The Absolute BEST Niche for New Writers… Bar None!
It’s the Fastest (and Surest) Path to Making Great Money as a Writer… Writing Informative, “No-hype” Content… For an Industry That’s Expected to Reach $20.9 Trillion by 2027!
**Exclusive Interview**
Hear from the expert who’s helped hundreds of writers launch lucrative careers in this niche where skilled writers are needed AND respected!
Steve Slaunwhite’s Modern B2B Copywriting
Click the Button Below to Get It!

Hi, Rebecca Matter here.
I’m really glad you could join me today, because we’re in for a very special treat.
Today you’re going to meet a man who could literally change your life.
Now, I know that sounds like a pretty big statement…
But for the past decade I’ve known him… he’s been doing just that — changing the lives of so many AWAI members that I’ve lost count.
And he’s been doing it by introducing them to a niche of the writing market that’s perfect for new writers.
Why perfect for “new” writers in particular?
Because the writing’s fun… it’s easy to learn… you can get started fast… there’s no “hyped-up” selling involved…
… and you might not know it just yet — but you probably already have the experience you need to be successful!
Now — all this will make sense when he joins us in just a moment.
But right now, you may be wondering why there’s this big picture of a forklift on the screen.

Well, there’s a reason for it…
Because today, you’re going to learn what it takes to “sell” this forklift.
Now, I’m guessing you didn’t wake up this morning and say, “Hey, today’s the day I’m going to learn how to sell a forklift!”
And even though you may never have driven one…
… never even sat at the wheel of one…
… even if all you know about forklifts is that they’re used on warehouse floors to move heavy objects and lift pallets of stuff…
… you’ll know exactly what it takes to sell one by the end of our time together today.
Now — why on earth would you want to know how to sell a forklift?
Because once you have this amazing skill…
… once you see how easy… and surprisingly “fun” it is to write and to tell other people all about this forklift — I believe you’ll have finally found your ideal writing niche.
One that can deliver the freedom you want as a writer — and will let you easily earn an executive-level income… writing from anywhere.
That’s why I say that what you’re going to learn today could literally change your life.
And here’s the thing…
It could be a forklift…
… or it could be an industrial mixer for a big food company…

It could be an ergonomic office chair…

It could be a stand-up desk, something that’s very popular in today’s workplace…

It could be passes to industry trade shows or conferences…

… or it could be any number of services that businesses need to operate more profitably and efficiently…
… like training programs for sales teams…
… executive coaching programs…
… or payroll or scheduling software.
Think about all the products and services a business needs to run its day-to-day operations…
… computers, copiers — even something as simple as a coffee machine for the break room…
… and then think how massive that market is.
That’s the market you’re going to discover today…

Now, you might have guessed by now that I’m talking about the business-to-business market, typically referred to as B2B.
Business to business is exactly what the name suggests: businesses selling products and services that other businesses need to run more efficiently and be more profitable.
If you ever watched the show The Office — with Michael and Jim and Pam and Dwight…
… you know it’s a workplace comedy…

But the company in the show, Dunder Mifflin, sells paper and printers to other businesses.
That’s a B2B company.
And while that show had salespeople, in an office “cold-calling” businesses… these days more and more B2B transactions are happening online.
It’s a huge and growing market…
In fact, the B2B ecommerce market is projected to reach $20.9 trillion by 2027, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19% continuing into 2030. That's 20 times what it was just *6* years ago, in 2018.

With this projection, the B2B ecommerce market will far outgrow the business-to-consumer niche…
… and it's bigger than the entire GDP of Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined!
That makes B2B the biggest niche for copywriters on the planet by far.
And because of this massive and relatively recent shift to e-commerce, there’s more demand for skilled writers in B2B than any other niche…
Which is fantastic for you, because — as my special guest will show you — B2B is the most logical entry point into the world of high-paid copywriting.
There’s far less competition than in the B2C market.
The writing is fun and easier than the “hard” selling you might do on the B2C side…
And there’s plenty of money to go around.
“Advertising spending for U.S. B2B companies amounted to over $22.14 billion in 2022. And, 38% of B2B brands get outside marketing help. 56% of brands handle their marketing entirely in-house. One common reason for the increase in outsourcing is freelancers, as many B2B brands rely on hiring them for marketing.”
— Zippia, The Career Expert
Yet despite its vast size…
… and the unmet demand for skilled writers…
… not all writers are quite sure how the B2B industry works… or what it takes to be a successful B2B writer.
Others are intimidated by writing about things they don’t know much about.
That’s why today’s so special…
In a minute I’ll be joined by one of the premier B2B writers in the world.
And he’s going to do something very exciting, right here, right now.
He’s going to show you what being a B2B copywriter is all about.
He’s going to walk you through how a B2B copywriter might sell products and services businesses need — like that forklift I showed you earlier…
… and why it’s much easier than you ever imagined.
We’re going to talk about all the copy projects a B2B company might need.
… including how you would write them…
… how long they’ll take you…
… and how much each project typically pays.
I’m actually going to keep a running tally…
… so you can see and “feel” what it’s like to work as a B2B writer…
… what your day could be like — and how much money you can make working on a simple B2B project.
By the end of our time together, you’ll understand why we say B2B is by far the best niche choice for new writers.
Now, before we get to all that…
… I want to share with you a statistic I discovered about the B2B market while preparing for today… something that really says a lot about the dramatic sea change happening in B2B right now.
According to Gartner, by 2025, 80% of B2B sales transactions between buyers and suppliers will occur via digital channels.

So… what does that mean?
It means that long gone are the days when teams of salespeople would cold-call businesses with the hopes of setting up an in-person meeting.
Today, B2B buyers rely primarily on internet searching.
And for anyone thinking about writing for a living, that should come as exciting news.
Because for an internet search to be effective, you need written content.
Highly relevant content that B2B writers like you write.
Content found on websites… in social media posts… in articles… and in pay-per-click ads…
All the things we’ll be talking about today.
And here’s something else that surprised me:

Another research firm, IDG Global Solutions, found that 80 percent of B2B decision makers use their smartphones or tablets to research products for their businesses…
… which explains why the most effective B2B content is short, engaging copy that can be easily consumed in a few minutes on a cell phone.
And for copywriters, there’s nothing more appealing than being able to make a great living writing short copy that’s effective and fun to write, and that your clients love.
Copy you can write in a matter of hours and days… rather than weeks and months.
Sounds great, right?
Now, to help make sense of this massive opportunity for writers, I want to introduce you to my very special guest…
He’s one of those rare experts.
Yes, he’s written all kinds of B2B copy throughout his 20-plus years as a B2B pro — everything from lead generators to websites to white papers — for more than 150 B2B clients around the world.
He still writes today, so he has that hands-on, real-world experience as far as what’s working in the B2B market right now.
He’s won many awards for his work… and has literally “written the book” on B2B copywriting. Five of them, in fact!
And how’s this for a client list…
UPS, Hewlett-Packard, Sprint, 3M, and Yahoo! just to name a few.

Plus, countless small and medium-sized businesses who especially need B2B writers to thrive.
But what sets my guest apart — especially as far as you’re concerned — is his ability to teach proven B2B copywriting techniques.
Business owners and in-house writing teams he’s trained have reported significant increases in response rates, new leads, and conversions.
One client, North Shore Consulting, said my guest’s advice helped the company more than double the qualified leads generated by their website in just six weeks…
And I can’t tell you how many AWAI members who have learned from him appreciate his ability to take complex ideas and make them immediately understandable and applicable…
… as well as his willingness to do whatever it takes to help new writers break into the world of well-paid B2B writing.
So, with that I’d like to welcome my very special guest today — master B2B copywriter and educator Steve Slaunwhite.
Welcome, Steve!

