Hi Reader,
If you’re sitting on the starting blocks, trying to get into this game of high-paid writing… but you’re not sure what you should focus on learning first…
Or you’re simply the kind of person who wants the writer’s life — but doesn’t like the idea of writing sales copy…
… then you’re going to love this “rinse-and-repeat” content project that’s in high demand.
First, you should know there’s not a lot to learn. Most of the writing follows a consistent template…
Here’s the quick version:
- You’ll be “given” most of the copy.
- You’ll then finesse it — make it read better.
- Finally, you’ll arrange it within a template that stays the same, project to project and client to client.
Oh, and by the way…
The “Industry-Standard” Length for This Project Is Two Pages… Making This the Quickest $1,500 You’ll Ever Earn as a Writer.
And I can’t stress this enough — you DON’T need to sell anything.
Because this kind of project is very much “standardized” and is there to build a deeper relationship with the prospect — it’s actually easier to do than most other “content only” projects out there, like emails, blog and social media posts, ads, articles, and more.
All those content projects require you to become an idea machine. Every email… every article… every post requires a fresh new angle. Which means every time you sit down to write, the pressure is on to tap into your creativity on demand (especially if there’s a looming client deadline).
With this project?
There’s no need to be an idea machine.
If you can follow a simple “checklist” and pull what’s been given to you into a two-page format, you’re golden.
Not only that, but you could also have a top expert sending prospective clients your way… clients who are ready and willing to pay you to do this for them. (More on that in just a bit.)
That’s why this is truly one of the best ways to create the freedom, control, and flexibility you want…
Just imagine…
You wake up… have a warm cup of coffee… and as you sit there, enjoying each sip, you decide that today you’d like to go to a nice restaurant for lunch and spend the rest of the day relaxing.
So you open up your laptop. You work on one of these projects for a couple of hours… put on the finishing touches… and send it off to the client, along with your $1,500 invoice.
You close up “shop” and head out to lunch. As you walk into the restaurant, you smile to yourself in disbelief: You just made more money than most doctors and lawyers (with far less stress and headaches) by lunchtime.
This is the kind of freedom I’m talking about.
You don’t even have to work from home if you don’t want to. You can write from a small café… while visiting exotic, far-off locations… out by the pool… or anywhere else your heart desires.
And because it’s a true “stand-alone” writing skill, you could simply choose to focus on this and make a very nice living as a writer…
… or offer it as an “add-on” service to your existing clients to give your income a big boost.
Because of that, this is one of those skills that could easily fund your “other” passions — like music, acting, golfing, gardening, or anything else.
You might just use it as a stepping-stone while you learn other kinds of copy or figure out what niches you want to write for. Oh, and by the way, this project works in practically any niche you want, too.
Today I’ll tell you how you can get started with this skill (and have the chance to get paid $1,500 to work on one of these projects with our team here at AWAI).
Also, I’ll introduce you to the expert who will help you master it — and why they’re eager to refer clients your way.
But first, let me tell you what this skill is… why it’s in such high demand… and why it pays so well.
A Refreshing Change of Pace
Now that you know what this project can do for you as a writer…
You might be wondering, This sounds great — but why would a company pay so much money for just two pages of copy — especially if it isn’t selling anything?
The main reason is this:
Even though this project doesn’t sell anything directly…
It helps move the sale forward indirectly by building TRUST.
It’s so effective that according to BigCommerce, when this is present on a company’s website, prospects are 58% more likely to become customers.
What I’m talking about here are customer case studies.
Customer case studies are typically two pages long. And they are specifically about a customer’s great experience with a product or service.
And the reason they’re in demand is that they’re FAR more effective than a simple testimonial.
Think about it:
Let’s say you’re set on buying a new treadmill in the $1,000–$2,000 range. For that kind of money, you want to be darn sure you’re getting something that’s not going to break down two weeks into using it.
You want it to have all the features you need — both in terms of how high it can incline and how fast it can go… whether it has a screen where you can browse the internet or train with others… how it feels walking or running on it… and more.
So let’s say you come across Company A — they’ve got a treadmill in that price range. But all they have on their site are short testimonials like, “It’s great! — Bob from Arizona,” or “Good purchase. — Eileen from Wisconsin,” and so on…
You continue researching and come across Company B — and they feature a dozen full case studies.
