This Week from AWAI …


A collection of all the reports and resources that come with The Professional Writers’ Alliance
  • Get all the writing templates…
  • All the “Ask the Expert” interviews…
  • All the Member Spotlights…
  • All 275+ “how-to” articles…
  • Three handpicked programs from AWAI’s catalog…
  • The LinkedIn group, VIP Job Board access, the tutorials, the tools, the special reports, the swipe file…
  • Your personalized membership card and certificate…


For just $1 dollar when you join by midnight tonight!

Get Your Special Invitation Here

$297 In Writing Training
— for $11!!!

When you grab a subscription to Barefoot Writer magazine today, for only $11…

You’ll get FREE access to our Making the Leap program, which takes you from wherever you are today…

And shows you exactly how to make a smooth transition to paid writing, so you’ll have success right out of the gate.

It usually costs $297, but you’ll get it completely free today!

Grab It All For $11

The Rise of the

Something extraordinary is happening in the writing world…

A small but growing group of “alt-copywriters” are quietly building their own thriving businesses by leveraging their writing skills in an entirely unique way.

Where they can have:

  • Predictable income…
  • Complete creative freedom…
  • Assets they fully own and control…

Plus, these copywriters are leveraging their writing skills and passions in a way that gives them the freedom to decide *if* and *when* they want to work with clients… 👀

“Tell Me More!”