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Living the Writer's Life: Sally Morem

As a child in the 1950s and ’60s, Sally Morem used to watch her father head off to work each day at the Giant Green Company in Le Sueur, Minnesota. She didn’t appreciate it at the time, but her father was deeply involved in creating one of the most famous advertising campaigns in history — the Jolly Green Giant (complete with its deep-throated “Ho! Ho! Ho!”). Today, Sally takes inspiration from her father’s work and helps self-development companies craft their own sales messages. It’s the perfect way to continue her family’s legacy in advertising.

Living the Writer's Life: Elias Christeas

A lot of people are inspired by the movies. But Elias Christeas’ fascination with Indiana Jones taught him to explore, engage with, and discover all that life has to offer. He leveraged his passion for automobiles into a copywriting career where he began breaking sales records within a matter of months. Today, he is happily living his dream writer’s life in Florida with his family. Here is Elias’ story …

Living the Writer's Life: Holly Rhoton

After injury, divorce, and moving homes… it’s been a tough year for Holly Rhoton. But she hasn’t let that get her down. While working full-time as a mammography technician, she’s been building up her side gig as a copywriter and showing her three kids the power of following your dreams. Read on to discover Holly’s simple secret for finding clients and why “it’s okay not to know everything.”

Living the Writer's Life: Michael Carr

Michael Carr had just graduated from high school when he stumbled upon copywriting. Rather than wait until college was complete, he decided to study the craft while going full-time for his degree. He even did a stint as a pizza delivery driver using split tests to earn more tips! Since then, his writer’s life has taken him from Baltimore to Lake Tahoe, Iceland, Spain, and now Poland. Through it all, Michael continues to “up” his game and get stronger results for his clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Zoe Blarowski

When people ask Zoe Blarowski about her new career, she simply says, “I write for websites.” But really, her copywriting career is about much more than that. It’s a career path that has helped her stop “punching the clock” and given her the chance to run her own successful business. It also allows her the flexibility to be there for her young family so they can go on family vacations… complete with camp stove tacos! Check out Zoe’s story below and learn the resources she used to build her career, and her thoughts on SEO as a skill set for writers.

Living the Writer's Life: Joel Boomer

Joel Boomer’s love affair with the South American country of Colombia started back in 2015. At first, he just visited to perfect his Spanish. But then, he met his fiancée and decided it was time to put down some serious roots. For Joel, copywriting in the financial niche has been the perfect fit to support his expat lifestyle. In this interview, Joel talks about his experience working within an agency.

Living the Writer's Life: Susan Greene

When Susan Greene graduated from college with a BS in journalism, a career in copywriting seemed like a natural path. But actually, her passion for writing was born more than a decade earlier — starting with a simple poem sent into a comic book contest. In this interview, Susan tells the story of how one woman can go from a $3 contest prize to a lifetime of “figuring it out later” and living on her own terms.

Living the Writer's Life: Janet Davis

Janet Davis’s path to writing was clouded with nonbelievers… but somehow, she kept finding her way back to her first passion. Or perhaps you could say writing found her. She’s now forging a path unlike any other writer’s journey, which is exactly the way it should be in the world of Barefoot Writing.

Living the Writer's Life: Chris Allsop

If you’ve attended Bootcamp, you’ve likely seen Chris Allsop’s smiling face in attendance. As one of the first in the Circle of Success, she has worked hard over the years to use every learning opportunity to its fullest. This attitude helped propel her into a hot seat with Dan Kennedy and into positions side by side with Clayton Makepeace and Marcella Allison. Check out some of Chris’s story in this special “Where are they now?” edition of our Living the Writer’s Life.

Living the Writer's Life: Ben Phillips

Ben Phillips has worked with some of the top companies in the industry, and his willingness to continue building his skills has positioned him perfectly for a six-figure career. Check out some of Ben’s top advice about working for agencies and using LinkedIn to find clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Tim Matassa

After leaving his career as a teacher, Tim Matassa jumped into his first Bootcamp ready to explore new opportunities. Now, four years after his first interview with Barefoot Writer, we catch up with Tim to learn how things have progressed. He shares what it’s like to work with legendary copywriter Mark Ford, how he managed to write a direct-response letter that topped a long-running winner in number of sales made, and how he’s learning to put his teaching skills to good use helping new copywriters.

Living the Writer's Life: Allison Comotto

Allison Comotto was a senior college student looking for a way to make money with storytelling. Now, three years later, she is a six-figure financial copywriter with Stansberry Research and has her first $4 million promotion under her belt. Discover why she loves working in-house so much and whether financial knowledge is really necessary for writers hoping to break into the niche.

Living the Writer's Life: Matthew Troncone

A cancer diagnosis back in 2007 led Matthew to look for a plan B if he couldn’t return to work. Since then, this “miracle” writer has won his battle against sickness and is working as a copywriter in the alternative-health niche. You’ll enjoy this inspirational interview with video specialist Matthew Troncone.

Living the Writer's Life: Ann Jamieson

Ann Jamieson’s dream of traveling to Turkey came true when she bartered her writing for a free tour. Since then, she’s been building her business within the equine, travel, and alternative-health niches. Discover how this longtime horse enthusiast has managed to turn her passions into writing gigs so she never has to “work” again.

Living the Writers Life: Max Latimer

Max Latimer first found copywriting while searching for a way to break free from unfulfilling jobs. He initially thought it would be a useful tool to help him create his own business… and then discovered that copywriting itself was the dream business he’d been looking for. Discover what happened after that lightbulb moment and why these days, he’s excited to get out of bed in the morning…

Living the Writers Life: Catherine Catozzi

If you need a dose of inspiration to carry you through the cooling fall weather, look no further than Catherine Catozzi’s story. Just a few months ago, she made up her mind to be a Barefoot Writer. And then she did one simple thing that landed her a string of clients – and a four-figure month. Read on to find out how she did it.

From Not Knowing About Copywriting To Becoming an In Demand Writer

See How This Brand New AWAI Member Went From Zero Clients and No Income to Earning $17K in Just Ten Weeks …

How This New Copywriter Pulled in $17K in 10 Weeks

From not knowing what a “copywriter” even was to earning $17K in just 10 weeks from her writing, this brand-new AWAI member went all-in on her new career opportunity. Here’s how…

Living the Writers Life: Wendy Howarter

Wendy Howarter bravely took a step back to look at where she was in life and wasn’t satisfied with what she saw. Not only did she decide she needed to do something about it, but she washed her hands entirely of all that was bringing her down and now enjoys her time island-hopping and writing about wine. Discover how she flipped her life and found joy through writing.

Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens

Eddie’s story is similar to many other Barefoot Writers, where he discovered freelance writing while in need of a new career and never looked back. But what he did soon after starting is a path too many writers waver on: choosing a niche and staying the course. Not only has Eddie stayed focused on a specific niche, he now has regular clients hailing from all over the world. Read on to find out how he got there.

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