You read just one of them — a story about John and how he had always wanted to lose weight and stay fit — but was busy and going to the gym wasn’t an option. So he looked into all kinds of treadmills… and needed certain features… and it wasn’t until he came across Company B’s treadmills that he was able to check off all the boxes and pull the trigger. He couldn’t be happier since he bought it — he’s lost 20 pounds… feels great… has more energy… and it’s so convenient, having the treadmill at home. And it hasn’t broken down once in two years!
Which one would you trust with your $1,000–$2,000? Company A or Company B?
I’m betting it’s Company B.
The reason why is that a case study offers a REAL customer’s story and experience with a product or service. It’s far more than a simple testimonial.
And because of that, it carries a lot more weight.
And guess what?
Customer case studies are used day in and day out across a wide range of industries.
For example, in the business-to-business (B2B) world, case studies are used extensively.
That’s because the purchases can be very costly (we’re talking things like entire computer systems, networks, specialty software, large machinery, and so on)… It takes more than one person within a company to make a buying decision.
We use case studies here at AWAI too (lots of them!).
You may have seen some of them on our website:
Like I said earlier — we use them because case studies help move the sale forward, since they showcase how our members used our products to achieve their writer’s life.
And this is true for any company that chooses to feature case studies on their website, ads, or landing pages.
In fact, a survey done by the Content Marketing Institute found that companies reported case studies to be the most effective marketing tactic.
And another study found that almost 80% of business buyers cited case studies as among the most influential types of content for making a buying decision.
So it’s no surprise then that according to HubSpot, 87% of marketers are looking to maintain or increase their investment in case studies this year.
This is WHY knowing how to write customer case studies is such a great opportunity for writers of all skill levels today.
Making Money Writing Doesn’t Get Any Easier (or More Fun) than This…
It’s because case studies are so powerful that companies WANT and NEED them written ASAP.
You’ll find many of these companies are in the business-to-business (B2B) space. But many others are business-to-consumer (B2C), giving you a wide variety of prospective clients to choose from.
For example, here at AWAI, we’ve got dozens of case studies already up on our website and have plans to get many more up (more on that a little later).
These customer success stories are integral to our success and that of thousands of other businesses around the world.
This is why the average pay for them is so high — around $1,000–$1,500 per story.
And there are plenty of clients to go around, too.
It’s why the expert I’ll introduce you to in just a moment is booked solid with all the work she needs. So much so, she’s constantly turning down clients. She’d love to have a core group of writers to refer these clients to (instead of having to say, “Sorry, I’m all booked right now and can’t take on the project”).
Which means if you can learn this simple skill — you could be up and running as a high-paid writer far sooner than you ever thought possible.
Better yet — the work itself is very straightforward.
You simply talk with your clients’ happy customers, get their success stories, and then write it all down in a fun and engaging way.
Like I said, this is FAR different from anything in the world of traditional direct-response copy. No need to learn how to write long-form sales letters…
No need to know how to “beat the control” or use any kind of negative emotion like fear or greed. No need to figure out the Big Idea. And there’s no need to figure out what promise you have to make in the copy.
Instead, you get to focus on the positive and report “good news.”
Here’s what’s even better:
Most of these stories are just two pages long. That works out to about 600–1,600 words.
It’s something you could probably knock out in an afternoon. Or a few hours on the weekend, in your spare time.
And here’s what most people find shocking:
If you can follow a structured formulaic approach… you can make a great living with case study writing.
That’s because almost every case study follows the same format.
In fact, let me show you by using one of AWAI’s published case studies.
Here you can see this case study introduces EG Orren — a well-known music photographer.
Now we move on to the next part…
So here we see the challenge EG faced — her career was essentially shut down because of the pandemic.
Now we move on to…
Here you can see how the story talks about EG coming to know AWAI and introducing the program that changed things around for her.
The case study then goes on to talk about how it helped EG and how she ultimately landed her first client thanks to an email she sent to Taylor Swift’s former manager!
Which leads us to the fourth and final step…
Here you can see clearly what EG’s life is like now, compared with how it was.
It’s aspirational and shows what’s possible when you dedicate yourself to living the writer’s life.
That’s it — just four steps.
And frankly, they’re pretty simple.
Now of course, you’ll have to interview the customer to get those details.
