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Brian Clark… writer, digital entrepreneur, founder of Copyblogger, and the man who invented modern-day content marketing… is now “ALL-IN” on one MASSIVE yet woefully underserved $9 trillion market…

And He's Inviting YOU to Join Him!

Add this new and high-demand skill to your copywriting resume and become the “writer of choice” for this large and fast-growing consumer segment…

Or create your own “clientless” platform that serves a market that already makes up more than HALF of U.S. consumer spending… and over 83% of household wealth!

Details Below…

“This market is going mainstream…
which means the gold rush is only beginning.”

Hi there,

One of the best success “shortcuts” any writer can take is to align yourself with a true master of the craft of copywriting…

And put yourself at the forefront of a writing opportunity that’s both NEW and exploding with demand.

What I have to share with you today has BOTH…

Starting with a rare opportunity to mentor alongside a certified copywriting legend…

At the exact moment he’s going all-in on what he calls the next “generational opportunity” for writers.

Brian Clark’s work when it comes to content marketing, copywriting, and identifying new opportunities for writers…

… is the stuff of legends.

His company Copyblogger — which VentureBeat called “The Bible of Content Marketing” — literally revolutionized digital marketing…

By showing copywriters and businesses alike how to reach new markets and attract better customers through strategic, organic, searchable content via the internet — rather than costly paid ads.

So, that useful content you find high in the rankings on Google when you’re looking for information online these days?

Brian’s work played a huge role in making that happen!

And he practiced what he preached.

Copyblogger, which he started in 2006 and ran on his own with zero outside funding, made it to eight figures in annual revenue and high profit margins… all without advertising!

His work was so transformational that it forever changed how Google organized and ranked content… penalizing poorly written copy and blatant sales messaging… and shooting content that delivered the very best and clearest solutions to the top.

Cited in over 20 business and marketing books, including Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi and Linchpin by Seth Godin…

Brian is widely considered a pioneer and the driving force behind what is now a $44 billion industry.

With his mission of transforming internet content accomplished…

Brian has now turned 100% of his focus to what he calls an even bigger content-driven opportunity for writers…

A massive and GROWING market of OVER 135 million active buyers who not only hold a whopping 83% of the wealth…

But also spend HALF the money spent on consumer goods and services in the U.S. alone every year…

Over $9 trillion!

That’s greater than the entire annual Gross Domestic Product of every country in the world except for the United States and China!

Yet despite its massive influence and size, it’s a market that’s long been ignored by mainstream marketing for reasons I’ll share with you in a moment.

A market that desperately wants to be catered to…

And will mightily reward those who do, says Brian — so long as you understand its unique wants, needs, and desires.

Imagine if you could be that writer…

The “whisperer” who is regarded as the expert

Who can help U.S. businesses and businesses around the world tap into this massive, yet grossly underserved market…

And grab a share of not just the $9 trillion spent in the United States…

But the estimated $22 trillion this vast and growing group of consumers spend globally each and every year!

That’s the question Brian asked himself when he began researching this opportunity roughly five years ago…

When he started showing writers and businesses alike how to claim this market for their own.

And today he’s offering something he’s never offered before…

Not so far for this opportunity…

Or back when he was first transforming the world of content marketing nearly two decades ago…

And that’s an exclusive, LIVE five-week mentorship where he’s offering to walk you through everything writers need to know about this market…

And how to position yourself as an expert in it!

And here’s the kicker…

The very fact that you’re an AWAI member…

There’s a better than four in five chance that you are the IDEAL person to join him for this life-altering opportunity.

So Exactly What Is This
Market That Brian’s “All-In” On?

The answer may surprise you — even if it shouldn’t.

It’s the vast group of consumers known as the “longevity” market.

And for writers like you it means…

  • Writing copy and content that speaks to men and women over 50 in a language they want to be spoken to… offering information, solutions, and products they want and need.

Why is this such a huge opportunity for writers like you… and why at this very moment in time?

It has to do with two MASSIVE demographics — and the way advertisers have done business since the late 1950s.

As Brian explained to me…

Ever since the post-war Baby Boomers of the 1950s and 60s, modern advertising has focused almost exclusively on the 18-to-49-year-old demographic…

Believing if they captured this market early, they’d have loyal customers for life.

So to this day, they create messaging that appeals to this younger demographic… with a focus on things like status, achievement, trends, and staying ahead of socio-economic curves.

And for decades, it’s a strategy that worked very well.

But in more recent decades, birth rates have been dropping.

And in 2014, something highly consequential happened.

The last of the Baby Boomer generation “exited” this 18-to-49-year-old demographic.

And as they did, their values changed.

Rather than “status” and “achievement,” the 50+ market is driven by more practical matters — like financial security, quality of life, health, and meaningful experiences.

So all that mainstream advertiser messaging? It may still be resonating with Millennials and Generation Z…

But it’s not resonating with over 70 million Boomers.

Add to that the fact we’re smack-dab in the middle of over 65 million Generation Xers joining Baby Boomers as part of this 50+ longevity market…

That’s over 135 million Boomers and Gen Xers…

A population that controls 83% of household wealth in the U.S….

And accounts for more than half of consumer spending…

Whose needs and wants are largely being ignored by mainstream media!

And it’s going to get a whole lot bigger…

Starting in 2030 — just a few short years from now — over 72 million Millennials will start joining the 50+ longevity market as well…

Example Generation Chart displaying population numbers for each

Like the Boomers and Xers before them, those Millennials’ values are bound to shift as well.

And it’s not just size and massive spending power…

Today’s older generation is living MUCH longer…

And is, by far, the most active, healthy, and educated in human history — many of whom are choosing not to retire… and are still earning high incomes well into their 70s!

Therein lies your opportunity…

135 Million Boomers and Gen Xers Are Ready to Hear from YOU!

Right now, over 135 million Boomers and Gen Xers are desperate for messaging that speaks to their unique wants, needs, and desires…

And in a few short years, more than 72 million Millennials will start joining them, driving up this group’s spending power from the $9 trillion it stands at today… to more than $12.6 trillion according to AARP.

Of course, you could start diving into the longevity market yourself and spend months — or even years like Brian — learning about the market and how to write to age 50+ consumers…

Then go and test your ideas on clients through trial and error —hoping you got it right.

Or, you can avoid all that…

And learn in five short weeks what Brian has uncovered since he shifted his entire focus to the longevity market five years ago…

Which is how to create copy and content that not only appeals to the ever-growing 50+ longevity market…

But celebrates all the freedom, happiness, and fulfillment that now awaits people at this “milestone” in life!