Thank you, Rebecca, for that very nice introduction. Happy to be here.

Well, we’ve been looking forward to this event, because I really believe — and you’ve certainly been beating the drum on this for many years now with AWAI — that B2B really is the ultimate opportunity for new writers.

It is, Rebecca… now more than ever. And those stats you mentioned a few minutes ago are a big reason why.
When I first started out as a B2B writer more than 25 years ago, it was all about generating leads with ads and direct mail and writing brochures for the sales team…
But now, so much of B2B sales is done through the written word — online…
Companies have never relied on skilled B2B writers more than they do right now.
It’s very exciting.

And the demand…

Right — the demand for writers is bigger than ever.
More and more B2B companies these days are using digital marketing to generate leads, follow up on leads, and directly sell products and services online than ever before.
For example, they’re using “free offers” — a free webinar, a free white paper — to generate leads, and then following up on those leads with email campaigns. Those are all marketing pieces, by the way, that B2B writers write.
B2B companies, as a whole, are going full steam ahead when it comes to marketing more online, generating more leads online, selling more online.
I think I know that study where you got those numbers you mentioned earlier…
That same report made it clear that there are still millions of businesses out there that need a lot of help writing all forms of copy.
Of the 8 million or so B2B companies out there, less than half — I think it’s about 40 percent — characterize their content marketing as “sophisticated”…
That means they want to do more… they want to do better. So that’s a lot of companies that need our help!

Yes, you’re referring to the 2020 B2B Content Marketing report, which was a real eye-opener for me…

Right — and that’s been the big shift in B2B in recent years.
It’s all about writing and producing relevant content.
And by relevant, I mean content that’s very useful to your client’s customers and client’s potential customers because it informs and educates…
And the good news for writers watching us today is that this kind of content that informs and educates is not only fun to write, in my view, but — once you know the techniques and the writing formulas — also much easier to write than hard-driving sales copy.

Because you’re not “selling” in a direct way like you are with regular B2C copywriting.
So what you’re saying is that good B2B copy helps prospective customers solve a problem… and in doing so, you build a relationship. You build trust.

Exactly. And even better, writing things like blog posts and e-books pays at least double — on average — compared with what you might be paid to write the same kind of copy on the B2C side.

Wow. And to be clear — content covers all kinds of writing.
It could be industry-specific articles, website copy, even a Facebook or Instagram post that links to a useful article.

Right. And case studies, too. White papers. We’ll talk about all of these today.
And you mentioned something interesting… you mentioned mobile users.
These days, when you and I are shopping for something — when we want to buy something — we research it online. We pull out our phones, pull out our tablets, and research it online.
B2B buyers are doing exactly the same thing. When they have a problem and they’re looking for solutions, or they’re looking for a type of product, they’ll pull out their phones or tablets and research it online. They’ll research it while they’re on a train into work, or having lunch, or waiting for a plane, or in line for a coffee…
So they want content that’s short and concise. Not a lot of long copy in B2B. Mostly very short and concise.
It’s also why videos are so popular these days in B2B — short, concise videos that show how the product works, its benefits.
And yes, copywriters write those scripts! So, it’s really fun…
But what I love about B2B writing is that you don't go into a project thinking you have to sell the prospect with that one marketing piece.
It’s more about building the relationship, educating the prospect about the product, helping them learn how the product is going to benefit their business, and showing them the advantages of your client’s products over other products.
It’s more of a “slow burn” — and it’s typically done with multiple marketing pieces over weeks or months.
So, you never have to write hard-driving copy to get prospects to buy now.
It's about following them along on their journey and writing content that inform and educates them at each step of that journey.

Now, to me — I can see how that would be incredibly rewarding.

It is. It’s why I love it. It’s why I do it. It’s why I love introducing new writers to it.

Then let’s get to it!
Steve, you probably noticed this photo I’ve had up on the screen a few times…

Ah, yes — it’s a forklift!

So… I thought it would be really fun — and useful — to walk our viewers through how you, as a B2B writer, might sell this forklift to a B2B prospect…
That way people could get a sense of the kind of writing a B2B writer might be asked to do over the course of a campaign… that long sales sequence you talked about that needs a lot of copy…
… and the kind of interactions he or she might have with a typical client.
Because the whole reason we’re here today is to demystify the B2B writing process.

That’s a great idea, Rebecca… I love showing new writers this niche.
And I like what you said about “demystify”…
… because I think there’s this idea that B2B writing is hard… that you have to know a lot of technical stuff to write it.
And it’s absolutely not true.
That’s why I’m glad you picked a forklift.
It’s not something the typical B2C ad writer would write about… yet it’s really no more difficult to write about than a car or a TV. I mean, cars are technical. TVs are technical…
But as a B2B writer, you’re not the technical writer. You’re the copywriter. You’re writing to describe how it works… to describe its features and benefits… how it can solve a company’s problem… and so on.
In fact, it’s actually easier — because B2B prospects, for the most part, are looking for that type of product. They’re looking for forklift trucks… they need to make that buying decision. They need to buy a forklift!
I can see myself getting into forklifts, learning about them.

I think you just nailed another advantage of being a B2B writer. Your prospect actually wants what you’re selling!
But don’t you need to know something about forklifts to write about them?

Not at all.
I don’t know a thing about forklifts. But I think what makes me a good B2B writer is that I’m a curious person…
And I wouldn’t at all mind knowing more about forklifts… I could see myself getting into forklifts, learning about them. And learning why this one in particular is better than or different from other forklifts on the market… and my client’s forklift is better.
I love learning about a product — and the challenge of writing about it in a way that would make a buyer at a company want “my” forklift over the competition’s…

Okay — so that’s great insight.
A good B2B writer is curious — someone who loves to learn about new things and doesn’t mind “digging in.”

Over the years I’ve had a blast learning about things I had no idea about.
Some things I had no idea even existed!
As an example, one of my clients created software that helped revolutionize movie animation by making an animated character’s hair more realistic. It was so interesting to learn about everything that went into creating that breakthrough and how it made animated moves better.
The company even went on to win a technical Oscar, and I wrote some of the promotional notifications and press releases — I kinda felt like I was on the stage there with them!

Very cool!

And sometimes you get a sneak peek at some groundbreaking, innovative ideas…
Recently, I did an amazing interview with the product VP of a tech company that had created a water purification product that — I kid you not — could change the world.
So B2B writing can be very interesting… and very enlightening.
There are some perks, too…
Years ago, I worked with the company that created those mini-scanners that automatically download information from business cards into your contacts. Remember those? You scanned the card and all the information would appear on your computer screen…
And as is often the case when I’m writing about a new product, that company sent me one to play with and use.

And I imagine it’s especially fun when you’re getting paid good money to learn about these things.

Of course… and it satisfies your curiosity about things.
It’s incredibly rewarding, too…
Because as a B2B writer, I’m helping my clients. But I’m also helping their customers learn about products and services that can help their business. And I’m helping them make decisions — because buyers have important decisions to make…
So everyone wins when they take on the services of a skilled B2B writer…
… especially the B2B writer… because this can be very fun and high-paying work.
That’s why, if you want to write but you’re still in search of a direction… B2B is a great choice.

I’m with you 100 percent on that, Steve.
There are so many directions a writer can take when it comes to writing copy.
And in most cases, B2B makes the most sense.
Because as you said… it’s fun and the easiest to learn. And the demand and the market — it’s huge.
So, are you ready?
Ready to take our viewers a little deeper into this exciting world?

