- A great storytelling device you can suggest to a writer whose copy needs to be simplified and made more readable…
- Why understanding the copy’s intended audience is just as important for copyeditors as it is for copywriters — and the practical ways it will influence your edits…
- The three-word mantra you should always keep in mind as you edit copy…
- How to edit and offer suggestions on copy in a tactful way so you maintain a good working relationship with the writer…
And that is just a tiny bit of what’s inside How to Use Copyediting for Career Advancement and Side Profit!
You’ll also get all the do’s and don’ts of copyediting…
Examples of common mistakes you’re likely to run into, and how to fix them…
Core principles that will help you ensure the clarity of the copy’s message…
Proven strategies for finding and landing copyediting clients…
Practice exercises to help you master the material…
And so much more…
Including one thing that’s absolutely essential to getting better at any type of writing — or in this case, editing…
Copyediting Feedback
from a Professional
Like any activity, if you’re going to get better as a copyeditor, it’s important that you practice…
But it’s vital that you’re practicing good habits, so you learn as you go.
That’s why as part of the program you’ll work on a final copyediting assignment using the principles and all the tools, tips, and strategies you learn…
Then submit it to our team for detailed professional feedback.
You can use that feedback to revise your assignment, so you have a polished sample for your portfolio.
Nothing will give you more confidence when talking with potential copyediting clients than having some experience under your belt and the proof of what you can do!
Now let’s take a deeper dive into the full program…
What You’ll Learn
Lesson 1:
The Exponential Opportunities
Within the Copyediting World
You’ll kick things off by getting a 360-degree picture of what copyediting is — and what it isn’t…
Including a full understanding of your responsibilities as a copyeditor…
What kind of career you can have as a copyeditor…
And your role in the copy process.
Plus, here are a few more things you’ll learn…
- The “Triangular Copy Creation Process,” where copyediting fits into this structure, and why it’s the backbone of the writing industry…
- The five key skills copyeditors need to do their best work AND get paid what they’re worth…
- What “house style” is and why it’s something you can never lose sight of as a copyeditor…
- Three questions you’ll ask yourself as you consider the big picture of every piece of copy you edit…
- And much more!
You’ll have a great understanding of what it means to be a copyeditor and why you’ll get paid so well.
Next, it’s time to learn what you’ll do as a copyeditor day in and day out…
Lesson 2:
The Mechanics of Editing and Proofing
When learning to be a copyeditor, it’s natural to focus on the “meat” of editing — like what changes will strengthen the copy and help it get the best results…
But part of your foundation is knowing — quite literally — HOW to make edits on the page so you can work effectively with writers.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this lesson:
- Time-saving shortcuts you can use when working with the Track Changes function in Microsoft Word…
- How to easily leave notes, questions, comments, and critiques for the writer when using Track Changes…
- Hacks for keeping documents and online folders organized, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for and always come off as professional…
- Seven tips to follow on EVERY editing assignment to guarantee you do your highest-quality work…
- Popular editing resources to try — just see which are most intuitive and useful for you, and you’ll be off to the races!
- And much more!
Building this foundation from the start will make every editing assignment you take on that much easier… giving you speed and the ability to earn more money, faster.
With these basics in place, it’s time to move on to the fun parts of copyediting…
Lesson 3:
Understanding the Style Game
Your client’s style guide will be your best friend on every editing project.
Every company has slight stylistic variations… including some that are unique to their brand. It’s your job to be aware of them, so you send back edited copy exactly how they want it.
Here’s a look at what you’ll learn:
- A broad overview of the most prominent style guides you’ll need to be familiar with on top of each client’s individual “house style”…
- A quick and easy trick to find out how a client styles a specific word or phrase if it’s not in their style guide…
- Examples of style guides from different companies you can explore to see how much they differ from one another…
- How to create your own style guide (and use it as an upsell for your services!)…
- A list of common issues addressed by a style guide (so you know what to look for when working with a client’s “house style” AND to serve as a starting point if you create a style guide from scratch)…
- And much more!
As I mentioned earlier, you can get paid extra to create these for clients, too. So, we’ve also added two valuable bonuses to make sure you can create top-notch style guides with ease…
Bonus #1:
The Most Popular Style Guides
for Professional Copyeditors
Some of your clients will have their own style guide… some will rely on a popular style guide that already exists… and some will have you use your professional judgment.