He’s identified what drives members of this vastly overlooked, underserved market…

What motivates them…

And most important for you — the subtle changes in messaging that will earn this wealthy market’s attention, trust, and respect.

And that’s just part of what Brian’s mentorship on writing for the longevity market is about…

He’ll also open your eyes to all the opportunity you’ll find in this massive and wide-open market… show you how to land and work with clients… how to become an authority in this niche… and even how to build a “clientless” writing business serving the 50+ longevity market if that’s a path you want to take.

Your Opportunity to be an “Early Adopter” of This Burgeoning Market!

And through today’s special invitation…

You can be the very first group of AWAI writers to work DIRECTLY with him on this, his latest and greatest mission!

He’s cleared his busy schedule to meet with you and a small group of your fellow AWAI writers in real time for FIVE weeks.

You’ll learn about the enormity and the many facets of this opportunity…

Why he’s passionate about it and why you should be too…

You’ll leave your time with Brian knowing why and how this market is unique…

With an understanding of how to write to age 50+ consumers specifically…

And most importantly…

How to position yourself as the longevity market copy specialist companies turn to when they want to effectively reach this massive market…

And grab their share of the trillions spent each year!

In a minute, I’ll tell you more about what you and Brian will work on together in this “one and only” mentorship he’ll be offering…

And share with you just a few of the ways this knowledge can immediately start paying off for you as a writer — in terms of income, demand, and prestige…

Either writing for clients who want to tap into this massive market — or in a “clientless” writing business of your own.

But first…

Just How Is the
“Longevity” Market Different?

You may be wondering…

Just how is the 50+ longevity market different from the 18-to-49 market advertisers spend billions targeting?

“Those who are ahead of the curve on serving older customers will become ‘massive’ winners.”

Robert Chess
Stanford Graduate School of Business
April 2023

According to Brian, it’s subtle but meaningful…

And for a copywriter eager to move away from hard-selling and hype-driven writing…

There is no question the 50+ longevity market is one you’ll absolutely love to write for.


Because the older audience is savvy.

They’ve been around the block.

They’re not swayed by the latest trends.

Nor do they respond to hyped-up copy and outlandish claims a lot of advertisers use on younger audiences.

Rather, 50+ consumers hold values that call for honest, heartfelt messaging that connects on a deeper level…

Which is a style of writing many new writers like you tell us they’re most interested in… and what drew them to copywriting in the first place.

For example:

Practicality and Purpose Over “Trends”

While younger audiences often respond to trend-driven messaging and are attracted by the “new and exciting”…

Older consumers are more likely to prioritize practicality and purpose.

They aren’t as concerned with following the latest fads. Instead, they seek products and services that make their lives easier, healthier, or more enjoyable.

Which means as a writer focused on the 50+ market, you’re free to write honestly and directly about how a product or service improves your prospect’s quality of life… rather than relying on novelty or hype.

Here’s another subtle difference…

A Deeper Interest in Benefits

One of the first things we learn as copywriters is the importance of focusing on benefits over features.

But it’s especially important when targeting older adults.

Older consumers want to understand exactly how something benefits them — what it will do for their health, lifestyle, and happiness.

Which is why copy to the older market should emphasize both practical and emotional benefits, such as convenience, improved well-being, and enhanced experiences…

As well as how what you’re offering helps them stay active, independent, or better connected with family.

Again it’s all about having a more “mature” and meaningful conversation which, for many writers, is far more rewarding than trying to find the next “Big Idea” in order to get their attention.

There’s also…

Greater Desire to be Respected

Too much of advertising targeted at older people depicts them as frail, out-of-touch, or “stuck in the past”…

Think of all those ads you see for walk-in bathtubs or the notorious “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercials.

When in fact, the vast majority of people in this demographic are healthier, more vibrant, more active, in touch, happier, and living longer than ever before!

That’s why it’s important you speak to the 50+ market with not just respect, but also with the reverence they deserve.

Success in the 50+ market means writing in a way that acknowledges the contributions of this demographic to society and celebrates aging as an empowering and very positive stage of life.

There are other subtle differences when it comes to writing to this market that Brian will cover…

“Emotional Depth”

If you’re a part of the 50+ market as many AWAI members are, you’ll “get it” much faster…

If you’re a younger writer interested in this market — Brian will give you a crystal-clear picture of the “avatar” you’re writing to…

Which is a person who’s raised a family and contributed to society, their community, and the world in unique and meaningful ways.

And although they don’t want to be “pandered to” for it…

They want to see messaging that’s respectful and emotionally resonant — drawing on themes of personal growth, fulfillment, and continuing to live with meaning and purpose.

Here’s another:

Less Brand Loyalty, More Problem Solving

This is a BIG one.

Brian’s research shows that, as consumers age, they are not as brand loyal as younger buyers are.

Which means they are primed to switch brands if they feel ignored or unappreciated… and reward companies that talk directly to their needs.

What does this mean for you as a writer?

It means when you focus less on building long-term loyalty… and more on offering immediate solutions to their problems…

You stand an excellent chance of winning their business, no matter what messaging you’re competing with.

You’ll Be Learning It All…
From the Expert Who Created the Biggest Opportunity for Writers Since the Emergence of the Internet!

Those five simple “traits” of the longevity market demonstrate why it’s the PERFECT “niche” for anyone who’s ready to serve a massive and willing market ready to be respected by advertisers…

And the fact that you’ll be learning from a marketing and copywriting pioneering legend…

Is why I’m so excited to bring you this rare opportunity today!

Remember, Brian isn’t someone who just follows trends…

He identifies them…

Studies them…

And creates life-altering opportunities for businesses and writers who follow his guidance.

Anyone old enough to remember the internet before Copyblogger, you’ll remember it was a lot like the wild, wild west.

Not only was finding information you wanted online a crapshoot…

It was easy for marketers to “game the system” and “trick” Google into ranking their messages at the top, even though it wasn’t good for the consumer.

Brian’s work in the area of content creation changed that.

He instinctively understood the power of the internet to deliver great content people could use.

And when faced with a choice between random messages, a sea of ads, and hastily written articles…

Versus a thoughtful, detailed, and useful article that solves problems and delivers the answers people were looking for…

They’d choose the latter.

He also understood that companies with the best content would not only attract more customers…

But more loyal customers too, given the high level of trust that quality content places in readers’ minds.