Let’s do it!

Okay, so I have a company that makes and sells forklifts — just like this one right here.

(jokingly) Rebecca’s Forklift Company…

And I make great forklifts…
But not a lot of companies know about them, because I’ve been so busy building great forklifts…
And I’ve been a little lax about telling people how great they are.
Can you help me?

Of course!
And that’s a common scenario you just described. A lot of smaller to mid-sized companies focus so much of their time building great products and creating great services — as they should — that marketing, which is crucial to the company’s success, gets left on the back burner…
And that’s where you come in… and right now I’m talking to the folks watching us.
As a B2B writer, you might not only write the copy, but help put together a plan for all the pieces of copy that you’ll need to write… just like the one I’ll show you today.

I imagine our viewers are thinking…
Jeez, this seems like a daunting project… Where do I begin?

Well, it’s not really, Rebecca.
Remember — the internet has made B2B much like selling anything else. B2B buyers, the people you’re writing to, use the internet in the same way we do.
They use Google.
They’re on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…
They download free reports on products that interest them… consume content. They read blog posts on what they’re looking for — just like you and I do when we’re making a big purchase.

That’s right — so we all use the same platforms…
What’s different in B2B?

Well, the big difference is what I mentioned earlier.
It’s more relationship building, where you’re looking to inform and educate, rather than land an immediate sale.

Which brings us again to why so many AWAI members who’ve chosen the B2B path love it so much.
It’s not hard selling.
It really is relationship building.

Exactly, Rebecca. That’s a great way to say it.

Now, Steve, the B2B writing program you created years ago for AWAI members is one of the most popular programs we’ve ever offered.
This is a program that has launched the careers of literally thousands of B2B writers over the years.
Now, one of the reasons we’re here today is that you’ve completely revamped that program… completely updated it.
I know from our training team that you’ve spent many, many months adding new lessons, recording new videos, updating all the content… all with the goal of bringing it into the modern age of B2B marketing…
And you wanted to do this because of all the changes that have happened in B2B in the past few years — namely this epic shift to online selling and e-commerce.

That’s right. For copywriters, the internet has actually made the whole B2B sales process much easier, much more relatable to the average person… the average writer who might be new to B2B.

There’s a great part… very early on in the program… where you actually map out how a B2B company would sell a product to another company… and the role a copywriter would play.
I found that fascinating… because it really explained the whole process so simply and so beautifully.
I wonder if we could just talk about that now… to show our viewers.

So, let’s go through the process.
How would our forklift company — Rebecca’s Forklifts — sell these amazing forklifts?
Well, what do we already know from our conversation so far?
We know B2B buyers are very active in at least a couple of places — Google Search and social media.
And both are very targeted, which means it’s possible to reach only those people and companies we know who might need or be interested in buying forklifts — companies with warehouses, shipping companies, distribution centers, trucking companies.
Let’s talk about Google Search first. There are two ways you can get your forklift in front of buyers…
You can write up a Google ad… which is a few lines of copy that shows up as a sponsored ad at the top of a Google search page…
Here’s what those look like if you were to enter the search term “forklift companies” like I did just a few minutes ago:

Now, I will say… and this is another opportunity for B2B writers, by the way.
Looking at these ads, I can’t help myself: I can see dozens of ways to make them better… to make them jump off the page better and motivate someone to click.
And that’s another type of product a B2B writer will get into. Sometimes a clients will want you to improve an existing marketing piece.
But, how to make your messaging rise above the boring messaging that’s typically out there — that’s what your job as a B2B writer is all about.

I agree…
I’d click on Toyota — only because of the brand-name recognition.

That’s correct. It’s a familiar brand to you, so you’d do that by default.
But if there was another ad there that focused on perhaps “boosting productivity” or “lowering insurance costs” or “maintaining uptime” or something that’s really going to benefit a warehouse operations director, where they’ll see that ad and say “Wow — I want to improve uptime because I’m under pressure to ship same day… so I’m interested in that kind of forklift truck” — you might be able to compete with Toyota that way.
And we’re going to get into that, by the way.
So, if you can write an interesting ad that catches a buyer’s eye, that can be effective.
But that’s just one way to generate interest in your forklifts.
You could also write a blog post or an article on forklifts that has information useful to anybody who needs a forklift.
Those are great because they help establish you, Rebecca’s Forklift Company, as experts in the area of warehouse management and product handling.
And, I did the same thing. I did a Google search and found some articles on forklift trucks:

And I’ll focus on the first one, again from Toyota — a big player in the forklift industry that probably knows the B2B marketing process very well.
Here you see one of many articles they’ve published. They publish hundreds of articles, by the way… here’s one:

Now, what B2B buyer — someone who’s been asked to look into buying a fleet of forklifts — someone who doesn’t want to make the wrong decision… a $200,000 wrong decision…
… who is probably under some pressure to buy forklift trucks — who wouldn’t want to click on that and read that article?

Right: It’s useful and there’s great credibility.

Credibility is huge in the B2B world, which is why you can’t get by on hype. I keep going back to this: You need to educate and inform… which a piece of writing like this does very well.
And again, Rebecca — there’s nothing complicated about these articles.
Once you know how to create a simple outline for writing them… which I share with you… my own technique… in my new Modern B2B Copywriting program — writing a compelling and useful article will end up being fast and easy.
Now, I also mentioned that B2B buyers are very active on social media, so you might want to write up a Facebook ad where you target someone looking to buy forklifts.
Here’s a Facebook ad, again from Toyota Forklifts:

Now, most B2B companies have Facebook pages, by the way… Some have several — one for each product category.
And you can see here…
… article after article — all written to establish Toyota as an authority in forklifts.

There’s an Instagram post talking about National Forklift Safety Day:

And Twitter, where you can post credibility-building articles and blog posts as you write them.
Here’s another talking about safety:

You can see here just how much content there is on social media.
And safety, by the way, is just one of the many subjects you can cover in articles you write about your B2B clients and their products and services once you dig in and find out more about it. That’s where the curiosity comes in…
There’s always something new and timely related to pretty much any industry — like National Forklift Safety Day…
Who’d have thought?
But apparently it happens every June!
All these articles — and B2B writers write all of them.

True… and you know what strikes me about what you’ve shown us so far?
Actually, two things…
First off, that a company selling forklifts is so active on social media. I never would have imagined…
But also, for a B2B writer, that’s at least three writing projects — a Google ad… a Facebook ad… and at least one blog post…

And that’s just the beginning…
We haven’t even started the sales process yet!
Because the whole idea here isn’t just to inform and educate…
It’s to turn this goodwill and valuable content — into a lead… a sales lead.
Because sales leads, Rebecca, are the lifeblood of the B2B industry — which is why I spend a lot of time in my new program talking about how to write content and copy that generates leads.
Because if you, as a B2B copywriter, know how to write compelling ads and other content that bring in leads — you are worth your weight in gold.
The industry will beat a path to your front door.

Makes sense… because a business can’t make money “giving away” all this free information.
So, Steve — the million-dollar question: How do you turn the ads and content you write into a great B2B lead?

