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Your Step-By-Step Guide to Making a VERY Good Living as a Writer …
This exclusive blueprint shows you how to build the freedom-filled life you’ve always wanted in 9 easy steps — even if you’re a complete beginner.
You’ll learn:
- Why NOW is the best time to pursue a freelance writing career …
- The best freelance writing projects to go after based on your money goals, whether that’s extra cash on the side or replacing your full-time income …
- How to find the best markets to write for based on YOUR personality and interests you love …
- Simple tricks to build confidence and handle every project like a pro when working with clients for the first time …
- And much more!
Plus, when you sign up today, you’ll receive our free daily e-newsletter on how to make a great living as a writer, The Writer’s Life.
Each day you’ll receive actionable advice from working writers you can use to write smarter, get paid faster, and build the kind of lifestyle you’ve only dreamed about till now.
What People Say About AWAI …

“Local businesses have really put my career copywriting career into motion. It seems to be a win-win situation. My skills are way about what these businesses are used to while giving me a chance to gain experience and improve my writing. And I’m making decent money… Thank you for the courses, support and inspiration you provide.”
— Cindy Cyr

“Within a matter of weeks after completing the Accelerated program, I found myself working on a copywriting assignment! And within the next month, I added two more assignments… All my life I struggled to find a way that I could make a lot of money and be happy doing it. AWAI’s program did that and more.”
— Paul L.

“When I needed freelance writers to write ebooks for my online publishing business, I ran a small help-wanted ad through AWAI… I quickly found all the writers I needed. The quality was far superior to [now Upwork] or even what I got with a help wanted ad in the Sunday NY Times.”
— Bob Bly

“As a marketer who has hundreds of copywriting resources on his shelf — I’ll tell you AWAI’s instructors know their stuff!”
— Yanik Silver

“When I want to take time off with my family I can do it. I don’t have to ask my boss.”
— Steve Coombes

“My AWAI training and career have been such lifesavers because I haven't had to find a new job every single time we've moved. I can just pick up right where I left off in the last state — with no gaps in my income.”
— Rachael K.