His work not only changed the narrative as to how the internet worked for people… it created a massive market for new, skilled writers as well.

Those same forces are in play when it comes to the longevity market.

Brian is “all-in” with the belief that by helping businesses tap into this massive market in a way nobody has… and by speaking to them with respect, reverence, and purpose…

You can help to “reshape” how companies and marketers view and interact with over 135 million consumers…

And be the writer companies turn to when it comes to winning the trust and loyalty of the single largest marketing niche on the planet!

Once you’re “that” expert…

Your writing career will not only have focus…

You’re more likely to see a greater level of success… and have it come much faster.

That’s why I’m so excited to be offering you this incredible opportunity.

Because not only will you have a rare opportunity to be mentored by a legend of our industry…

And not only will Brian take you by the hand and teach you everything he’s learned about this market over the past half-decade…

He’s going to show you how to position and market yourself as a “longevity specialist” to the many millions of businesses who so desperately want to tap into this massive and fast-growing market in a meaningful way.

And the best part is…

You’ll be at the leading edge of a massive trend, having established yourself as a top expert in a market that could generate billions of dollars in copywriter fees over the coming years.

Plus, you’ll have the ultimate credential…

A Brian Clark Trained and Mentored Longevity Market Copywriter!

Now, I’ll get to the specifics of your mentorship with Brian and how you can register to be a part of this exclusive group next…

But there may be another question on your mind right now…

Who Are the Companies and Clients Who’ll Need My Skills as a Longevity Expert?

“Businesses that prioritize not just health-related needs but also offer solutions enhancing lifestyle, convenience, and purpose are poised to succeed in this evolving market.”

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
April 2023

There are so many businesses that stand to benefit enormously by targeting the 50+ longevity market, the list is virtually endless.

And like all new opportunities, there’s plenty of “low-hanging fruit” early adopters like you will be able to claim first.

Just to name a few:

Health, Wellness, and Supplement Companies that need to craft messages that respect the audience's knowledge and empower them, rather than focusing on fear or inadequacy…

They’ll need specially trained writers like you to write product descriptions, sales copy, and educational content that addresses the health and vitality concerns of older adults.

Financial Advisors, Investment Firms, and Insurance Companies offering retirement plans, investment portfolios, and insurance products will need copywriters who understand the nuances of longevity and financial security.

We’re talking blog posts, sales letters, and educational guides that explain complex financial products in ways that appeal to the goals and concerns of people over 50.

There are also opportunities in Tourism and Experience-Based Companies who’ll need writers to write promotional content, articles, and product pages that show how their products can enrich lives through experiences like wellness retreats, cultural excursions, and active adventures.

More and more Cosmetics and Personal Care Companies are reaching out to older adults who are not necessarily looking for "anti-aging" solutions, but rather products that help them age gracefully and maintain healthy appearances…

And they need content that not only celebrates aging but also educates the older markets on ways to look and feel young.

You probably notice Technology Companies developing more and more products for aging adults, such as health monitoring devices, smart home technology, and digital tools for improving daily life.

There’s a huge opportunity here for copywriters who can connect with the 50+ market when it comes to writing educational content, product pages, and promotional content that helps people see how technology can improve independence and quality of life.

Given the vastness of the market, Fitness Companies are creating more and more fitness programs and equipment specifically designed for older adults who want to remain active…

I hope you’re seeing a trend here…

These are companies who will benefit immensely by focusing their messaging on the positives of aging… and celebrating all that’s possible in this exciting and new phase of life…

Where so many are happier, more content, more confident, and — despite what the media reports — wealthier than they’ve ever been.

And who are these companies going to want to hire when reaching out to this market?

A generalist?

Or a “specialist” like you who comes to them with a deep understanding of the market they’re looking to serve?

The answer is clear.

And we’re just scratching the surface with these few examples I’ve given you.

Because remember…

The longevity market of today is not the longevity market of the 1960s… 70s… or even the 80s…

The idea of “retirement” where you stop working, buy a rocking chair, move to Florida, and live off your savings…

That’s a thing of the past.

Today’s older market is healthier, more active, more vigorous, and — yes — richer.

They still want many of the things younger people want…

Many want to continue their lifelong trend of learning — which means companies offering online education and skills-based training could be a huge market to tap into for copywriters…

Older consumers have the time and money to improve their living spaces…

They own pets…

Many are heavily into sustainable and eco-friendly products…

They’re into fashion and sports…

They read books and watch movies…

Not only do they hold many of the interests and activities they had when they were younger…

They’ve taken on new hobbies and interests they may not have had time for when they were working and raising a family.

And a point Brian has asked me to make very clear to any writer considering the longevity market…

This market is only getting larger!

The Longevity Economy…
Will Soon Be The Economy!

Dropping birth rates among Millennials and Gen Z combined with a far healthier older demographic and longer lifespans mean that in the coming years…

People over 50 will OUTNUMBER those under 50 for the first time in history…

And that means one thing:

Soon what’s known today as “the longevity economy” will simply be “the economy”…

And businesses and writers like you who know how to win this group first will have a huge leg up.

Good news for you is this market is wide open to writers who understand and can write to — and for — the longevity market.

Now, you may be wondering…

What Kind of Copy Will I Be Writing as a Longevity Expert…

And What’s The Income Potential?

This is where it gets very exciting!

As a longevity expert, you get to put ALL your writing skills to good use…

And work on projects that writers tell us they love to write — direct, empathetic, strategic, and educational content that builds trust and resonates with the unique values of older consumers.

And because this style of writing tends to come quickly to people who love to write, this direct and “authentic” writing is also the easiest to learn… quickest to master… and most rewarding to write each day!

Of course, Brian will talk about many of the potential projects and the approaches you need to take in your mentorship together…

But just to give you a sense:

The main thing companies targeting the longevity market need a lot of is educational content.

That’s because older consumers respond to informative content that helps them make decisions. They prefer to be empowered with facts and knowledge, rather than pressured into buying with hyped up copy.

So you’ll find yourself writing plenty of blog posts, product guides, newsletters, and explainer video scripts that inform and “demystify” more complicated products or services.

These are typically short writing projects that, once you’re skilled at them, you can write in a day or less.

And the money? It’s not bad at all for a few hours of writing…

According to the latest edition of AWAI’s Copywriting Pricing Guide — you can expect to charge anywhere between $250 and $800… for each one you write!