It’s actually pretty simple.
And there are many ways it can happen.
But let’s look at one scenario…
So you, as owner of Rebecca’s Forklift Company, wrote a great blog post like Toyota did on questions to ask before buying your next forklift.
Tons of people searched, found it, and read it…
Now, Toyota just had a link to their website at the end of the article, which is fine.
But there’s another way to generate even more leads from that article or blog. What if at the end of that article you offered a free report… something of value that any buyer thinking of purchasing forklifts for their company would find valuable and want to read.
A report that would help that buyer make a good buying decision… get a better deal… save the company money… and, in the process, make the B2B buyer look good to his or her boss. That’s another big motivator for B2B buying decisions — B2B buyers wants to look good when making their decision — and we’ll talk about that…
But the free report you’re offering could help.
And all that that B2B buyer would have to do is click on a link… go to a special page… enter their name, their title, and an email address — and they get that report, for free.
That would generate a lot more sales leads.

Well, a report like that would be incredibly useful to the potential B2B buyer.
Plus, it’s another project a B2B copywriter could potentially write and bill for, right?

You’re right about that… The article, the report, the landing page — you can see how much writing there is to do here…
But more importantly, you’ve created a sales lead for your company.
A person — a decision maker — you can keep in touch with and build a relationship with through even more writing…
You can now send emails directly to them by name… plus, other reports, too — white papers, case studies, e-newsletters… all during the weeks and months it would take to make that buying decision.
And yes, it opens the door to many, many more projects you can write for your client, which we’ll talk about in a minute.
But more importantly — you’ve generated a sales lead. So now you’re a hero to your client.
Because the number one thing B2B marketing directors want — and I hear this all the time in the industry — is more leads.
If you can help them generate more leads — potential customers — you've helped them get what they want most.

And one thing to note here, that strikes me…
… you really didn’t have to “sell” in the traditional sense.
You basically offered something of great value to someone who was looking for that kind of information anyway… and you gave it to them for free!

How great is that?

And just to be clear — in your new program, you show anyone who wants to write B2B copy how to write all these kinds of projects, right?

Yes, all these projects and a lot more. I’ve really tried to make this course, Modern B2B Copywriting, the only resource any aspiring B2B writer will ever need.

It absolutely is — and we’ll be getting to those details in a minute.
But first… let’s talk about what you’ve written to generate this “lead” — that precious commodity B2B companies thrive on and will pay you very well to collect.
To get this far, you’ve written a Google ad, a Facebook ad, and maybe a few content pieces…
… and what’s known as a lead generator — that free report you gave away.

Right… There’s also the landing page…
Remember when I talked about that special page where the B2B buyer enters information so he or she can collect the free report? That’s called a landing page, and it’s a big project for B2B writers.
And as a B2B writer, you need to write some copy that nudges prospects — who might not be 100 percent persuaded yet — to enter their information to collect the report. Not a lot of copy…
… but here’s what a typical B2B lead-generating landing page might look like:

You can see from this picture that it’s not all that complicated.
You have a headline… a picture of the report… some motivating copy… and of course you have the form, which takes up most of the landing page…
And notice the bold call to action — “Download this whitepaper now!”
And the very bold “Download Now” button.

I see what you mean… It’s very simple.
Not a lot of writing.
A headline, a few paragraphs of copy.
Nearly one-third of the page is contact information!

Yes, this is a project that in most cases can be written within an hour.

So that’s five writing projects, at least — the two ads, content, a lead generator, and a landing page — all billable projects for B2B writers… all covered in your program…
We’re going to talk about how to write these projects and what a B2B writer can expect to bill a client for them in a minute.

That’s right, Rebecca… and it’s only the beginning.
Because once you have that “lead” — that potential buyer’s email address — it’s time to start building the relationship.
In B2B we call this “nurturing” the lead.
Because it sometimes takes months for the business buyer to decide to make the purchase. Because remember, a warehouse operations manager is not going to spend $200,000 of his company’s money buying a new fleet of forklifts based on a picture and a page of description.
They need more time. They want to see case studies, read more, get more educated about it.
It’s what we call a “considered” buying decision. And that decision requires a lot of information for the buyer to consider.
And while that’s frustrating for salesmen and maybe the company because they want to sell their forklift right away, it’s great for B2B copywriters, because the company needs to keep sending them more and more new material to keep the client engaged… to keep nurturing that lead over the time it takes.
So, how do you do that?
Well, it starts with a series of follow-up emails. You have an email address of someone who’s downloaded the report from Rebecca’s Forklift Company… They’re getting educated.
But now you need to keep communicating with them, by email… which may deliver even more great content that they’ll need: brochures, e-books, customer case studies, white papers, videos, webinar presentations, and so on.

So we’re talking a two-phase sales process in B2B…
There’s the lead generation — which is huge in the B2B world — where you offer free information like a webinar, a white paper, a special report or guide…
… through online ads, placed articles, and other content; blog posts — all copy written by B2B writers.
And then there’s the “conversion” phase, where you send these new leads a series of product descriptions, case studies, e-books, brochures, white papers, newsletters, training videos, and so on.

Exactly right, Rebecca… but there’s also a third phase… and that’s after the customers buy…
After your customer has bought a fleet of forklift trucks, you want to retain that customer. You want them to buy more forklift trucks from you. You want them to buy other things from you. You want to “upsell” them, “cross-sell” them. You may have other material-handling products and supplies the company could benefit from.
So you keep building and maintaining that relationship.
And that requires, again, ongoing content, like a regular e-newsletter, for example. A lot of B2B companies have an ongoing e-newsletter written by B2B writers that provides useful information to the prospect — product upgrades, special offers, and so forth.

And this is still all for one Rebecca’s Forklift Company!
So, clearly, Steve, once you land an active B2B client, there’s no shortage of writing that needs to be done.

Absolutely not.
It’s astonishing how many marketing pieces a company needs to continuously help promote its products and services.
Which is why I tell people new to the B2B world that you can actually make a great living with three, maybe four active B2B clients…
Because remember — with our forklift example, we’re talking about one product.
But most B2B companies have multiple products that they’re marketing to different clients throughout the year. And as product lines change and are updated, new material has to be written.
That’s why in my new course, I make it a point to teach you how to write all the most commonly requested projects… I teach you how to write them step by step and show you a lot of examples.
To give you an example of how I do this — I start by teaching you all the essential basics of writing great B2B content, like turning B2B product features into benefits buyers want to know about.
I teach you how to start every piece of content with a great hook… how to describe the product effectively… product differentiation and proof… how to write an effective call to action. I teach you all those basics, including the “business conversational” writing style — the writing style business clients want to read.
But then I go deeper. I tell you what it takes to write all the specific projects you’ll be asked to write. I teach you step by step using specific techniques and formulas how to write articles, case studies, ads, e-books, white papers, emails, sell sheets.
I even talk about writing copy for B2B websites — B2B websites are huge right now. Landing pages…
There’s a section on writing video scripts — because that’s a big and fast-growing part of modern B2B copywriting — quick little three- and five-minute product descriptions we call “explainer videos” that talk about how the product works and how it can benefit the customer.
There’s writing for social media…
And then, of course, there’s a whole other section where I get into building up your writing business, landing those first clients, and more.
So it’s really all there — my nearly 30 years of experience as a B2B writer and teacher, all packed into one program.
Everything you need to launch a very successful B2B writing career.

So, I want to get into that a little bit, Steve…
Because we have a really incredible offer involving your program for the folks watching today.
But it occurred to me as you were describing your new program that with the knowledge this course delivers…
… someone who takes it could actually know more about successful B2B copy and marketing than a lot of smaller B2B companies who are a lot less sophisticated from a marketing standpoint.