And you have to understand your client’s products and services — and marketing messaging — well in order to interview and write the story effectively.
But once you have the information you need, it’s a cinch.
You collect your check for $1,500 (sometimes more) and move on to the next one.
You decide how many you want to write every month… or how few…
And like I tell writers again and again:
Many find this to be a refreshing alternative to other kinds of “persuasive” writing a company might want you to write — things like sales emails, sales pages, sales letters, and more.
Remember, the customer story does all the heavy lifting.
It’s what builds trust like nothing else — and ultimately “makes the sale” for you, because of its sincerity.
All you need to do is ask the happy customer a few questions… write down their answers or have them transcribed… and then finesse those answers and arrange them by following a simple template to make sure you’ve written the story in a way that’s engaging and valuable.
Do that in just 600–1,200 words, and you’ll have a career as a writer for as long as you want.
This is why this is such an exciting project for new writers and experienced writers who want a way to boost their income with a quick and simple project.
It’s also why I knew I had to find THE top expert on writing customer case studies to show you the ropes.
And I’m glad to report, that person has agreed to mentor you and help you gain the skills to connect with clients and write case studies for them.
Even better: She will be actively looking for standout writers she can refer clients to!
Case Study Mastery & Certification:
Your Path to Making Up to $1,500 for Two Quick Pages of Copy — in Just Four Weeks
This is part of our AWAI Verified™ Certification Series.
It’s a “full-immersion” learning experience — designed to get you up and running (and collecting those writing fees) in just four weeks.
First, you will be part of a LIVE simulation — where you don’t just passively “learn” how to become a Case Study Writing Specialist.
Instead, you’ll have a “live” spec assignment you work on, so you can gain confidence and experience with AWAI as your “client.”
Second, you’ll have LIVE MENTORING — with one of the greatest veterans of case study writing (I’ll introduce you to her in just a moment).
Third, you’ll go through a testing process to ensure you’ve mastered the skills and knowledge needed to write case studies and become certified as an AWAI Verified™ Case Study Specialist that shows you can “walk your talk.”
With these three elements combined, clients can be confident when they hire you that you know how to write a top-notch case study… and they’ll want to work with you over someone who doesn’t show the same level of dedication to their craft.
I’ll go into detail on each of these components. But first, as promised, allow me to introduce you to your mentor…
The Queen of Case Studies!
I have to admit, as president of AWAI, I’m in a pretty unique position.
I regularly get to work with the “best of the best” in the business.
I’m talking about industry legends like the late direct-response copywriter Clayton Makepeace — who sold $1 billion with his copy and single-handedly launched what is now the natural health industry with a single promotion.
Or top B2B writer Steve Slaunwhite — an award-winning writer who’s worked with clients like UPS, Hewlett-Packard, and countless businesses small and large…
Or Gordon Graham — “That White Paper Guy” — who’s written more than 250 white papers for everyone from tiny start-ups to 3M, Google, and Verizon.
And many others, including digital copywriter Nick Usborne, content specialist Brian Clark, and SEO and content marketing expert Russ Henneberry. Plus, website content auditor Pam Foster… The list goes on and on.
So when it came to finding a mentor to turn you into a Case Study Writing Specialist, I went straight to the top of the list of experts.
And her name is Casey Hibbard.
She’ll be your mentor and guide on this exciting journey over the next four weeks.
Companies around the globe — including Office Depot, Avaya, and HPE — have relied on Casey’s amazing case study writing skills.
She’s so good, I hired her to write nearly all of AWAI’s 60+ customer case studies that are featured on our homepage!
And she’s probably the only person on earth I know of who’s written MORE than 1,200 case studies.
As a result, her case studies have helped her clients secure major press coverage, land million-dollar deals, and much more.
You can imagine that with all that experience, she’s developed fresh new ways to use the art and science of storytelling to help her clients gain that all-important trust.
Bottom line: You’ll be VERY hard-pressed to find anyone better when it comes to writing case studies.
And she’s been gracious enough to set aside the next four weeks on her calendar to train you, twice a week — all to get you “up to speed” and ready to start making money writing case studies.
Not only that, but because Casey is so in demand, she regularly turns down clients who want to work with her. Instead of simply saying, “Sorry, can’t do it” — she wants to have a small group of case study writers she trusts that she can refer these clients to.