But there are other ongoing copy projects companies will need as well…

Like email campaigns that foster ongoing relationships, reinforce loyalty, and introduce special offers…

And the going rate for a typical email campaign consisting of five to seven emails? Anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000!

Because older consumers value authenticity and transparency, companies are also going to want you to write case studies and testimonial pages that show how products or services have benefited their existing customers…

Here at AWAI, we pay writers $1,500 on average for an in-depth case study.

They’re also going to need trust-building website copy that aligns with the values of those in the longevity market…

Now, going rates for website copy vary, but “from scratch” home page content ranges from $1,500 to $3,000…

Many companies will need long form sales copy in cases where a product and its associated offer needs to be explained in-depth, too.

These can pay extremely well — anywhere from $3,500 to $5,000.

And the most important thing to remember?

Companies never need “just one” piece of content.

Although you don’t want to overwhelm your client’s audience, the key is “consistent” contact…

So a company might need four to six blog posts a month… eight to 10 emails… three to five social media posts… maybe a long-form sales letter every few months…

Point being — there’s plenty of content to be written for this market!

So with just a few active clients — you could be earning anywhere from $4,000 per month… all the way up to $12,000 when there’s major copy and content projects involved!

Of course we can’t guarantee these numbers for you…

The amount you earn will depend on your skills, your experience, the reputation you build, and the amount you negotiate with each client you take on…

But it’s important to know that once you establish yourself as an expert in the longevity market — there will be no shortage of writing assignments you can take on!

And Brian will share everything he knows about landing high-value clients as part of his Writing and Succeeding in the $9 Trillion Longevity Economy mentorship I’m inviting you to join today!

But before I tell you all about it, there’s another “path” this market offers that I haven’t talked about yet…

One that a lot of AWAI members will find very exciting…

Which is the fact that the 50+ longevity market is…

The Ultimate Market For Your “Clientless” Writing Business!

We know from 27 years of helping writers succeed that not everyone “loves” the idea of working with clients.

And over the years, we’ve shown countless aspiring writers how to write about topics they’re passionate about…

Topics millions of readers want to learn and know about…

And how to monetize their writing through income-generating websites, blogs, and membership lists — without having to speak to a single client!

And I can promise you beyond a shadow of a doubt…

The longevity market is ideal for a clientless writing business!

You have a hungry market of 135 million people…

Who have a wide variety of varying interests…

Who want specialized knowledge targeted at them…

And who are willing to spend $9 trillion on products, services, and experiences that interest them and promote their well-being.

You as a longevity expert can create a blog, website, or social media presence…

Where you serve as an advocate for the 50+ demographic by building a content-rich site that speaks directly to the needs, interests, and concerns of the 50+ market…

And monetize your expertise in any number of ways:

  • Via affiliate marketing where you review, recommend, and write about longevity-related products you believe in and get a share of the revenue…
  • Offering your own books, guides, e-newsletters, or digital courses on topics like healthy living, post-retirement entrepreneurship, technology use, and more…
  • Once your blog or website has good traffic and a loyal following, you can attract sponsored content opportunities, where companies like health and wellness brands, travel companies, or financial services will want to talk to your readers with your endorsement…
  • You could even choose a straight-forward ad revenue model where you allow ads you approve to target your readers — and earn money based on the clicks they generate…

There are so many ways to leverage your knowledge of the longevity market into a lucrative career without ever having to interact with a single client…

Which is why Brian will dedicate an entire week to showing you how to get started as a “clientless” longevity expert — whether it’s something you want to do now or down the road.

And given Brian’s legendary history for building clientless writing businesses that have generated over eight figures a year in revenue… there’s nobody better to guide you along this path than him!

A Wide Open Market…
“Yours for the Taking”!

I hope by now you’re excited about the amazing opportunity Brian has created for you through this one-of-a-kind mentorship.

“An aging population is creating market demand for new products and services at unprecedented rates…”

AARP Actions and Insights The Business of Aging

This one checks off all the boxes:

  • It’s a MASSIVE niche — over 135 million strong today and expected to reach over 200 million by 2030 in the U.S. alone… and more than double that size in English-speaking countries around the world…
  • It packs a powerful economic punch — with control of 83% of household wealth it accounts for over half of all consumer spending — $9 trillion in the U.S. alone and over $22 trillion globally…
  • It’s a market that’s hungry — for decades, 50+ consumers have either been ignored by mainstream marketers or talked down to… and they’re ready to hear from companies and writers who understand them, treat them with respect, and want to improve the quality of their lives…
  • It’s virtually untouched — few copywriters have even thought to consider this market let alone specialize in it. That’s why this is such a consequential moment for you. Brian — whose success in identifying content marketing trends is legendary — sees longevity as the next big digital opportunity — and he wants to take you along…
  • There’s growing demand — companies instinctively know Boomers and Gen Xers are a huge market they should be reaching out to. This is your opportunity to be that expert who can help them effectively and respectfully tap into it…
  • There’s Brian — the trend-setting legend of our industry who after conquering the world of content — has become THE leading authority on understanding, connecting with, and writing for the longevity market… and he’s inviting you in…
  • Of course there’s you — if you fit the typical AWAI member demographic of age 50 and older who’s looking for the ideal market to serve as a writer… you already know this market well!

    And if you’re younger — no worries! Brian’s going to teach you everything you need to write for a market that’s expected to grow exponentially between now and 2030!

So if you see the potential here…

If the idea of writing direct, relatable, honest copy and content to a group of readers and buyers eager to hear from you…

And you’re excited to be taken under the wing by a man who’s had nothing but success identifying surefire trends and amazing opportunities when it comes to digital content…

Then allow me to share how your five weeks with Brian will unfold…

This Is It…
Your One Chance to Work Alongside a Legend… On the Biggest Opportunity for Writers Since the Internet!

Simply put, this is one of those unique moments in the arc of a new writer’s career…

Where you may look back on the decision you make today as the most important and defining in your professional life.

Rarely does a new writer see an opportunity to work directly with an expert as accomplished in our industry as Brian Clark is…

Especially on a project he’s so passionate about… and excited to share with new writers like you.

You’re also choosing a niche and working with an expert where integrity is paramount.

Remember, writing to the 50+ market is all about earning and gaining trust.

It’s NOT about selling the latest trends, false hope, or impossible to attain dreams.

It’s about understanding and having respect for a massive demographic’s maturity, contributions, and passion for life… while avoiding stereotypes that pander to or unfairly label them.

