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Living The Writer's Life: Donna Kaluzniak

Donna Kaluzniak is the ideal example of someone who found the perfect niche and went after it. Once she decided to be a writer, she looked at her work experience… and thankfully hit on a topic she enjoys. Not only that, but it’s a highly-specialized field. She’s now making the most of being an elite, go-to writer in this niche. Plus, she’s a terrific, positive example of someone in command of her writing business — and her life. Go, Donna!

Living The Writer's Life: Apryl Parcher

From writer to speaker to trainer and now book author, Apryl Parcher is forging through the channels of communication and finding nothing but success. Enjoy her unique insight on getting started, as well as tips on how to use social media to advance your career even before you make a name for yourself.

Living the Writer’s Life: Christopher Dean

Christopher Dean received a tip from a friend that opened the entire world of writing for him, and he’s made the most of it ever since. Find out how he escaped the daily slog of retail employment and replaced it with contentment and a relaxed lifestyle.

Living The Writer's Life: Jason Gaspero

“Incredible” is the single word that comes to mind when you read Jason Gaspero’s account of life as a Barefoot Writer. It’s beyond dream-worthy, since all he does month-in and month-out is travel to far-off, exotic destinations and write about his experiences — and makes a great living because of it. Plus, he enjoys a lifetime worth of adventure on a weekly basis (fried scorpion, anybody?). If you’ve ever entertained a fancy for travel writing, you’re going to love Jason’s story.

Congrats to the $5,000 Winner From The Ultimate White Paper Mentorship Program

The results are in … and while all the submissions were of high quality … there can be only one winner: Kristen Stelzer earned a $5,000 check from AWAI for her winning white paper.

Living The Writer's Life: Brad McMillen Why Writing Means “Goodbye, Cubicle” and “Hello, Opportunity!” for Brad McMillen

Life as a professional writer brings Brad McMillen the kind of freedom-from-The-Man we all crave. But it wasn’t until he “admitted” something to himself — out loud — that he was able to move forward in his goals. Find out what he said and learn why Brad is already on his way to long-term writing satisfaction.

Living The Writer's Life: Angela Williams Stillwell

Angela Williams Stillwell proves Barefoot Living can be shaped around your own interests. She recognized early on how freelance writing could give her the flexibility she wanted in life, both to pursue a career she enjoys and to continue her daily habits of exercise and playing with her pets. With a realistic grasp on how unpredictable life can be, Angela’s pursuit of Barefoot Writing gives her the time and income needed to overcome any obstacle — and enjoy herself along the way.

Living the Writer's Life: Joe Lilli

Joe Lilli has one of the most inspiring stories around. Because not only did he launch a thriving, well-paid writer’s life once, he’s in the process of doing it again. Read his story to understand how persistence, resilience, and the right contacts led to a writing career that is snowballing in steady growth.

Living The Writer's Life: Richard Boyd

Richard Boyd’s story is both moving and rousing. He proves that enthusiasm motivates action, that action motivates reward, and that the rewards he reaps through writing will sustain him through life’s biggest challenges …

3 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started My Copywriting Business

Kathryn Aragon shares the advice she wishes she had known when building her copywriting business… 3 pieces of knowledge that can save you so much time.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Clayton Makepeace

Clayton Makepeace shares how to get over your writing fears once and for all.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Ben Settle

Famed email specialist Ben Settle explains why your writing pursuits should be fun.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero explains how she forged a radically unique trail in copywriting.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Jennifer L. Armentrout

Best-selling novelist Jennifer L. Armentrout talks about the freedom in being an author.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Annette Annechild

Best-selling author Annette Annechild explains how to nurture yourself and your writing dream

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Chris Baty

Read about the incredible journey author Chris Baty took on his way to founding NaNoWriMo.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Kim Krause Schwalm

Kim Krause Schwalm sheds light on the earning potential in the copywriting world.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Joshua Boswell

Discover how a career in writing led once-broke Joshua Boswell to achieve his wildest dreams

Charlotte, North Carolina Copywriter Clears $140K — in Year One

What helped Jake Hoffberg go from zero to $140K his first year as a copywriter? Here’s his story of no experience to the writer’s life in record time.

From Teacher to Full-Time Writer: California Man Finds Fulfillment, Unlimited Potential in Copywriting Career

When his career didn’t fulfill his creative or financial needs, Jeremiah Magone discovered copywriting and a career with unlimited opportunity and fun.

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