That’s why she’ll train you in her proven process step-by-step. So be sure to apply yourself and do your very best — because you might be the writer she emails, introducing you to your next prospective client!
Now, to get you to that point…
Taking the Case Study Mastery certification program and achieving Certification helped my confidence about my writing grow. I really homed in on how much I love reading and telling stories about real people. I learned how to frame a person’s struggles and success as something that a reader could identify with. — Eri Zeitz
Your Transformation into a Case Study Writing Specialist
This is going to be a “full-immersion-style” training, where you’ll be working with Casey on a VERY regular basis to get your skills up to speed in the fastest way possible.
Thank you Casey and AWAI for offering this very helpful course. I really appreciated the fact that the lessons were recorded so we could view them even if we weren't available at the time of the live class. The lessons and conversations covered everything we needed to know and the variety of case studies provided gave us many models to consider.
I also really appreciated this online group. When I was struggling with some parts of the process, reading your encouraging tips and humorous comments gave me the boost I needed to keep at it! Good luck to everyone!! — Donna Miniely
You’ll meet with Casey twice a week — on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. Eastern.
If for any reason you miss a session, we totally understand. That’s why every single lesson will be recorded and uploaded to your member page as quickly as possible (typically within 24 hours).
During each session with Casey, you’ll learn the “theory” and principles of writing great case studies, and then you’ll work on applying what you just learned (via homework exercises).
There’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask Casey all about your particular case study and get feedback on your copy.
Each session will be 60–90 minutes long, and the first one starts April 15.
Beyond excited to have received my Case Study verification and a cool certificate! Thank you so much, Casey Hibbard, for a class that was fun, informative, and made me realize I really can do this (if I just follow the steps you laid out so clearly). Your swipe file is an amazing resource, as were all the insights you shared from your own experience. 😀 — Rilla Sommerville
Training Session 1 The Power and Potential of the Customer’s Story
You’ll kick things off by getting a solid foundation in customer case studies.
You’ll learn why they’re so important to a business.
You’ll understand the structure of a case study and see multiple examples.
And you’ll see how easy they really are to write.
Training Session 2 How to Craft a Compelling Case Study
Now that you’ve got a good foundation under your feet, it’s time to get to work.
In this session, Casey will demystify what a case study is and isn’t. She’ll show you the inner workings of one, and deconstruct it bit by bit, so you can see everything it takes to create one on your own.
By the time you’re done, you’ll know exactly what makes a great case study “tick.”
Plus, you’ll get to see a LOT of examples so there’s no confusion.
I passed the Case Study certification test and received the evaluation and helpful feedback for my CS submission. I’m so grateful for the excellent work of Casey Hibbard leading us through this course, and for the support of the AWAI staff.
It’s also been good to get a bit acquainted with fellow learners who I hope to meet sometime in the future. I’m excited now to begin cultivating relationships with clients who can benefit from CS copy! — Daryl Bates
Training Session 3 Interview Like a Pro
All right, so now you’ve got a good understanding of case studies.
You understand the opportunity and why it’s only going to keep getting bigger.
And more importantly, you know the “inner workings” of what makes a case study GREAT.
Now it’s time to understand how you get all the critical information you need to write the story. You’ll learn how to conduct a productive interview with the customer.
Casey will give you all the tips, tricks, and insights she’s learned over 20 years of doing this.
And, lucky for you, she’ll reveal a couple of her “secret” techniques she uses to get information from the customer that most other writers aren’t able to get. In fact, this is one of the MAIN reasons she’s the “best of the best.”
It’s because she actually trained to be a journalist first. So, she knows how to ferret out a good story. You benefit, because you’ll learn her proven process!
And in this session, you’ll get to MEET the customer whose story you’ll write.
Actually, there will be THREE different customer stories you can pick from. And you’ll get to listen to Casey do interviews with each of the three customers. This way, you get a good feel for how to do it yourself.
Training Session 4 Case Study Accessories
Now that you’ve seen what a customer interview is like from Casey, it’s time to master the extra elements that really make a case study shine. Things like your headline, your subhead, your sidebars, and more.
These little “supplemental” pieces help support your story and really make it POP in your client’s eyes. As well, these extra pieces of copy are important for readers who prefer skimming before deciding if they’ll read the case study.