It’s about empathy, of course… but it’s more about understanding your market and helping them enjoy life to the fullest during this incredible phase of their lives…

Everything Brian will focus on in the all-important “discovery” phase of your mentorship.

If this kind of writing interests you…

And you’re excited to be a part of something very special…

Here are the “week-by-week” details of what you’ll be working with Brian on throughout his Writing and Succeeding in the $9 Trillion Longevity Economy mentorship…

Along with the assignments you have each week, which you can choose to submit for professional feedback

Writing and Succeeding in the
$9 Trillion Longevity Economy
Mentorship with Brian Clark Starts Wednesday, November 6 at 3 p.m. ET…

Having worked with Brian on training programs and knowing what he brings to live events like AWAI’s Bootcamps…

I can assure you that if there’s one word to describe his teaching methods, it’s thorough.

As I said at the start of this invitation…

There’s no faster way for a new writer to have success than to connect with a bona fide expert.

Think about Paul Hollingshead getting to launch his writing career under the guidance of the legendary Mark Ford…

Or Carline-Anglade Cole, Guillermo Rubio, and so many other pros in our industry getting to work with the great Clayton Makepeace…

John Forde who got to work directly with Bill Bonner…

Drayton Bird alongside David Ogilvy…

In every industry, you can count on the top successes crediting a life-altering mentor…

Even the richest and most successful investor in the world Warren Buffett had his views on investing shaped by the legendary Ben Graham!

And Brian Clark, he’s a “writer’s writer” if there ever was one!

He’s smart…

He’s thoughtful…

He’s analytical…

He’s a lifelong student of the craft and cares deeply about writing and serving his readers well.

In an industry where gurus come and go, Brian has been a leader in our industry for more than 20 years.

And his success can’t be disputed — 11 out of the 12 companies he’s started since he left his work as a lawyer have been successful and profitable.

He’s exactly the expert any new writer should want to connect with… especially now — when the mission ahead is to stake your claim as a writer in the massive and unstoppable longevity trend.

After completing Brian’s mentorship and training, you’ll have a complete and thorough understanding of the often-counterintuitive ways to successfully market to older consumers.

You’ll know how to help other companies succeed in the longevity economy with copy that reaches the 50+ consumer on a much deeper and more personal level…

You’ll take home a clear blueprint for creating your own business venture — whether it be a blog, a website, your own agency — that directly targets older consumers.

PLUS — and this is BIG…

You’ll leave your mentorship with your first piece of persuasive content based on what you learned…

Content you can share with your perspective clients…

Content that establishes YOU as an expert…

And content you and Brian will work on throughout the course of your mentorship.

With that in mind, here’s a “week-by-week” recap of what you and Brian will work on during your time together…

Week 1 The Counterintuitive Facts About Marketing to Older People

Thanks to ageism and stereotypes, there are a huge number of misconceptions about older consumers.

In this opening session, Brian will share the counterintuitive truths about how older people respond to messages so you can not only avoid making the common mistakes marketers make…

But also connect strongly with your prospects in a way that leaves the competition in the dust.

You’ll learn:

  • Why using “age appropriate” images of older people in your marketing is almost certain to backfire.
  • How attempts at “empowering” older people often fail in counterintuitive ways.
  • The surprising reason that most advertising aimed at “seniors” fails.
  • The best way to “reframe” aging into a positive experience, and how to do it.
  • Why fear and inadequacy messages flop with older people.
  • The truth about the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” campaign.
  • Why you must understand how ageism BY older people works.

By the end of Week 1, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to market to older consumers without falling into the usual traps of ageism and stereotypes.

You’ll know what messaging really works, why fear tactics fail, and how to connect in a way that feels authentic and positive.

It's all about understanding the real needs of this powerful audience and using that to set yourself apart from the competition.

Next up…

Week 2 How to Get Companies to Hire You to Help Them Succeed in the Longevity Economy

As the longevity economy moves quickly towards the 2030 “tipping point” when people aged 50+ will become the largest economic force on the planet…

Companies large and small need to be educated about the vast benefits of marketing specifically to this massive market.

It’s why Brian wants to help you start thinking about the clients you’ll be serving… who you might want to write for… and how to reach out to them with your newfound knowledge NOW rather than later.

That way, you’ll be ideally positioned to cash in with these companies using the knowledge you have from Week 1… and the smart content marketing strategy that will be revealed in this session.

Some of what you and Brian will cover:

  • Changing the narrative about the purchasing power and brand loyalty of older people.
  • How to educate companies about the existing opportunities in the longevity economy.
  • Explaining the benefits of an “anti-ageist” marketing campaign to clients.
  • How older consumers are already propping up the U.S. economy.
  • Exploring the “Unretirement Effect” for companies that don’t see it coming.
  • The paradox of Baby Boomer wealth as an untapped market…
  • Educating prospective clients on the “Longevity Flywheel.”

By the end of Week 2, you’ll know how to position yourself as a key player in the rapidly growing longevity economy.

You’ll learn how to educate companies about the massive opportunities within this market and how to shift the narrative around older consumers.

You’ll also discover smart strategies for reaching out to potential clients and showing them how you can help them succeed with anti-ageist marketing campaigns.

It’s all about setting yourself up to work with companies that need your expertise, now and in the future.

Next, it’s all about looking at the longevity opportunity as a potential passive income stream that can “pay you while you sleep”…

Week 3 How to Create a Powerful “Brand for Yourself” that Older Consumers Love

Creating a small “clientless” writing business that serves older consumers can be both rewarding and highly profitable, especially if you’re an older entrepreneur yourself.

This session will reveal a content strategy that harnesses powerful psychological motivators that speak directly to older consumers who’ll spread the word to like-minded others about your new business…

And you can use this strategy to tap into the longevity market alone — or combine it with any client writing you decide to take on.

Here you’ll discover:

  • Why content marketing beats brand advertising with older prospects.
  • How to become a beloved leader to your ideal older customer.
  • Two powerful ways to motivate older consumers to buy.
  • How to become the only logical choice for your older prospects.
  • The powerful psychological principle you must spark with your prospects.
  • Why your personal story can be a powerful marketing tool.
  • How to earn the trust and admiration of older consumers.

By the end of Week 3, you’ll know how to build a personal brand that truly resonates with older consumers.

You’ll learn how to craft content that taps into key psychological motivators, making your business the natural choice for this audience.

Whether you go clientless or combine this strategy with client work, you’ll discover how to use your personal story, build trust, and create lasting connections with older customers who will eagerly spread the word about your brand and business.