That’s a very good point, Rebecca.
I’d say — well, it’s not just me; studies suggest it — that just 20 percent of the companies out there might have a sophisticated enough marketing approach where they use all these techniques effectively. And they definitely need B2B writers to implement those…
But the other 80 percent of B2B companies… Absolutely, you could really bring a lot to the table with this knowledge.
That’s one reason the demand for skilled writers is so huge.
And if you can be that person who helps your client generate more leads and increase their sales — well, then you’ll have a client for life!

I love that so much… that loyalty.
So I want to talk about this new “landmark” program you’ve just completed.
You call it Modern B2B Copywriting.
Now, Steve, I’ve just had a look at the very final version of it…
There’s so much more packed into this than in the previous version…
You’ve added so many more lessons — and yet what’s cool about it is that you’ve really simplified and streamlined the learning.
I love how every section of the program starts with a video introduction from you on what writers are going to learn…
Then you use lots of visuals and examples to drive home the lesson — that definitely helps me with learning.
And I absolutely love the practice assignments and all the printouts of ads, templates, checklists, and so on.
At the end of it all…
… writers who take this course will not only know how to write all of these in-demand and well-paid projects…
… but have a very impressive “swipe file” of actual successful B2B projects that they can turn to for guidance and inspiration when they sit down to write a project. That file will help them feel a lot more confident about doing the job.

You are absolutely right, Rebecca.
As I say, I’ve been writing B2B for nearly 30 years — and I’ve been teaching, consulting, and writing about B2B writing for more than a decade now.
I see this program as a culmination of everything I’ve learned in that time — about writing and about teaching people how to write B2B copy.
So it builds on everything I’ve done before… but — and this is important — it brings it right up to the minute with the latest techniques, writing formulas, and lots and lots of examples…
I’m very proud of it.

Okay — I want to talk about just how much money you can realistically earn as a B2B writer…
I have a little bit of a surprise for you, Steve.
Now — we’ve known each other for, what, over a decade now?
Ever since you started working with AWAI members, introducing them to B2B.
And over that time, you’ve helped a lot of people — impacted a lot of lives through your teaching.
So we thought we’d do something special…
We thought we’d reach out to a few of them and ask them to talk a little bit about the impact you’ve had on their lives.

Oh, wow!

Now, I’m sure you’ll recognize these folks, because I know how eager you are to help people any way you can and to follow their progress… which is a very common thread in these comments, as you’ll see.
So, let’s hear from a few of them now:

And Steve — here’s another friend of yours: Keith Trimels.

Keith sent you one of the most heartfelt letters I’ve seen an AWAI member send an expert…
… where he talked about all the ways the original version of your program helped him break into B2B copywriting…
… and land assignments with companies like IBM that paid him his investment in the program 150 times over in just the first few months.
Here’s Keith’s message to you:

Wow — it’s amazing to hear from those folks… and it’s great to hear how well they’re doing and very flattering, to me, to hear that my program made an impact.
This is really amazing…
You know, as much as I love writing B2B copy for my clients and helping their businesses…
… I also really love teaching B2B writing.
Because when you see how you‘ve helped someone succeed at doing something they’ve always dreamed of doing — and for us writers, what’s our dream? It’s being able to write from anywhere and be paid very well to do it — when I hear people are doing that, it’s extremely rewarding.
Thank you for reaching out to those people, Rebecca — it means a lot.

They were excited for the opportunity to do it, Steve. They really see you as a partner in their success… and they’re so appreciative.
And that caring really comes through, Steve, in everything you do.
Especially in this new program — when we see you on video… and when you’re teaching the skills…
… it’s clear you really want to make sure they have everything they need to succeed and more.
And on that front — this program really overdelivers.
Speaking of which…
… I want to do something that I think will really help our viewers.
I want to take you, the folks watching today, through some of the projects we’ve talked about — projects you’ll learn how to write in Steve’s new Modern B2B Copywriting program…
… to give you a sense of what it’s like to be a B2B writer — what your day is like…
… and how much you could earn writing all these fun projects Steve will teach you.
So, Steve, are you game for this?

Of course!

So, we’re going to jump right to the meat of the course — where you teach the most common types of B2B projects…
… which, in the program, comes after an amazing section of stuff you need to know before you write a single word of copy…
… like how B2B companies get leads and sell their products…
… factors that motivate a B2B buyer and the buying decision…
… and how to quickly learn everything about a product or service.
I found the instruction on how to write a rough outline for each project — so you know what to say and in what order — very helpful. It gave me a lot of confidence.
Plus, all the general writing tips you give…
… like mastering what you call the “business casual” style…
… how to create a compelling hook…
… how to make your product different from others out there…
… and how to prove your product is superior.
I also loved that section on what you call “wordsmithing”… That nine-point checklist on making sure the copy you write is clear, concise, and readable is so helpful!
Although, Steve, that’s a lot before we even get to writing a specific project!

It is, but it’s also very necessary.
And it’ll make you not only a better B2B writer, but a better writer all around. Because persuasive writing is powerful, compelling writing, no matter what you’re writing about.
And this “deep dive” background into writing will only make learning to write those “money” projects — blogs, white papers, emails, and so on — all that much easier and more fun.

Okay — so let’s jump to that…
We talked earlier about getting leads — and one way you as a B2B writer will be asked to help is by writing blog posts and articles.

Absolutely — and it’s the first project you’ll learn in my course, because the simple truth is that content marketing is booming — and I mean booming — in the B2B world.

B2B companies are constantly turning out content on a weekly basis — primarily articles and blog posts.
This is content that they can publish on their blogs, sometimes on LinkedIn. They’ll publish these articles in trade publications — so they use these articles a lot.
They are articles that potential clients can find when doing a Google search, just like we did earlier.
And the information contained in these articles is something I call “practical tactical” — which means they focus on any one of three areas: new ideas and approaches… how to solve a problem… and information that the business buyer can use right away, which is what I mean by “practical tactical.”
Now, there are proven formulas and techniques for writing these articles, and I lay those out in detail in the program and include a lot of examples as well.

How long are these articles?

Typically about 500 to 1,000 words. That’s anywhere from two to four pages of typewritten copy on a Word doc.

So, short relative to a lot of other non-B2B copy projects.

Yes — a common theme in the B2B world.
Short, concise copy.

All right. So how long would a typical article take you to write?

Once you have the idea and your outline in place — and remember, I teach you how to do a rough outline that can guide you — so once you have your outline, a skilled B2B writer can finish an article in two or three hours.
So the entire project as a whole is really no more than a half day.

And the fee you could charge?

About $500 to $850 on average.
To YOU, the B2B writer — between $5,250 and $7,800 in a week!
Fees you can make for B2B Projects:
- Blog/Article: $500–$800
- Ad: $800–$1,000
- Case Study: $1,200–$2,000
- Email Campaign: $1,750–$2,500
- Landing Page: $500
- Sell Sheet: $500–$1,000

Okay — so you get up in the morning… make a coffee or tea… gather your materials for your article… map out an outline based on the formula you teach… and write your article by noon.
What about after lunch?

Well, that would be a good time to work on an ad that a B2B company might want to post on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram…

And those are very simple…
They’re based on single, compelling — or what I like to call a “controlling” — idea that gets your reader’s attention…
They have a headline… a little bit of body copy… likely some kind of graphic or image that enhances your messaging… an offer of some kind, and, of course, a call to action, where you ask your reader to click for more information, go to a website, or maybe download a free white paper, case study, or report in exchange for their email address.
Remember… this is all part of lead generation and product awareness, which we talked about earlier and is crucial to all B2B businesses.
And in the program, I teach the techniques for writing an effective ad, whether it’s for a trade publication or social media. I walk you through it step by step… I give you the formulas… show you a ton of examples of effective B2B ads that you can model and learn from.

