This Week from AWAI …

Get Started as an
In-Demand Ghostwriter

Millions of business executives, experts, thought leaders, and bloggers can benefit from writing a book — but don’t have either the time or the expertise to pull it off…

Which is why ghostwriting is a billion-dollar business where… writers like you … can earn FIVE figures… per project!

Go here for the simple five-step process…


Now Accepting New Members

Ready to claim the ultimate “YES” writing career?

  • Yes! Take charge of your projects. (Goodbye, bosses!)
  • Yes! Schedule your day as you see fit.
  • Yes! Work from the comfort of home.
  • Yes! Give yourself a raise every month.
  • Yes! Take a vacation whenever you please.
  • Yes! Be there for the moments that matter.

Thousands of others have already done it. Now it’s your turn.

Claim Your Freedom Now

FREE Training: How to Futureproof Your Freelance Writing Business NOW

The AI revolution is here, and it’s completely reshaping the copywriting landscape.

Join us Friday, July 26, at noon ET for a very special training with digital copywriting pioneer Nick Usborne, our resident “in-house” AI expert, Guillermo Rubio, and AWAI’s executive director, Katie Yeakle…

And learn how to set yourself up to THRIVE as a writer right now… and for years to come.

Details Here