Next, it’s all about deepening your knowledge and a focus on writing…

Week 4 The Keys to Understanding Your Ideal Older Prospect

The longevity economy is happening due to a massive and unstoppable demographic shift… people are living longer, healthier lives while birth rates have massively dropped.

But as we shift to an older society, it’s not demographics that will tell you what to say and how to say it when marketing to older people.

In this session, you’ll discover how to truly understand your ideal prospect through Brian Clark’s own, proprietary consumer profiles he built based on the elements that are persuasive to older consumers.

You’ll learn:

  • How attitudes, values, and worldviews influence how your messages are received.
  • How to move beyond demographics alone to succeed in the longevity economy.
  • The crucial mistake most writers make that causes their marketing messages to backfire — and how to avoid it.
  • Who the best older prospects are and how to appeal to them.
  • The crucial element of positive attitudes about aging and how to spark it.
  • How to gain an understanding of how older consumers think, feel, see, and do, and why it’s crucial to success as a writer for the longevity market.
  • How to use the proprietary older consumer profiles Brian will share with you for maximum success in your own writing business.

By the end of Week 4, you’ll have a deep understanding of your ideal older prospect and what truly influences their buying decisions.

You’ll learn how to move beyond basic demographics and tap into the attitudes, values, and worldviews that shape how older consumers respond to marketing messages.

Then, with Brian’s proprietary 50+ consumer profiles in hand, you’ll be able to tailor your messaging to resonate powerfully with older prospects, avoiding common mistakes, thereby ensuring your marketing connects with the right audience in the longevity economy.

Then you’re ready for…

Week 5 What to Say and How to Say It in Order to Connect Deeply with the 50+ Consumer

Whether you’re working with clients or starting up your own business, you ultimately must craft marketing messages and content that connects strongly with your prospect.

In this session, Brian reveals the kind of “stories” older consumers want to hear, and his methods for crafting content that naturally leads your prospects to the sale.

You’ll learn:

  • Why fighting the status quo is simple when serving older consumers.
  • How to create a “voice” for your messages and content that works.
  • The “winning difference” that powers your marketing.
  • How to use associations like metaphors and analogies to persuade your prospects.
  • How to craft a buying journey that converts prospects into customers and clients.
  • The importance of influence elements, milestones, and meaningful moments.
  • How to create irresistible hooks for your content that reel in your audience.

By the end of Week 5, you’ll know exactly how to craft marketing messages that connect deeply with the 50+ consumer across all platforms.

You’ll learn how to tell stories that resonate, create a voice that works for this audience, and guide your prospects through a buying journey that leads to sales.

With Brian’s insights on metaphors, analogies, and creating meaningful moments, you’ll have the tools to build content that’s persuasive, memorable, and tailored to the values of older consumers.

No Stone Left Unturned!

As you can see, Brian’s mentorship has everything you need to succeed in the 50+ longevity market…

From understanding the vastness and nuances of the market…

To the tone and temperament your copy needs to have…

To identifying, pitching, and landing clients…

To knowing how to have your own clientless writing business that serves this massive market…

To making certain that companies see you as a writer who is ready to help them capture their share of the $9 trillion this market spends each and every year…

It’s all there!

And don’t forget…

— Your Assignment — Your First Longevity “Content Piece” That Establishes YOU as an
Expert… With Feedback!

Throughout your mentorship, you’ll be working with Brian on a very special project…

Something that will make it very clear to businesses everywhere that you are an expert who knows the longevity market like nobody else… and that you’re standing by, ready to help them reach this important and lucrative market.

In short, you’re going to write a self-marketing piece that introduces you as a longevity copywriting expert to potential clients…

One that’s loaded with facts, figures, and information that makes it crystal-clear to potential clients the importance, value, and necessity of reaching the 50+ longevity market in the way they want to be marketed to.

Woman Working in Cage on Laptop

You’ll have a blast creating this report… something you’ll put to great use right away and throughout your career.

Each week, Brian will give you a small writing assignment summarizing what you’ve learned which you’ll later combine into a final “Special Report” you can send clients who want to know more about you and how to reach the 50+ market.

Not only will Brian and the AWAI team make sure you have everything your report needs to have in it, we’ll also show you how to structure and assemble it…

As well as have a professional copywriter review your initial draft and give you feedback for making it stronger!

So not only do you exit your mentorship with a firm grasp on the longevity opportunity and how to specialize in it…

You’ll leave with a tangible self-marketing piece you can use in any number of ways — on your website, as a lead generator, as a handout to interested clients, even as a link on your LinkedIn Page!

But we’re not done yet…

Earn Your “Proof” as a Brian Clark Trained Longevity Market Expert!

As you can tell from everything I’ve shared with you today, this is a mentorship like no other…

And one you should be rewarded and recognized for successfully completing.

That’s why every AWAI member who signs up for and completes all five weeks of training, PLUS the content piece you and Brian will work on together…

Will receive a proof of completion certificate…

Example Certificate

Indicating to any of the hundreds of thousands of companies looking to access this vast and lucrative market that you are knowledgeable and have trained directly with the best!

It’s a distinction you’ll want to show proudly on your website, include as part of any promotional material, even at the signature portion of any professional email correspondence.

Are You Ready for This? YOU… A Professionally Mentored, Highly Qualified Writer and Strategist For the 50+ Longevity Market… In as Little as 5 Power-Packed Weeks!

The more I talk about this amazing mentorship…

All the expert knowledge you’ll take away…

The writing direction you’ll get…

And the copy and content you’ll write — with feedback — that’ll help you launch your writing business…

The more excited I am for you.

I truly believe this “one and only” mentorship with Brian will go down as one of the most important and consequential “intimate group” learning experiences in AWAI’s 27 years of training writers.

“Okay Rebecca, I Want This…
But How Much Will It Cost?”

Now you may be assuming…

That the chance to learn directly with someone of Brian Clark’s pedigree over five full weeks… about an opportunity so massive, new, and consequential…

One that will put you at the leading edge of one of the biggest trends in modern history… and make you one of the very few “writers of choice” in the massive $9 trillion (and soon to be over $12 trillion) longevity market…

… must cost a pretty penny.

And I’m not going to lie…

This isn’t cheap!

But at the same time, it’s not the $20,000+ going rate Brian charges to help his clients tap into the market with copy and strategies…

Nor is it the $10,000 you might have to pay for a day of Brian’s time.