I found those examples super helpful, being able to see what the result is supposed to look like.
And this sounds like a fun project — something you can get really creative with.

It is — B2B writers love writing ads for that exact reason. You can really do some fun stuff with not just the content, but also with the visuals.

So, the typical B2B ad — how long to write one of those?

Again, once you have the idea — not long at all. And very often, your client will have an idea for the ad in mind… and just ask you for the creative.
So again — a skilled copywriter can write an effective ad in an afternoon.

And the fee you might expect to charge?

Anywhere from $800 to $1,000.

Okay, I’m keeping a tally here…
So we have a day of writing — let’s call them your “Monday” projects —
an article consisting of anywhere from two to three typewritten pages… and a short ad where most of your energy goes into the “creative”…
… and you’ve potentially earned $1,300 to $1,800 for the day.
Not bad!

No, not bad at all. And remember, once you know the formula and you get some experience behind you, you can write more of these faster.

Okay, Steve… we’re running short on time here…
… and I’m guessing the folks watching want to know how they can be among the very first to see your new Modern B2B Copywriting program — and the incredible deal we have for this very special offer.
But there’s a whole lot more you’re teaching than ads and articles.
Talk about another very popular B2B project — case studies.

Yes, extremely popular. And fun to write.

I like to call these “good news” stories, because you’re writing about your client’s customer… who had a problem… how they found your client’s product… how they used it to solve the problem… and the results they got.
It’s a good news story… a success story…
And who doesn’t like sharing good news!

Writers I know love writing case studies for that reason. And all businesses, including AWAI, love touting success stories because it’s great proof and great for their credibility.
The more success stories… the more you can write… the better for the company… and the more you get paid.
It really is a win-win for everyone…

And again, there’s a very simple formula for writing case studies. In fact, they tend to be very formulaic, actually.
Most of the work, in fact, is interviewing your client’s customer — which is also a lot of fun.
And in the new program, I share with you the exact questions you need to ask and how to plan for the interview. I even give you the script I use for these calls… so you can know what to ask when you interview them and get a great story from them… so you can write your case study.
Then I give you the formula — which starts with the customer… the problem they had… and how your client’s product gave them the solution. And then some “real world” details on how that product worked… and the positive results the customer got.
It’s a very simple formula…
And again, a good case study should be short and concise — 500 words to 1,200 tops.

So, with the interviews and writing, how much time is involved?

You’re going to spend about two hours on the interview — maybe an hour writing the questions and an hour interviewing your client’s customer. Say another two to three hours to write it. So this is a little more than an afternoon, but it’s definitely a “short day” of writing.

And the fee?

The going fee for a case study is anywhere from $1,200 to $2,000.

Again, not a bad short day’s pay!

Not at all. And again — once you know the formula and get some practice with writing them, it’s not unusual for experienced B2B writers to write two case studies in a day.

Okay — so we’re keeping a running total here…
That’s two days of writing as a B2B copywriter — and the potential to bill your client between $2,500 and $3,800.
Already, that’s a pretty good week’s pay for a lot of people — and it’s only Tuesday!
What’s next?

Next, as far as a project you might be asked to write?


Well, I would say it’s going to be a really common project: You’re going to be writing a lot of emails, because email is such an important marketing channel for B2B companies.

Almost all B2B companies do a lot of email marketing.
And it’s a crucial skill for B2B writers, because B2B companies use email for everything — lead generation, nurturing leads, turning leads into sales, upselling existing customers, and more.
In fact, I saw a stat the other day that said B2B companies send over a million unique marketing emails to their customers and prospective customers each and every week.
Someone has to write those!
And they’re divided into two categories. One is promotional emails, where you’re trying to get a customer or prospective customer to take a specific action, whether it’s to download a new report, sign up for a webinar, click to a website, learn about a new product, open an invitation to an online demo, or something else.
It’s somewhat promotional — but still informing and educating.
The other is what I call “staying in touch” emails, where you give your customer valuable information, educate your customer and leads, give them information that builds that relationship… so you remain “top of mind” and or build a relationship with that client.
Now, this might sound complicated with everything going on — but it’s all very logical, and everything is explained completely in the program…
… from how to write a great subject line so your prospect opens and reads the email… right down to achieving the desired call to action.

I agree 100 percent, Steve… email writing is a great skill for any copywriter to have.
But it sounds like you’ll be writing a lot of emails as a B2B writer…
Emails your clients are happy to pay you to write because a well-written email is worth its weight in gold as far as converting leads to customers goes… building relationships…
… and keeping those customers engaged with your clients’ products and services.
So I’ll ask you again — how much time, and how much can you bill?

Well, it’s not often you’re writing just one email.
Usually it’s a sequence of emails — a series of emails… maybe an email you send every week… Or you might have an email campaign that runs over three, five, seven days — sometimes longer. And typically, you’ll need three, five, or seven emails to go with that campaign — plus, remember the landing page if you’re making an offer in one of those emails.

So depending on the scope of the project, you can spend a full day writing emails — then maybe another half day getting the landing page right…
But then again, it’s well worth your time, because a typical email can pay right around $250 to $350 — which means a seven-email campaign could pay $1,750 or more…
And then the landing page — another $500, depending on how much is involved there.

And again, we’re not talking long emails here, right?

Absolutely not. Short and sweet rules the day in B2B. In fact, if you’re going beyond 500 words, which is about a page and a half, two pages — that’s usually a red flag in B2B… You’ve gone too far… Nobody’s going to read an email that long.
So often they’re less than 500 words.

Let’s say emails and a landing page are your “Wednesday and Thursday” projects.
And for writing those emails and that one landing page, you’re able to bill $2,750… bringing your total billable writing for the week to as much as maybe $6,550.
So how will we spend Friday? 🙂

Well, with $6,550 coming your way for the week, you might just want to take Friday off and enjoy a long weekend!
But don’t tell your clients, because they’re bound to have more for you to write!
But joking aside, what would you write on a Friday? I’d say a sell sheet. That’s a good Friday project.

I’ve heard of sell sheets — but it’s not something we typically write in the business-to-consumer world.
What exactly is a sell sheet?

Well, Rebecca, it’s really the B2B version of a brochure…
Now, when we think of a brochure, we think of multiple pages with lots of folds in it…
… but in B2B it’s actually very simple… It’s typically one sheet of paper front and back — or a two-page PDF online.
Here’s one here:

This is an example of a typical sell sheet.
And a sell sheet on a piece of paper or PDF, copy on both sides — its job is to give the B2B buyer a fast overview of a product or application for that product, so again, not a lot of copy…
But — that copy needs to answer all the pressing and most relevant questions the B2B buyer is likely to have. Because they downloaded that sell sheet for a reason. They want a good, clear overview of that product.
So, in my course, the first thing I do is show you all the questions you have to answer in that sell sheet with your copy… and all the answers you need to get from your client in order to write it.
It needs to answer questions like these:
How is our product better than the competition’s?
What does it look like?
How does it work?
What are the applications for it?
How do I order?
What are the technical specs?
What are the features and the benefits of those features?
These are just a few of the questions buyers want to know.
In my program, I teach you — again, step by step — the formula for writing an effective sell sheet.
You’ll notice on this example, the front gives you a big-picture overview of the product — almost like an ad for the product.
Then when you turn it around to the back, it has much more detail — details about the features and benefits, specifications, how to order.
Over the years — well, I’ve never counted, but I’ve written hundreds of sell sheets. And very often I’ll try to write them first before I write other projects for a new client. Because once you write the sell sheet, you have a good, clear picture of the product and its benefits, and you can very often use that information to help you write all the other marketing material.