This makes it critical for you to become familiar with the most common style guides out there…
That you know what type of writing and audience each style guide is most suited for…
And that you know how to access the style guide you need, when you need it.
With this in mind, Mindy has created a handy reference resource that introduces you to the 10 most popular style guides for copyeditors.
You’ll get a brief description of what makes each style guide so popular, so you know when it makes sense for you to turn to that guide as you edit.
You’ll also get links that show you how to get your hands on each style guide. (You can access some for free online, while others are available for purchase through the organizations that produce them.)
No matter what you’re editing, a style guide is one of your most important tools.
And when your client doesn’t hand you their own style guide, it’s up to you to know which style guide will be most helpful as you edit — so you can hand in the strongest possible copy to your client.
Bonus #2:
The Ultimate Blueprint to
Create Your Own Style Guide
You might come across clients that don’t have their own in-house style guide — but would benefit from having one.
This is your chance to give them the direction they need by helping them establish trust and consistency in their messaging — and earn an extra paycheck in the process!
To make it easy, we’ve created a 12-step blueprint that walks you through the entire process.
You’ll learn how to begin each style guide by crafting a compelling brand story…
How to develop a brand “persona” of the client’s typical reader, making all copywriting and copyediting for them more targeted…
Four questions to ask yourself that will help you identify the right tone of voice to use in their copy…
How to handle the formatting and visual guidelines in the style guide…
And much more!
Remember, you’re not just earning an extra paycheck when you create an in-house style guide for a client…
You’re creating an asset.
An asset you can use again and again if you continue to work with that client…
And help all the copywriters and copyeditors they work with in the future.
So it’s a great idea to offer this service as an upsell to every client you work with that doesn’t have their own style guide already.
But the training doesn’t stop here …
Lesson 4:
Copyediting in Practice
In this section, you’ll get a clear breakdown of the different types of editing services you can offer that fall under copyediting — including proofreading, line editing, fact-checking, rewriting, content refreshing, and SEO copyediting.
Then it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of copyediting!
You’ll get a list of common errors to be on the lookout for that will make your editing much easier…
Plus some broad mistakes writers often make, and the big-picture edits that will serve you well.
Once you start working as a copyeditor, you’ll come back to this section again and again to make sure you never miss any “red flags” in the copy you edit.
Here’s some more of what this section covers…
- The one copyediting service you can charge extra for…
- The differences between mechanical and substantive editing, and why it’s essential to be able to do both…
- A good “rule of thumb” for deciding whether to include those pesky commas that drive writers crazy…
- A “go-to” fix that never fails to make writing more concise and efficient…
- How to amplify the writer’s voice with your edits, rather than overpowering it so the copy sounds like you…
- An easy six-step overview of the editing process…
- And much more!
Plus, to make sure you’re able to cover all the bases right out of the gate, we’ve put together an incredibly valuable resource that jumps you ahead when it comes to experience…
Bonus #3:
The Most Common
English Language Mistakes
Even Smart People Make
Some writing errors and mix-ups happen all the time…
Like compliment and complement…
Ensure and insure…
Effect and affect…
And so many more.
So to make your job a little easier…
To save you time…
And to make sure you always get this “tricky” situations right…
We’ve created an easy-to-use checklist you can keep handy while you’re working.
Even if you save just a few minutes on each piece you edit…
That saved time adds up…
Letting you take on extra assignments.
Even one or two extra assignments in a month can mean a couple hundred extra dollars…
Over the course of a year, that could mean an extra thousand dollars or more…
And over the long run, this checklist could be worth thousands of dollars to you.
But this next lesson is where your personal value REALLY starts to skyrocket…
Lesson 5:
How to Improve Any Writing
(Basic Edits)
Here you’ll get into the principles of professional copyediting…
And you’ll dive even further into the different types of edits you’ll make on the copy — both the surface-level grammar issues AND the deeper big-picture issues.