So from a “professional educational investment” standpoint, I think you’re going to see that the price we’ve attached to Brian’s five-week Writing and Succeeding in the $9 Trillion Longevity Economy mentorship is more than fair…

And well in line with what any professional would expect to pay for this level of mentoring.

But before I share the price with you…

There’s something else I want to give you…

Your “Library” of Specially
Selected and Created Bonuses That Will
Accelerate Your Success
and Land You Clients FASTER!

Without question, the work you’ll do with Brian over the course of five weeks has the potential to be the most consequential of your writing career…

And knowing Brian like I do, I know he’ll do everything in his power to give you the knowledge you need, answer your questions, and steer you on the path to success as a highly qualified longevity writer and expert.

But there’s something I want to give you…

Two resources from the AWAI library I know will help you speed up your success and get you paid FASTER as a longevity writer.

Starting with…

Bonus #1 The Ultimate AI Productivity Guide for Writers

Here at AWAI, we got the story right on AI from Day One.

AI cannot and should not write copy.

Tests show that content written by AI gets five times LESS engagement — proving what should be music to every writer’s ear: Humans want to connect with humans!

That said, AI can and will make your writing better and faster. It’s a great idea generator… a great editor… great at research… and more…

And our Ultimate AI Productivity Guide will show you how to put artificial intelligence to work when writing to the longevity market.

Bonus #2Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day

I mentioned your LinkedIn profile as the ideal place to link to the Special Report and self-marketing piece you, Brian, and the AWAI team will work on together…

To that end, I want to make certain you have the ultimate professional LinkedIn profile up and running when clients find you.

So I’m giving you — at zero extra cost — our extremely popular Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day

The program created for AWAI by Ilise Benun, the woman countless freelancers turn to when they’re ready to land more clients and grow their businesses.

You’ll get Ilise’s expert guidance on writing and publishing the PERFECT LinkedIn profile for you as a writer for the longevity market — start to finish — in one day!

You’ll learn:

  • WHY LinkedIn is especially powerful for writers like you…
  • How to articulate your new skills as a longevity writer… what you can offer your clients — and position that, front and center, in your profile…
  • How to position yourself to “attract” the right clients — the ones you’re MOST excited to help…
  • How to demonstrate your personality, unique voice, quirkiness, or sense of humor…
  • How to show off your writing without writing a portfolio…
  • And much more!

But that’s not all…

When Brian went “all-in” on the longevity market, he founded Further — a company offering health, wealth, and personal growth resources to age 50+ consumers.

And over that time he’s collected countless resources that can help you gain more knowledge about the market you’re serving, write stronger content, and have more success in your writing business.

So I asked him…

“If you could offer two of the best resources you have for helping your mentees understand this market better and find success faster — what would they be?”

And Brian delivered:

Bonus #3Brian’s “Eight Avatars” of the Longevity Market

One of the biggest keys to being a successful writer in the longevity market — or any market for that matter — is to have a crystal clear picture of the prospect you’re writing to.

Writers often find it challenging to get that complete understanding when you’re writing “from a distance”…

Which is why you’re going to love Brian’s proprietary blueprint he calls, “The Eight Worldview Profiles.”

In it you’ll discover eight of the most common “personas” you’ll write to as a longevity expert — personas you can easily reference to help you write with greater clarity, no matter the product or service.

You’ll learn about avatars like The Traditionalist, The Pragmatist, The Aspirer, The Empathizer, and more.

You'll see a concise summary of these buyer types, followed by some of the most detailed and immediately useful “sample portraits” I’ve ever seen for a customer avatar in my over 20 years as a marketer!

As an owner of this valuable resource, you’ll have a far better and deeper understanding of the individual you’re writing to…

Your copy will have more empathy and authenticity

And your writing will attract the right customers, while simultaneously repelling the ones not right for your business.

In short, “The Eight Worldview Profiles” will help you accelerate your writing by starting with fully developed audience profiles and insights that would normally take years to acquire through trial and error.

And the other resource Brian wants you to have?

It might be even more valuable!

Bonus #4 Brian’s “10 Positive Aging Profiles” Report

I have to say, if we as writers had insights on our target audience as detailed as this report — writing would be a whole lot easier!

With Brian’s “10 Positive Aging Profiles” report, you’ll have a powerful toolset to consistently craft messages the connect deeply with older consumers…

Allowing you to better understand the values, behaviors, and motivations of the customers you’re writing to.

Rather than starting from scratch every time, you’ll be able to quickly identify which profile matches your target audience and adjust your tone, style, and message accordingly…

You’ll be able to “up your game” in your clients’ eyes and get stronger results from your copy by identifying and catering to the right members of the longevity market…

And much more!

But we’re not done yet…

You’ll also get:

Bonus #5 Brian’s Presentation: Launching Your Newsletter on Substack

One of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in the longevity market is to write a regular newsletter on the topics they're interested in.

It’s also a great “first step” for anyone who would like to explore a clientless writing business that services age 50+ consumers.

Now, it used to be that launching a newsletter was quite a process.

You had to figure out all the tech… get software for building an email list… hire designers to help you “set things up” so the newsletter “looked” nice… and more.

It took a lot of time, money, and effort to get it going.

But luckily for us, Brian’s an expert in content and newsletter creation.

And recently he shared his personal strategy for launching your very own subscription newsletter with a small group of writers…

Either a newsletter people are willing to pay for as part of your clientless writing business… or one you can offer for free to demonstrate your expertise in the longevity market.

Better still — you’ll hear how to do it using Substack, a free-to-use platform that makes having your own newsletter easier than ever…

PLUS learn his powerful strategies for writing and promoting your newsletter so people will WANT to sign up to get every issue… and PAY YOU for it if you decide to charge!

And I may have saved the best for last…

Because we know you’re going to want to take full advantage of your time with Brian — we’ve arranged for something we think is extraordinary:

Bonus #6 LIVE “Ask Me Anything” Session with Brian

Brian *just* gave us the thumbs up on this — and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

After your five weeks together, Brian will be hosting a special bonus session where you’ll be able to ask him any remaining questions you have about what you’ve learned so far… and where to go from here.

He’ll be helping brainstorm ideas…

Opening the floor to writers to take part in “hot seat” discussions…

And much, much more.

Whatever you need clarification on…

And whatever you need to move forward with your writing business…

Brian’s ready to help — so make sure you take advantage of this live bonus session.

(And don’t worry — just like all the training sessions, this too will be recorded for you to watch later if you can’t make it.)