That’s a great tip, everybody… Write the sell sheet first!
So again, we’re talking short, concise copy.
And assuming it’s not the first project you’re writing for a product…
… my guess is that you have a lot of the information you can use in a sell sheet from other projects you’ve written?

That’s right, but I give you the top questions the reader of your sell sheet is going to want answers to, so you can get that information from your client before you sit down and write.
It’s my goal to get as much information from the client as possible. That’s why I teach you in the program the questions you need to ask your client when you’re writing a marketing piece or an article.
Often it’s a 20-minute phone call — or even an email exchange. Sometimes it’s a Zoom call like this one.
Once you have that, a skilled B2B writer — like you will be when you take my new program — can put together a sell sheet in about a day or less.

I like that we’re making the client do some of the work, too!
So what’s the fee for a sell sheet?

Anywhere from $500 to $1,000.

Okay, Steve, this is amazing.
With your expert teaching and your new Modern B2B Copywriting course, we’ve closed out a very successful week of writing!
By my calculations — $5,250 on the low side… $7,800 on the high side.
And that’s working on just five fun, short, and relatively simple projects — an article, an ad, a case study, a few emails, a landing page, and a sell sheet… Am I missing anything?

That’s everything we just talked about…
But it’s just the tip of the iceberg, really… I cover many more projects in the program.
E-books and white papers — those are very lucrative projects for B2B writers. If you can land a couple of those a month, it’s great, because you can charge about $500 per page!
B2B businesses love them because they act as great lead generators.
As we talked about earlier, very often a B2B ad or article or email will offer a free e-book or white paper that has valuable information for a prospect in exchange for an email address… which then becomes a valuable lead for the B2B company.
Now, you might be wondering, what is a white paper, sometimes called an e-book?
I describe these as a longer, in-depth article that usually explains a new or better solution to a business buyer’s problem, need, or goal.
It might educate about a new or better technology…
… a new or better way of doing something… a new way to solve a problem.
And often they can be longer — anywhere from 8 to 12 pages… sometimes a little longer, depending on the product and problem you’re writing about.
But B2B copywriters love white papers because you can write them during “downtime.” So, if you finished that sell sheet early on Friday, you can spend a few hours working on a white paper.
In fact, I always say… if you love doing research and you enjoy writing articles — chances are you’ll love writing white papers.

Right: Many AWAI writers who’ve followed the B2B path say they love writing white papers for all those reasons…
… but also because of the pay…

Yes. White papers and e-books pay very well — anywhere from $3,500 to $7,000, depending on the length and complexity of the piece you’re writing
And remember, if you’re writing a white paper or an e-book that’s part of a lead generation campaign, very often you’re writing all the other elements as well — blog posts, ads, emails, content, landing pages…
So the research and in some cases the writing you do for one piece, you can use for another… making the job easier and faster.

That’s a very good point…

Rebecca, another big project for B2B writers we haven’t covered yet — websites.
Companies are constantly directing prospective customers to their websites, so the content on those websites always needs to be refreshed and updated to stay relevant.
In fact, I read a statistic the other day that B2B companies will update or completely overhaul the content on their websites every 18 months.

Oh my gosh!

So B2B writers are constantly helping companies write new content and keep their website content fresh and updated.
I have a whole section in the program on how to write and freshen key website pages for B2B businesses — including the home page, the “About Us” page, product pages, and more.
There are also entire social media campaigns B2B writers are hired to write… I cover that, too…
And video scripts — I touched on those. That’s a fast-growing income source for B2B writers… We haven’t talked about those yet…

By the time you finish my new program, you’ll be an expert in all of these.

Steve, I’m so glad you could be here today.
You’ve really helped crystalize our understanding of what B2B is all about…
It’s clearer to me than ever just how perfect B2B writing is for the writer who wants to break into copywriting…
It pays extremely well.
The projects — now that you’ve demystified them for us — are short, fun, and easy to learn and understand.
There’s no hype or hard selling.
You’re essentially in the business of helping companies solve problems.
And there’s massive demand!

And the best part is — you can become a writer without leaving the industry you’re in… without “wasting” all that knowledge and experience you’ve learned over the years… and contacts that you’ve made.
You can start applying that knowledge and experience right now — and become a B2B writer for the industry you’re in.
For example, if you’re in the transportation business now — you can start writing for the transportation industry.
A lot of B2B writers I know got their start this way.
In fact, the second client I ever had as a new B2B writer back in the 1990s was my previous employer.

I can actually name quite a few AWAI members who have done just that…
Like Liz Farr, who was a CPA dreading another tax season… so she decided to write copy and content for CPAs.
Eddie Stephens was a dentist… and is now a copywriter in the dental industry…
Steve Maurer, industrial manufacturing…
Dr. Tammy Powell, veterinary industry…
We have so many success stories of writers who achieved success faster by staying in their professional industry.

A lot of my friends and colleagues followed the same path. It makes breaking in easy, because you already have the knowledge and the contacts… It gives you a head start.
But I want to stress this: You don’t have to. You don’t have to write for the industry you’re in now. You might want a fresh start.
My friend Gordon Graham, who you might know as “That White Paper Guy” because he specializes in white papers — he has a background in journalism. And he often tells the story where, if you’re a journalist on the crime beat for five years and you get to know it well… and your editor says, “Okay, I’m going to switch you to the entertainment beat,” what would you do?
Well, you’re a writer. You’re curious. You’ll learn all about the entertainment beat and that target audience and what they’re looking for, what they’re interested in.
And you’ll make that switch.
So you can do that as a B2B writer. You can focus on any industry that interests you, jump in and really learn it.
And what I really love — and I want you to keep this in mind, everyone watching — what I really love about this industry is that you really need only three or four active clients to earn a solid “executive” income as a writer.

And, of course, there’s a whole section in your new course on the “client” side of a writing business…
… like where to find great clients…
… how to approach them…
… how to land them…
… how to work with them when it comes to submitting copy, asking for information, going through copy revisions…
Not to mention all the tips and instructions you have for setting up your writing business — I love the templates of actual emails you send to clients… that students are able to use as their own.
And all those examples of real B2B projects — that “instant swipe file” you’ll be able to go to as you’re working on projects…
… dozens and dozens of them you can refer to anytime you sit down to write an ad, an email, an article, a sell sheet, a white paper…
It’s all right there.
Nothing has been left out of this amazing course…

Like I said, Rebecca, this really is the culmination of my work as a B2B writer and teacher.
I really had a blast putting it together.
It was a lot of work — over 30 new lessons… hours spent sourcing all those up-to-the-moment examples you mention…
But B2B is a big market and an even bigger opportunity…
And there’s a huge demand for writers… skilled writers, which is very important. You have to know your stuff.
I wanted to make sure people had everything they need to be successful.
And, of course, with AWAI’s help putting it all together, I feel really good about the result.
I think it’s going to help a lot of people find their place in this niche and really succeed as a writer.

I agree.
Okay, so — we want to get this program into your hands.
And the good news is, it’s ready now.
No waiting… You can place your order right away… and be working on your first lesson in a matter of minutes.
In just a minute a big button will appear at the bottom of this video that will take you to a page where you can get access.
But first, I wanted to do a quick review of everything you get — and how the program works.
Now, there’s so much in here — I’ll try to make this brief…
It starts with a powerful overview of the B2B sales process — how B2B companies market to other companies… how they capture leads… how they convert those leads… how they build up customer relationships over time… and the role you, as a B2B copywriter, will play in all of it.
Next it’s all about understanding B2B buyers — their role within the company… and what motivates them as a buyer… both in terms of responsibility to the company and how they’re perceived by their peers and their superiors within the company.
Steve — that’s very important, something ordinary B2B writers fail to take into account, correct?

