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You’ll learn why this is and how to get these bonuses yourself in our special report, 130 Amazing Perks and Freebies for Barefoot Writers — yours FREE when you subscribe to Barefoot Writer.

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For over 20 years, Infinity has been by far the best VALUE DEAL that AWAI members can own with lifetime access to over 120 learning and business-building resources…

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Living the Writer's Life: Alice Watts

Alice Watts didn’t want to sit around bored in retirement, and writing sounded like something that would fill the void and bring in money. After a few false starts, she found her footing, and now she fills a need in the writing world that she never saw coming. Discover what it is below…

Unlocking the AI Revolution: Mari Smith’s First Bootcamp

Mari Smith, the Queen of Facebook, will be speaking at her first Bootcamp! In this video she touches on what she will address during her inaugural Bootcamp session and what she thinks is the most exciting thing happening in the industry today, and shares a profound question that transformed her.

Recovering Perfectionist Finds Success in Web Copywriting: Michele’s Journey to Living Her Writer’s Life Full Time

Michele Peterson was NOT an overnight success. In fact, she didn’t even complete the Accelerated Copywriting program… While she loved the idea of writing persuasively, she didn’t have that same passion for writing sales letters. Choosing instead to dive headfirst into learning web copywriting and emails while also armed with an unshakable “why,” she left her “security blanket” job and leapt into her writer’s life.

Ex–College Student Thrives as Full-Time Writer, Earns $5,000 Paycheck and 10K Scholarship, All Thanks to First-Ever Bootcamp!

Ex–college student creates a successful copywriting business that provides financial security and the ability to help support her loved ones.

Congratulations to Donna Davis, the Spring 2023 Winner of AWAI’s Site Content Audit Report Challenge — Awarded $2,000

Pam Foster announces the winner of AWAI’s recent $2,000 Site Content Audit Report Challenge.

Inside a Copyediting Agency with EditorNinja Founder John Doherty

As founder of the subscription-based company EditorNinja, John Doherty is focused on the importance of copyediting in today’s copy-intensive world. In this video, he discusses with Katie Yeakle what his company does, why editing is a valuable service, and how to get started as copyeditor.

Living the Writer's Life: Monica Coleman

Monica Coleman had a longtime thirst to help others. Despite a successful career in finance, she knew more was possible for her. It wasn’t till she discovered the power of the written word that she found a way to meld her interests and passions with a versatile writing career that keeps her busy and engaged. Today, she has time for her family plus plenty of intriguing work to keep her busy…

How This Freelance Copywriter Shifted to a Dream In-House Position

Freelance writer Lisa Schmidt recently landed a dream full-time staff writer position. Why the switch after eight years of freelancing? Lisa said, “I was looking to create more stability in my income and to be a part of a much larger mission.” See how it all unfolded, along with Lisa’s advice.

Pre-Bootcamp Playback Session: Connecting with Confidence for Your Copywriting Career — Create Your Own Bodacious Bootcamp Experience

Pam Foster met with Bootcamp alumni and heard their insider secrets on making the most out of your Bootcamp experience. Discover how Bootcamp sparked amazing careers for them… what they did specifically during and after Bootcamp… and where they are now as thriving writers.

Prize Winner Announced for AWAI's 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge

Congratulations to Deann Rasch, the winning blog post writer out of 13 finalists in our special program for new freelance writers — AWAI's 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge. This program is for aspiring professional freelance writers learning the ropes for the first time through AWAI.

“You’re Going to AWAI’s Bootcamp!” Three Ad Writing Contest Winners Chosen to Receive a Ticket to Attend The Copywriting Event of the Year

Congratulations to the three winners of May’s Ad Writing Contest, sponsored by The Writer’s Life. The prize winners were awarded a ticket to AWAI’s 2023 Copywriting Success & Getting Clients Bootcamp for writing compelling ad copy encouraging writers to attend The Copywriting Event of the Year.

Living the Writer's Life: Chad Myers

Chad Myers set out for his first job in media with gusto, but he soon realized it wasn’t all he’d dreamed it would be. He wasn’t long into the disappointment before he came across copywriting and recognized it as the trampoline that could vault him toward his biggest life dreams. Read on to discover how those dreams intersect with writing, and what he’s doing to make sure they all come true.

Powerhouse Speakers Set for AWAI’s 2023 Copywriting Success & Getting Clients Bootcamp 2023

AWAI announces its world-class roster of speakers for the 2023 AWAI Copywriting Success & Getting Clients Bootcamp. In October, this “who’s who” of copywriting, content marketing, and freelance business growth experts will share new techniques, secrets, and strategies based on what's working now.

Living the Writer's Life: Lisa Christoffel

Lisa Christoffel held a distinguished job with international responsibilities, but the toll it took on her family and her physical health propelled her to find an alternative. Copywriting was the obvious answer, but her transition was slow. Discover how she finally made the leap, and find out which notable writing organization she now runs.

FINAL CALL! Join us LIVE today

We are going LIVE to talk about THE event of the year for writers at all levels — AWAI’s Copywriting Success & Getting Clients Bootcamp!

Congratulations to Michelle Miles, Our Spring 2023 Winner of AWAI’s White Paper Challenge — Awarded $5,000

Pam Foster announces the winner of AWAI’s recent $5,000 White Paper Challenge.

Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens

Eddie Stephens had enjoyed fulfillment in his first career as a pastor, but after more than two decades in the field was ready for something new. When the allure of freedom through writing called to him, he dove in headfirst with a determined plan to succeed. Even as he made headway, a greater plan was in the works, and his niche eventually found him. Read on to discover how it all happened...

Why Tuesday, May 23, Will Be a Landmark Day for AWAI Writers…

Join Katie Yeakle, and Rebecca Matter to see what all the buzz is about this landmark day for AWAI writers...

This Writer Launched Her Copywriting Career at Her “Day Job!”

If you're wondering how to start a copywriting career, you might mention your new skills to your current employer. It could turn into big opportunity. We know many copywriters who've taken this approach with great results, including Erica Groneman. Find out how she made it happen very quickly...

Living the Writer's Life: Jerry Bures

Jerry Bures didn’t hate his job in engineering, but the lack of control when it came to work hours and the time away from his family grew taxing. He was ripe for change the day a letter showed up in his mailbox that completely redirected his trajectory. On the other side, he found joy, freedom, and a revived ability to be there for the people who mattered most to him.

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