Here’s a look at what you’ll learn:
- The risk you need to avoid when you look at each sentence separate from the whole piece…
- Two things you should do with every piece of copy you edit before submitting it to make sure you don’t miss anything…
- How to make your own “cheat sheet” for any piece of copy so you steer away from continuity errors…
- The different tasks associated with light, medium, and heavy copyediting, and when each level of copyediting makes the most sense…
- A list of common clichés to keep OUT of the copy you edit — at all costs…
- Why knowing the intended audience is crucial in order to know what industry jargon is acceptable and what needs to be tossed out…
- The most common word mix-ups, sentence mix-ups, and punctuation mix-ups that should always be on your radar…
- Why perfect clarity is much more important than perfect grammar, and how to determine when to leave the writer’s intentional “rule-breaking” intact…
- And of course, much more!
Now once you understand the “basic” edits, it’s time to move into the high-level edits…
Lesson 6:
How to Improve Any Writing
(Higher-Level Copy Edits)
Now you’ll really get into the big-picture edits you’ll be making as a copyeditor.
These edits go beyond adding a comma… replacing a complex word with a simpler one… or breaking a long sentence into two shorter ones.
This is where you edit with an eye toward making sure the copy is logical… persuasive… and appropriate for the intended audience.
This deeper editing calls for either more involved rewrites or clear and specific suggestions to the writer about how to make improvements.
This is where copyediting can get really fun — and where you can have the greatest impact on producing great copy that gets results.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Why the intended audience’s demographics and psychographics are just as important for the copyeditor as they are for the writer — and how to get that information before you begin editing…
- A list of sneaky tactics that instantly make the copy more readable…
- How the audience plays into your decisions of which grammar mistakes to fix and which to keep as is…
- How the Power of One can be your “north star” that guides your edits…
- The influence and simplicity of the “barstool test”…
- Why it’s important that you “detach” from the copy after you’ve submitted your edits…
- And much more!
Next is a topic that doesn’t get talked about enough, but that should be a consideration for every copyeditor.
Get this right and you’ll stand above the crowd as a true professional…
Bonus #4:
AI Copyediting 101 Workshop!
As you know, AI is here to stay.
More and more, companies are adopting it into their workflows and processes to gain a productive and competitive edge.
That’s why as a copyeditor, it’s critical you understand how these tools work… how to use them to help you edit copy and content, and more.
So to help you quickly gain the knowledge you need, we asked our “resident” AI expert, Guillermo Rubio, to host an exclusive 60-minute workshop just for you… where he’ll show you how to leverage AI into your copyediting workflow!
You’ll discover…
- how AI can slash your editing time in half, allowing you to take on more clients and boost your income…
- the top three AI-powered tools that can help you catch subtle errors human eyes often miss…
- the No. 1 FREE tool that you can use to quickly make copy and content “punchier” and far more engaging. (Warning: Using this tool can be quite addictive and FUN!)…
- how to use AI for fact-checking, ensuring your clients’ copy and content are accurate and have the correct sources…
- how to position yourself as an “AI-enhanced copyeditor” and command higher rates…
- ethical considerations and best practices for integrating AI into your editing process…
- how to stay ahead of the curve and keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on with AI…
- and more!
Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to listen in as Guillermo answers questions from your fellow copyeditors.
You’ll also have lifetime access to the workshop so you can turn back to it for a “refresher” whenever you want.
By understanding how to harness AI for your copyediting workflow, you’ll offer more value to your clients and stand out above the competition.
Lesson 7:
An often-overlooked aspect of copywriting — and copyediting — is accessibility.
It’s important that copy be easy to read and understand for as many people as possible…
And that would include anyone with disabilities or different learning styles.
You never want to lose potential buyers, especially when there are simple ways to accommodate their needs.
You’ll set yourself apart as a superior copyeditor when you ensure all the copy you work on is user-friendly for ANYONE who reads it — including those readers with ANY disabilities.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this section:
- What accessibility is and why it’s important…
- Practical examples of what accessible copy and content looks like and how it gives users with disabilities a far richer experience…
- How to capture the spirit of an image and distill it into useful “alt text” so visually impaired users don’t miss out…
- A valuable resource that will help you develop empathy for users with disabilities, so you can make the best decision regarding accessibility in every situation…
- The No. 1 way to make content more accessible as a copyeditor…
- A simple checklist of best practices, including recommended changes that will make copy and content more accessible for users with different needs…
- And much more!
