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Three Steps to Finding Your Perfect Unique Value Proposition

Do you know the difference between your unique selling proposition and your unique value proposition? It could make a big difference in your business.

The Power of One — One Big Idea

Mark Ford gets at the very heart of powerful, persuasive writing. Follow this simple rule and everything you write will automatically be better.

12 In-Demand Copywriting Projects You Should Be Offering Clients Today

In this Internet-driven era, there are more opportunities for writers than ever. Here are 12 in-demand projects you could offer copy clients right away.

The More You Enjoy Writing about Your Chosen Topic, the More Money You’ll Make

You can generate a passive income stream with a Money-Making Website, assuming you have the right topic! Nick Usborne shows how to choose a profitable one.

Three Ways You Can Generate Passive Income — All from a Website You Write Yourself

Nick Usborne spends a few hours a week writing about a topic he’s passionate about. In return, he generates passive income 3 ways — without a single client.

5 Strategic Goals for Your Email Marketing Newsletter

An email newsletter is the ideal marketing tool for copywriters. It’s a great sample of your work and keeps you top of mind with prospective clients.

Makepeace Mastermind Alliance: How to Write No-Nonsense “Tough Guy Copy”

There’s a no-nonsense approach to copywriting that’s not often used. Clayton calls it “tough guy copy” … gritty but not insulting. Learn more …

6 Tips for Prospecting with Direct Mail

Land more clients when you use these six tips for prospecting with direct mail.

How to Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs

Letting go of what’s holding you back is hard. Discover a 7-step process you can use to let go of limiting beliefs and start building the life you’d like.

5 Ways Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back from Copywriting Success

What you believe can have a huge impact on your copywriting success. Learn five ways limiting beliefs could be secretly holding you back from your dreams.

Know Your Audience and You’ll Nail the Right Headline

When you know your audience, you can craft eye-catching headlines that work. Learn the NEW way to write winning headlines and game-changing subject lines.

Why Making Money Writing Should Be Fun (According to Ben Settle…)

Email writer Ben Settle has an enviable lifestyle… He only writes for 10 minutes a day. Yet he’s hugely successful. Read this interview for his secrets.

How You Answer This Question Determines the Fate of Your Big Idea

Writing a sales letter is easy. The difficult part is coming up with the Big Idea. Answering this question will determine the strength of your Big Idea.

These Alternative Health Copywriting Secrets Can Double or Triple Your Success Regardless of Your Niche

When Will Newman started writing in the health niche, he didn't grasp how to handle the emotion of fear in his copy, until he learned two important secrets.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Short on time? Rebecca Matter shares five in-demand projects that make it easy for you to turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income.

Five Quick Ways to Attract Your Ideal Clients Using LinkedIn

One copywriter thought success came from working harder. He was wrong. Now he focuses on high-leverage activities that take less time to yield big results.

15-Minute Exercise Helps Seven-Figure Copywriter Write 4 Promos a Month

Joshua Boswell tells the secret of a successful copywriter who can barely speak English, yet blows away the competition thanks to a 15-minute exercise!

Two Techniques for a Winning Elevator Pitch

“What do you do?” Having a solid elevator pitch as your answer is key to impressing potential prospects. Here are two techniques to help.

How Writing in Someone Else’s Voice Lets You Discover Your Own

Copywriting tip: this 3-step process will help you get to the heart of a client whose writing voice you need to model. By AWAI member Cara Flett.

Mark Ford’s Secret for Making Your Headlines Better Than 95% of all Headlines Written Today

Mark Ford tells us captivating headlines must promise a future benefit to succeed. He also tells us they must express this other type of benefit too.

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