Inside AWAI Webinar and Q&A:
How to Make $1,000 as a Copywriter in a Weekend

Interested in learning how to make good money freelance writing … part time or in your spare time?

Whether you’re hoping to moonlight as a copywriter, looking to consistently earn money before making the leap to full-time freelancer, or just want to make a little extra money on the side, it’s easier when you focus on writing projects with fast turnaround times and professional fees.

In this Inside AWAI webinar, How to Make $1,000 as a Copywriter in a Weekend, AWAI Executive Director Katie Yeakle and AWAI Learning Chief Pam Foster walk through SEVEN projects that pay at least $1,000 … and can also be completed in a weekend.

They also held a Q&A with participants at the end, so nothing was left in doubt!

Webinar Materials

Listen to Playback

Webinar Slides

Webinar Q&A

Programs Mentioned During the Webinar

How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients

Writing Case Studies

How to Write Engaging E-newsletters

Become a Lead-Gen Specialist

How to Write High Impact Emails

The Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting

How to Write Video Scripts

Site Content Audits Made Simple

Access the Inside AWAI archives here.