So learning this part is absolutely critical if you want to succeed and not just be “average” as a Case Study Writing Specialist.
Casey will also give you plenty of different examples to look at, so you can really let this “sink in,” so it’s there for you when it’s time to write your own case study.
I've passed the test and resubmitted my case study based on the fantastic feedback I received. I'm so excited to add "Case Study Specialist" to my tagline! Thanks to Casey, the case study subjects, my classmates, and everyone at AWAI who have helped position me for success! Let's do this! — Karen Nicholson
Training Session 5 How to Succeed on Your Case Study Assignment
All right, so now you’ve got a good understanding of case studies and the customer whose story you’ll tell.
Next, you’ll get a closer look at your LIVE case study spec assignment to earn your certification as a Case Study Specialist.
You’ll understand how to pull out the most important elements from the interview, exactly how to structure your case study, and how to package it up so you deliver a compelling story that earns that certification.
Training Session 6 Copy Craft Workshop: A Deep Dive on Case Study Components
This session is an important one because it’s your chance to get feedback LIVE.
You’ll bring in your homework, and Casey will show you different ways to complete the various parts of a case study.
You’ll get to see plenty of examples.
Then, if you want, you’ll let Casey know you want feedback on your homework and she’ll look over what you’ve written so far, and give you tips for improvement. It’s one thing to know how to “write” the assignment and do it on your own. But if you want to significantly speed up your success, then getting feedback directly from Casey like this is the way to go!
This is the kind of thing you DON’T get with other courses and programs.
Training Session 7 Add Value as a Case Study Writer: Offer More than Writing
In this session, you’ll learn how to elevate your case study offerings and stand out from the competition.
You see…
Even though the core of what you provide clients is copy, understanding the complete process and providing additional value will set you apart as a true Case Study Specialist.
That’s why Casey will share her tips and tricks for making your case studies look visually great, even if you’re not a designer.
She’ll provide you with a pre-made template that simplifies the process of creating visually appealing case studies for your AWAI assignment and future clients.
But that’s not all — Casey will also guide you through the entire proccess of managing a case study project, from start to finish — eveything from conducting interviews to delivering the final product to your client.
This is once again something you DON’T usually get with other courses and programs…
But because Casey is your mentor, you get the inside scoop on how this is done from one of the best in the industry.
Training Session 8 Landing Clients as a Case Study Specialist
Whew! It’s the last session, and in just four weeks’ time you’ve mastered how to write a killer customer case study.
Now it’s time to learn how to GET CLIENTS!
Casey is going to share her personal secrets for pricing, packaging, and landing case study projects with clients who will absolutely LOVE you and what you can do for them.
This way you can feel completely confident that you can go out and attract ideal clients for yourself.
Plus, Casey’s even going to show you how to offer “add-on” projects that are fast to finish and can help boost your project fee beyond the $1,500… or even $2,000 mark!
Bonus Session Strengths & Opportunities (Plus WINNERS!)
At this point, you’ve submitted your assignment. Now, in this session, you get to find out WHO the winners are!
If you followed along each week and did your weekly exercises, there’s no reason why one of them can’t be YOU.
Plus, Casey will go over the strengths she saw in all the submissions, along with the opportunities — areas where you can improve and do even better.
This will be a great review and recap of everything you’ve learned and will be the perfect way to get ready to go out there and start landing clients!
But before you do, there's something else I want to tell you about…
You’ll Have Direct Access to Casey and Your Fellow Case Study Writing Specialists via the Private Online Community…
As part of Case Study Mastery & Certification, you’ll receive a private invitation to join our members-only Facebook group.
Casey will be in there during the four weeks to answer your questions, guide you, give you feedback, and more.
This will also be your place to introduce yourself, get to know your fellow case study copywriters, share a good laugh, and celebrate your successes.
Case Study submitted. Test passed. Feeling great.
This was a stellar class. Huge thanks to all involved. — Todd Seitz
There’s nothing like having a group of like-minded people to bounce ideas off of… share your “wins”… and help you through any rough patches you might encounter during your journey.
You’ll find this to be a very positive, enthusiastic, and encouraging community that wants nothing more than to see you succeed (and write your OWN success story).