But that’s still not all…

Brian’s so determined to make certain you have everything you need to stake your claim in the longevity market, that he’s doing something he’s never done before…

Something special just for this group of writers

Brian’s Direct Email… So You Can Reach Out to Him
30 Days Beyond Your Mentorship Together!

That’s right…

To make sure nothing stands in your way, Brian’s offering something he’s never offered before… except to his clients who pay him tens of thousands of dollars as a consultant…

And that’s direct access to him via a private email address.

Not just for the five weeks you’ll spend together during the mentorship…

But for an additional 30 days after your mentorship ends.

This is a “lifeline” few writers are ever offered — especially when it comes to an expert of Brian’s caliber…

So please make sure you take advantage of it!

Maybe you have a question about one of the sessions and want clarification before you get to work on your assignment…

Or you’ve landed your first client, but you’re not sure what to do next…

Or you’re not sure what to charge a client…

Or any of the limitless situations that could occur once you start promoting yourself as a longevity market expert.

Whatever the case, Brian’s standing by ready to help.

So add it all up…

  • Your five-week mentorship…
  • Your bonus live Q&A session…
  • Your 30-day “email Brian anytime” lifeline…

And it’s like you’re getting to spend nine full weeks learning from and “picking the brain” of this legendary content marketing master and longevity economy expert!

  • Add to that your jam-packed bonus library

And you’ll have everything you’ll need to start enjoying massive success in this wide open and lucrative market… and transform your life as a writer!

It’s Time…

All that’s left now is to ask yourself…

Do I want take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn alongside Brian Clark, one of the greats of copy and content?

Do I forever want to put aside any indecision I have about who I want to write about and who I want to write for… and be “early in” on a niche that’s massive… and growing every day?

Do I want to join the small group of pioneer longevity copywriters who will be making history with the decision they make today?

Do I want knowledge and a writing skill that will serve and reward me for the rest of my writing career?

Do I want to write for a market eager to hear from me — in a tone and with a level of caring and respect this great generation deserves?

If you answered “yes” to any of these — and I’m going to go out on a limb and say Brian’s mentorship is the perfect training for you.

The only question now is, what does it take to get in?

I already told you if you’re serious and you want this — Brian wants to work directly with you.

And once you’ve successfully completed his training, he’ll promise to do everything he can to help you break into this lucrative niche… as will I and the entire team here at AWAI.

As far as price goes…

You now know it’s not the $20,000 (and more) Brian charges to advise his personal clients…

Nor will you pay the $10,000 (or more) you might expect to pay for a professional training experience of this level and importance…

And the better news is…

We’ve worked out a one-time deal with Brian where you won’t even have to pay the $2,995 price we thought we’d have to charge to make this mentorship happen.

If you’re ready to commit today…

All you’ll pay is the special sale price today of $1,995!

And just to be clear that gets you EVERYTHING…

The five weeks of mentorship with Brian…

Help putting together your Special Report and self-marketing piece that tells potential client about you and the enormous opportunity the longevity market holds…

Feedback and constructive direction on improving your final draft…

And the valuable special bonuses I told you about that will speed up your understanding of the longevity market and help you break in faster.

As any professional knows…

Under $2,000 is a small investment for an educational experience that can have such profound and lasting impact on your career as a writer.

Can’t Pay in Full? $399 Secures Your Spot…
With ZERO Risk to You!

But I’m also aware that even that low fee is not a small amount of money to pay all at once… especially for a writer who may be starting out.

Which is why we’ve set up a payment plan that lets you “lock in” and start your training with Brian today for just $399…

And spread out the remaining amount over the next four months.

You read that right…

Register today and lock in your spot…

Start your mentorship with Brian…

Get the knowledge… start writing… get feedback…

Launch your career as a longevity expert on LinkedIn…

Even land your first client…

All before you’ve paid for your mentorship in full!

One more “housekeeping matter” of note before I leave you to register and prepare yourself for this life-altering experience…

100% guarantee Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed!

Now that you have a clear picture of everything you’ll get with Brian’s Writing and Succeeding in the $9 Trillion Longevity Economy mentorship…

As well as the enormity of the opportunity…

And the meaning and focus it will give your writing career…

I trust that you’ve made your decision.

But at the same time, I want you to feel good about that decision… and secure in the knowledge that Brian’s training is indeed for you.

That’s why I’m extending to you this ironclad guarantee:

  • Sign up today. Pay the initial $399 to secure your spot. And attend Brian’s first training session on November 6 at 3 p.m. ET.

Then, if before the second session you don’t think writing for the longevity market is for you after all — simply let us know and we’re refund EVERY DOLLAR you’ve paid to date!

I think you’ll agree…

Between the lowest price we have for you today…

The unique and extraordinary opportunity at hand…

And your ironclad guarantee…

It doesn’t get any fairer than that!

To get started, click the button below.


You’ll be taken to the registration form where you’ll have another chance to review everything you get as part of this important mentorship.

But please hurry…

This is a one-time — and very limited — opportunity.

Since writers rarely get to work so closely with an expert like Brian on a project he’s so passionate about…

And because of the live classroom setting and personalized feedback that’s involved… we’re only keeping enrollment open for a very short time.

Once we close the doors — that’s it.

No extensions. No second chances. No exceptions.

And remember…

This is the ONLY one-on-one mentorship Brian will be offering on longevity for the foreseeable future.

With 100% of his focus on helping clients tap into this massive market, he’s got too much going on in his many businesses to make this kind of time commitment again anytime soon.

And when and if he does — there will be a whole group of writers who will have gotten a head start by registering for this mentorship today.

Which brings me to another benefit of training with Brian now…

He’s all-in on longevity…

Writing about it…

Advising clients on it…

But there’s only so much writing Brian can do… and so much that’s needed…

So many companies Brian’s working with will who want to tap into the longevity market and need help with the writing.

That’s why he’s eager to invite writers like you into this space…

So he can teach you what he’s learned…

And be in a position to help his clients — as well as the millions of other businesses who should be tapping into this market but aren’t…

Fill the immediate need for copy.


And remember…

By joining and taking advantage of your deal now — you’re not stuck, given you’re backed by the “no risk” guarantee I told you about…

One that our Member Success Team will happily honor with no questions asked.

But I hope you’re all-in!

And after your time with Brian… once you start writing… and enjoy success as an expert in the $9 trillion longevity market…

Be sure to tell us about it.

Because there’s nothing we love better than celebrating our member’s success!

Here’s the link one more time…

Let’s do this!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter,
President, AWAI