Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

Nancy White
Location: | Columbus, OH |
Professions: | Copywriter |
Professional Background:
B.A., English/Technical Writing, 1993, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. 1968-1973~Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C., 1978-1989~ChemLawn, Columbus, Ohio, 1989-1991~The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio, 1991-2007~Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio, 2007-2015~Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Published in two anthologies: "Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee" and "The Book of Hope: Thirty-one True Stories from Real People Who Didn't Give Up". Now embarking on a career as a copywriter. Hobbies: Avid film fan of both classic and new movies, sleep deprived from reading late into the night (mysteries, thrillers, romance, westerns, women's fiction), considered the chef of extended family and proud of it (you name it and I've prepared it), unpublished romance writer (three historical western manuscripts under my bed), and traveling America (love history, always learning).