All right, we’re getting close to the end here…
But your training wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t explore the business side of copyediting…
Lesson 8:
Life as a Freelance Copyeditor:
How to Set Yourself Up for Success
Learning the skills it takes to be a professional copyeditor who can make anyone’s copy better is a lot of fun…
But you know what else is a lot of fun?
Getting paid for it!
In the first seven lessons, you learned all about the opportunity for copyeditors, along with the skills that will make you a superior copyeditor.
Now it’s time to handle the business side of copyediting… and frankly, it’s a lot easier than you might think — as long as you make the necessary decisions up front.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- The fees and salary ranges you can expect — whether you land an in-house copyediting position, work on retainer, or charge on a per-project or hourly basis…
- How to determine the business structure that makes the most sense for you and your goals…
- Best practices when it comes to signed contracts with new clients — and the seven basic elements to spell out in every contract you write up…
- How to deal with “scope creep” professionally but firmly, so you never do added work without getting paid for it…
- Why it’s imperative to address “rush fees” up front — and when to consider making an exception for a client who comes to you with a last-minute request…
- Five telltale signs that it’s time for you to raise your fees — and how best to share that news with your clients…
- Seven smart strategies to build your copyediting business through referral marketing — with minimal time or effort on your part…
- And much more!
And of course, there’s another topic that goes hand in hand with the business side of things…
Lesson 9:
Where to Find Clients
As a freelance copyeditor, you’re going to need some basic strategies to land the type of clients you want to work with.
And when the time comes to put yourself out there, remember this…
Your job as a copyeditor is to make others look better.
Your skills will make their copy stronger and more effective…
… and you’ll keep their mistakes from being seen by the world.
Clients WANT and NEED copyeditors!
So when you’re ready, here’s how we’ll help you land them…
- Resources to help you set up your LinkedIn profile and freelance website, and position yourself as a skilled copyeditor…
- How to decide if choosing a copyediting niche is right for you…
- Creating and presenting proposals with confidence — PLUS an example proposal you can freely swipe and use…
- How to prepare for a copyediting test — and pass with flying colors! — if a potential client asks you to take one before hiring you…
- Four easy ways to build a portfolio of copyediting samples before ever landing your first client…
- Where you can gain real-life experience as a copyeditor (outside of directly connecting with freelance clients)…
- Five more ways you can market yourself as a freelance copyeditor…
- And much more!
Finally, you’ll finish your training by learning to make the most of your new skills…
Lesson 10:
The Advantages of Life as a Copyeditor
With copyediting in greater demand than ever before thanks to the flood of online copy and content, you’ll have every chance to experience long-term success as a copyeditor.
In this final section, you’ll get tips that will keep you in demand and in control of your own writer’s life as a copyeditor for years to come.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Nine proven time, focus, and productivity tips to improve both the quality and efficiency of your work…
- Where you can go to become a certified copyeditor, making it easier to market your credentials to potential clients…
- How to stay motivated and avoid burnout long after you start succeeding as a copyeditor…
- A “three-bucket” daily routine to make sure you always meet your deadlines, continue honing your craft, market your business, and remain a perpetual learner…
- How to smoothly navigate your communications with all members of your clients’ team — including marketers, graphic designers, and writers…
- And much more!
There you have it!
Ten lessons that will teach you everything you need to know to be a skilled, well-paid, in-demand copyeditor.
You’ll get proven strategies for finding, landing, and working with clients…
And for building a freelance copyediting business.
So now that you’re fully caught up on this awesome opportunity…
You probably want to know how much it’s going to cost to get your hands on How to Use Copyediting for Career Advancement and Side Profit…
So you can start learning this exciting skill and be up and running, landing clients in just a few weeks.
And here’s where it gets even more exciting.
We wanted to keep this program affordable for ANYONE who wants in…
And considering the huge demand for skilled copyeditors to edit all that copy flooding the internet…
Today’s price is a bargain — especially since you can likely cover the full cost of it with the first few copyediting assignments you land.
But there’s still one more bonus I haven’t mentioned yet that I want to highlight for you…
Bonus #5:
The Professional Copyeditor’s Checklist
Want your clients to love you?
Want them to be super impressed that you almost never miss anything?
There’s an easy way to make that happen…
Use a checklist!