Absolutely, Rebecca. I always say you’re often selling to a “split personality” — someone who’s simultaneously wondering how this purchase will impact the business — and how it will impact them, personally.
As a B2B writer you have to take both motivations into account.
And everything I teach has that reality in mind.

There’s a great list of motivators in Lesson 3 to be aware of when writing to these “split” personalities… I found that fascinating and incredibly useful.
Then there’s that great lesson on researching and really digging into how the product works and what it does, and drawing out all the features and benefits you’ll use in your writing.
Again, crucial.
And then, the amazing lessons on writing…
… starting off with something I’ve never seen in a program like this before — but makes perfect sense: writing an outline.

This is a personal trick I’ve learned. It’s probably doubled my productivity and my income over the years.
I find that taking a few minutes to write a quick outline for most projects helps me organize my thoughts and streamline my writing so I write much faster with far less stress.
The way I look at it, you wouldn’t start a business without a business plan — and outlines are little mini “business plans” for every project you write.

Again, makes perfect sense… and a great habit to get into for any writing project.
There’s also another powerful lesson on writing in a “business casual” style that’s more conversational and avoids the dreaded “corporate-speak” that hampers a lot of B2B copy.
And you’re learning from an expert in this regard, because Steve has always said that the number one reason clients keep coming back to him is that they love the tone of his writing — and he shares his secrets in Lesson 6.
Next, you get four powerful lessons on business copy structure that can be incorporated into virtually any B2B content piece… articles, ads, web pages, sell sheets, case studies… you name it.
He shows you how to write a great B2B-style headline… how to write product descriptions as well as features and benefits in a captivating way… how to differentiate your B2B product and offer proof that it’s better… and, of course, how to write a call to action that gets people to act.
And again, tons of real-life examples to follow — enough to build your own, very impressive swipe file.
There are also practice exercise assignments that really help drive home what you just learned in a meaningful and memorable way.
And we’re just in Part One!
Part Two has all the lessons on specific writing projects you’ll be asked to write as a B2B copywriter…
Projects we talked about today for which you can bill hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars for a few hours of writing:
… blog posts and articles…

… case studies…

… e-books and white papers…

… B2B website pages…

… emails…

… sell sheets…

… Facebook and Google ads…

… video scripts…

… social media posts…

It’s all there — again, with examples and practice exercises following each one.
Then, once you’ve become an expert in writing all these projects, Steve will help you set up your writing business…
He’ll help you select a target market that suits your skills, your interests, your background, and your experience.
He’ll share his techniques for reaching out to new clients… getting that all-important first meeting… and then turning that meeting into a real, live, paying client.
He’ll show you how to turn first-time clients into regular clients… even help you with pricing your projects.
He’ll even share with you his own personal template for quoting writing projects and communicating with clients.
So you see, Steve’s all-new Modern B2B Copywriting program is really like a B2B writing business in a box.
You can get it today… knowing nothing about writing or B2B writing — and be an expert by the time you’re finished.
Steve, again…
Thank you for creating this amazing program for us. It’s going to be a life-changer for a lot of people.
I’m going to come back to you in just a minute for any final advice you have for our viewers… anything that might help them find success faster as a well-paid B2B writer…
But first, you should see a big button to get instant access to Steve’s Modern B2B Copywriting program beneath this video.
Be a Well-Paid B2B Writer — Get Modern B2B Now!
For you, this is a very big moment…
Think about it — everything you need to know about B2B in today’s digital marketing world…
Everything you need to know about B2B clients and the marketing process…
Everything you need to know about writing high-performance B2B copy… from the proper tone… right down to the formula and structure of virtually every B2B project you’ll write.
Plus, all those deep dives into the most in-demand and well-paying B2B writing projects… ads, blogs, case studies, white papers, emails, sell sheets, videos, and more.
A complete guide to starting your B2B writing business “from scratch” — and landing your first well-paying clients.
All those templates… Steve’s private emails and quoting forms you can use with clients.
And, of course, the amazing swipe file of today’s most successful B2B ads you can use as guides and inspiration when working on your own writing assignments.
This is the program that’s launched, literally, thousands of successful B2B copywriting careers…
Only now… it’s been completely revamped, and updated with new lessons, new projects, new assignments, and up-to-the-minute examples of what’s working in B2B today.
If ever there was a one-stop “writing business in a box” for everything B2B — Steve’s Modern B2B Copywriting program is it.
And because Steve and AWAI want you to succeed… we don’t want price to be the thing standing between you and a professional B2B writing career.
Which is why we’re offering you the very best deal through this exclusive offer.
Just click on the big button below…
Be a Well-Paid B2B Writer — Get Modern B2B Now!
You’ll get a recap of everything you get — plus you’ll see the special price we have for you… and a few other surprises.
And remember, the B2B opportunity is huge.
It’s projected to steadily grow to $20.9 trillion by 2027…
And given that the industry spends an average of 6.4 percent of that revenue on marketing, including copywriting…
That’s a $1.3 trillion-dollar pie… that’s up for grabs!
And the demand? Off the charts!
Remember, too — B2B is a niche where companies expect to pay skilled writers professional fees.
This is an industry where a blog post or an article pays $500 to $800…
… where a case study can pay you $1,200 to $2,000…
… and where an email campaign and a landing page can pay you $2,700.
Remember, Steve and I showed you how you could earn as much as $7,800 working on a few projects a week!
And that’s just the copy one client needs… for one campaign
These are not inflated figures.
They’re based on going project rates, culled from working B2B copywriters and published in AWAI’s State of the Industry Report and Copywriter Pricing Guide.
That’s why, if you love to write and you’re looking for a niche — B2B is the very best option.
And without a doubt, Steve’s Modern B2B Copywriting is the most comprehensive program on “everything B2B” we’ve ever seen or offered.
And for a fraction of what you could earn from your very first assignment… you can get started today.
All you have to do is click on the big button below… review everything you get with this amazing offer… and tell us which email address you’d like us to use to send your program access link.
Be a Well-Paid B2B Writer — Get Modern B2B Now!
And when you do — be on the lookout for three exciting new bonuses Steve included in the deal…
🙂… bonuses that, quite frankly, we didn’t have time to cover during our time together today.
So, Steve, any final advice for our viewers who are thinking about joining you in B2B?

My final advice — well, you need to accomplish three things to be a successful B2B writer.
You need to know how to write great B2B content…
You need to know how to write the different types of projects we talked about…
And you need to know how to land great clients.
In this course I walk you through how to do exactly all three of those things.
So if you’re interested in this field… if you’re interested in becoming a B2B writer… you can do this!
I’ll walk you through it.

It’s all in the box!
Thank you so much for joining us today, Steve…

It was my pleasure.

And with that, I really want to thank you for joining us today…
We definitely ran a little longer than we planned — but there was just so much to talk about — and we really wanted to give you the full picture.
I hope you’re excited about this amazing opportunity.
And please — you definitely want to take advantage of this amazing offer on Steve’s all-new Modern B2B Copywriting before it disappears forever.
Click the big button below… see your special pricing and terms… get the program… and you’ll have full access to it within minutes.
From Steve and me — and the entire AWAI team — have a great day!
BYE! 🙂