Plus, it’s in this group where Casey can really get to know you. This is important, because Casey wants good writers she can refer clients to…
Like I mentioned earlier, she’s typically always booked solid. She’d love to be able to tell the prospective clients she turns down, “I’m sorry, I can’t take on the project… but I can refer you to a great writer I’ve personally trained who can do just as good a job as I can on your case study. Let me introduce you to them.”
AWAI’s $1,500 Case Study Challenge!
Right now, I’m looking to add a LOT more case studies to the AWAI website.
One simple reason: We’ve found they work — really well.
I want to add THREE more case studies to our website.
This is why throughout your training with Casey, you’ll be working on a LIVE spec assignment for AWAI.
So be sure to follow along and do all the exercises and assignments. As soon as you’ve finished writing your case study, look it over…
Make sure to ask any final questions and get input and feedback throughout the whole process via the private Facebook group, where you’ll have direct access to Casey.
Then, when you feel it’s ready, turn it in to our review team. (But please make sure to do so by the deadline we’ll give you.)
My team and I will review your submission. From there, we’ll select THREE to go on AWAI’s site. If yours is one of the three selected, you’ll receive $1,500 for it.
Whether yours gets selected or not — you’ll receive feedback on your writing as part of the certification process, so you know what areas we thought were excellent and spot-on, and what areas you could probably strengthen as you continue on your journey.
Woo-hoo!! Received the Certificate of Completion as a Case Study Specialist.
Casey Hibbard — This has been a wonderful session.
THANKS A BUNCH for sharing your insights and making each one of us competent enough to start talking to clients about the work we can do for them.
AWAI — HUGE THANKS for roping in Casey to conduct this program.
Can't wait to go out into the world and start sharing the good news! — Chetan Belgur
Yea! I’m certified, Verified, and gratified! So rewarding to see the finished product. Big confidence booster and I have no hesitation about my ability to provide case study services. Thanks to you as a group, and thanks to AWAI for the quality of this program. When I finish building it, my website will have an awesome case study sample. — Barbara D. Tooker
An Investment in Your Future
By now, you know what an amazing opportunity this is.
It’s your “all-access” pass to going from where you are today to becoming an in-demand Case Study Writing Specialist.
You get Casey’s mentorship. You get a LIVE simulated experience, so you know what it’s like to work with a client.
And you’ll come away with a great sample piece and a chance to be among just a handful of writers in the WORLD to be certified as a Case Study Writing Specialist. (And let’s not forget, a chance to land a $1,500 check if we select your story to be used on AWAI’s website.)
Which is why, admittedly, the investment in this unique experience isn’t cheap.
Casey’s taking four weeks out of her schedule to do this. And frankly, there’s no telling right now if she’ll do it again.
She’s super busy. At any given time, she’s normally working on four or five case studies for her clients. And getting on her schedule isn’t easy.
Fortunately, she’s made an exception for AWAI — since we already have a working relationship.
And let’s not forget: Doing this is also a way for Casey to have writers she can refer clients to. Because as I’ve mentioned, she has to regularly turn people away.
So, to have her focus for an entire four weeks and have direct access to her via the Facebook group… to get feedback and guidance from her… is a rare opportunity.
One with the potential to make you a six-figure income as a writer if you truly apply yourself.
So to Recap, Here’s What You’re Getting Today
Because this is such a great opportunity to gain some serious momentum in your career, I’m making this as affordable as possible.
Remember, you’re getting all this:
- A complete client assignment “simulation” where you’ll be working on an actual LIVE spec assignment for AWAI. You’ll even get to meet and talk with the customers whose stories you’ll be telling.
- FOUR weeks of LIVE mentoring with Casey. Over the course of eight sessions, every Monday and Wednesday at 11 a.m. ET, you’ll get guidance, feedback, and insider training to master Casey’s unique step-by-step process for writing case studies like a high-paid pro.
- A chance at collecting $1,500 for your case study as soon as your mentorship ends. Just send in your completed assignment before the deadline, and my team and I will review it and pick three winners (you’ll find all the details on your myAWAI member page).
- The opportunity to be one of the few writers in the entire world to get certified as a Case Study Specialist. You’ll take a certification test and submit your case study that you’ll work on with Casey to get feedback from our Academic Advisory Board. Once you’ve passed, you’ll be among a small group of writers who have this official certification (which is available ONLY through this mentorship with Casey).