Even professionals who work with life-or-death stakes, like doctors and pilots, rely on checklists because they’re so effective.
Checklists help reduce errors and omissions…
And they help ensure nothing slips by you.
This is perfect for copyediting, where you look for the same things over and over again.
With this checklist in hand, you’ll always know what you’re looking for… you won’t have to rely on memory… and your editing will stay consistent.
Plus, this checklist is conveniently broken down into different sections, like “initial fixes,” “basic edits,” and “edits for voice and tone”…
So you can make multiple passes through the copy you’re reviewing and focus on just one type of edit each time.
A checklist is one of the tools of a professional copyeditor.
And this invaluable resource — along with your four other bonuses — is yours for FREE when you sign up today!
And that’s on top of the core program, where you’ll learn to tap into this incredible copyediting opportunity…
Land clients who need your services…
And become their “secret weapon” who turns every piece of “good” copy you edit into great copy.
So what will it take for you to get started on this exciting path?
Your Pricing
Because businesses everywhere need skilled copyeditors…
And because I’m so excited to bring you this opportunity…
We’re making it as affordable as possible to get your hands on this bestselling program.
So today’s pricing…
Is just $497!
No joke…
Because we want you to have every opportunity to dive into copyediting right away!
This makes it easy for you to hang out your shingle as a professional copyeditor and start working with clients.
For just $497, you’ll get your hands on EVERYTHING and start learning a potentially life-changing skill that can keep you in constant demand.
On top of that, you risk nothing…
LOVE the Program
or Get Your Money Back!

Get started right away…
Dive into the program…
Start learning how to be a copyeditor…
And take a full month to immerse yourself in copyediting.
If you’re not thrilled with the program — or you simply decide copyediting isn’t the right path for you — just let us know before 30 days have passed and you’ll get back your $497.
But I’m confident you’re going to LOVE the program…
That you’ll LOVE copyediting…
And that you’ll have the skills you need to start landing clients in just a few weeks.
What could be easier?!
Here’s Everything You Get
You can learn the lucrative skill of copyediting and become the “secret weapon” behind great copywriters…
Confident that as e-commerce continues to skyrocket and the demand for more copy and content soars…
The demand for skilled copyeditors will soar alongside it.
You’ll have plenty of options when it comes to getting paid, including the possibility of landing lucrative retainer contracts that pay you dependable monthly income…
You can work with any type of company imaginable, no matter how big or small, or what industry they’re in…
You can still live the writer’s life of your dreams as a copyeditor, with total freedom over where you work, the hours you keep, and who you work with…
And you can start today for just $497.
Click here now and here’s what you’ll get access to:
- The core 10-part learning program, How to Use Copyediting for Career Advancement and Side Profit — THE definitive guide for becoming a skilled copyeditor…
- Tools, resources, and examples throughout the program that will speed up your learning curve…
- A quiz at the end of every lesson to ensure you’re mastering these copyediting skills…
- Videos from Mindy to further explain and demonstrate the concepts you’re learning…
- Written feedback and direction on your final copyediting assignment…
- A polished copyediting sample to add to your portfolio…
- Bonus #1: The Most Popular Style Guides for Professional Copyeditors…
- Bonus #2: The Ultimate Blueprint to Create-Your-Own Style Guide…
- Bonus #3: The Most Common English Language Mistakes Even Smart People Make…
- Bonus #4: AI Copyediting 101 Workshop (including lifetime access to the recording)…
- Bonus #5: The Professional Copyeditor’s Checklist…
This is as complete and thorough an education in copyediting as you’ll find in the industry today…
And with the demand for copyeditors rising all the time as more companies publish more copy and content using AI…
There’s never been a better time to immerse yourself in this skill, so you can be the hero who gets paid very well to make “good” copy great.
To your future as a “secret weapon,”

P.S. It’s a rare thing…
To learn a life-changing skill that could set you up to be in demand and make great money for the rest of your career.
It’s even rarer to be able to start learning a skill so life-changing for $497.
So if copyediting sounds like a great path for you to live the writer’s life…
If you love the idea of coming in during the final phase of the copy process and taking every project over the finish line…
Or if you just want to learn a financially valuable skill that could lead to retainer deals, dependable income, and clients who will do anything to hold on to you…
Then go here to get started today.