- Direct access to Casey via the private case study writing community. As soon as you join, you’ll receive a personal invitation to join the secret Facebook group and have direct access to Casey.
Your investment today is just $2,500.
This is the lowest price you’ll ever see. And, at this low of a price, I expect spots to go quickly.
Remember, this is a unique mentoring experience you won’t find anywhere else.
Simply click the button below to get started.
I’m Ready — Secure My Spot NOW!
Can’t Pay in Full?
$500 Today Secures Your Spot INSTANTLY!
Case studies are one of the best ways for writers to quickly gain momentum. And I want that for you!
Which is why if you can’t pay the full $2,500 to be a part of this training with Casey…
… no worries.
You can pay over time and lock in your spot right now for just $500.
There’s no extra fees, no contracts, or anything like that.
We’ll simply split up your payment over five months, starting with your first payment today.
That secures your spot and makes sure you can be on hand for Session 1 with Casey.
What’s more, we’re shouldering all the risk for you…
You Can Secure Your Spot in This One-of-a-Kind Mentorship with ZERO Risk…
Sign up now and secure your spot before the enrollment period ends.
Then, log in to your myAWAI member page and go through all your “prep” materials.
Join the Facebook group and get settled in. Introduce yourself to Casey and your fellow writers.
Then, attend the first session on April 15.
If by the end of that first session you don’t feel case study writing is right for you, just let the Member Success Team know.
You’ll receive a full refund of every penny you’ve paid.
But I know that once you go through all the materials and have your first session with Casey, you’ll know you’ve made one of the wisest decisions of your career.
You’ll be establishing yourself NOW as a case study copywriter — while everyone else will have to play “catch-up.”
What’s more, you’ll be part of a growing movement of businesses, marketers, copywriters, and other professionals who are working to build more trust, more connection, and more goodwill in the marketplace.
You’ll do it all by simply writing customer success stories for your clients. A simple 600–1,200 words of copy. And get paid upward of $1,500 for it.
Which is why I sincerely hope you’ll take part in this.
The Case Study Mastery & Certification training is a truly remarkable program, and there isn’t anything else like it for learning how to write case studies.
And truth be told, I really don’t know if we’ll be able to do it again (it will all depend on Casey’s schedule).
So if you’re ready to focus on the ONE kind of professional writing that’s completely based on writing fun stories and promoting POSITIVE emotions, then secure your spot now before they sell out, by clicking the button below.
I’m Ready — Secure My Spot NOW!
To your success,
Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
P.S. As soon as you secure your spot, Casey’s agreed to give you the exclusive “Getting Started” Case Study Writing BONUS Library.
You’ll receive FIVE powerful resources designed to enhance everything you’ll learn throughout your time in the Case Study Mastery & Certification:
- Bonus Resource 1: How to Quickly “Master” a New Client’s Products and Services, which shows you how to do super-fast research on ANY client’s offerings, so you know what you’re talking and writing about (most writers never use these techniques)…
- Bonus Resource 2: The Most Important 25 Questions to Ask Your New Client so you never miss a beat or find yourself tongue-tied!
- Bonus Resource 3: You Just Landed a Client — Now WHAT!? Here’s how to approach the entire client relationship, step-by-step, and possibly get hired again and again…
- Bonus Resource 4: The Case Study Writer’s LIFESAVER: Sample Questions to Ask the Happy Customer. With this checklist in hand, you’ll have all the questions you need to get the right details and information from the happy customer. This is a lifesaver, because it’ll ensure you have everything you need to write the best success story you can…
- Bonus Resource 5: TWO DOZEN Ways to Use a Customer Story in Your Sales & Marketing. Chances are your client knows only about a handful of ways they can use the case study YOU write for them to get more sales, more exposure, and more goodwill, trust, and connection. With this guide, you’ll have 25 ways that you can share with your client, making you their HERO!
I’m Ready — Secure My Spot NOW!
P.P.S. Act right now and you’ll ALSO get another powerful bonus — “The Complete Case Study SWIPE FILE”…
This is a comprehensive collection of 12 different success stories, across numerous industries, so you’ll always have something to “guide” you as you start out.
As soon as you land a client, just pull your swipe file out and find proven examples to guide you!
You won’t find this ANYWHERE else, and it’s available to you only when you take part in the Case Study Mastery & Certification training.