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Living the Writer's Life: Jessica McKay

When the pandemic hit in 2020, Jessica McKay realized it was time to make a change. So, she pulled out her copy of AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. It had been gathering dust on her shelf for the past several years. Within days, Jessica had her first client — a $1,700/month retainer. It was a strong start to an even stronger year, with her top-grossing month coming in at $18,000. Check out the interview below to learn how this former life coach found a way to transform her life through well-paid writing.

Not Sure How to Get Started? Get Inspiration from These Successful Writers

Everyday people like you have started writing careers. They had doubts and fears, yet they stuck with their dreams of the writer’s life and pushed through to success. Learn from people who are where you want to be.

Living the Writer's Life: Ashly Kimball

Every morning, you’ll find Ashly Kimball and her cat strolling down the driveway to get her mail. At the same time, she’s holding a phone to record a quick business tip to post on her Instagram account. According to Ashly, this has revolutionized her business. Read on to learn more about how she uses social media to connect with her clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Mike Klassen

It’s been a long time since we showed his face, but it’s time to share the story of our very own Barefoot Writer designer, Mike Klassen! Mike actually got his start working at Microsoft, but it wasn’t long before he turned to AWAI to learn copywriting and then graphic design. Over the last 10 years, his career has continued to evolve, including a trip to Australia for a speaking engagement, time spent homeschooling his kids, and — of course — the freedom to work with nice people on his own terms. We hope you enjoy this peek into the design side of our magazine family.

Living the Writer's Life: Frank Mitchell

You’ll often find Frank Mitchell relaxing and playing guitar. In fact, other musicians know him as “the fingerpicking guy” because of his skill at that particular style of play. Although music is a huge part of his life, Frank prefers to write in silence and is working hard to build his dream writer’s life. Read Frank’s story to learn how he leverages his experience as a truck driver and military veteran to connect with email and funnel campaign clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Sunni Baerwalde

On a lazy summer afternoon, you’ll find Sunni at her lake house — laptop in hand — writing for one of her 30-plus clients. When she’s not writing web copy or working on her books, you’ll find her spending valuable time with her kids and grandkids. You see, writing has unlocked a world of possibility for this dedicated mother. Her business has grown significantly in the past year because of her ability to dive into every AWAI course she’s ever taken. Here’s a special interview between Jade Trueblood and Sunni Baerwalde…

Living the Writer's Life: Joseph Battrick

Joseph Battrick has done it all. He’s worked as a journalist, funeral director, and insurance salesman, and even tried a job in aerospace manufacturing. But this passionate performer wanted something more. He wanted a job with flexibility… one where he could be creative and work on his own terms. So today, Joseph is thrilled to be the newest face on AWAI’s in-house writing team. Here is his story…

Living the Writer's Life: Amy Slagle

It was December 2019 when Amy Slagle decided to end her 13-year teaching career for the unknown world of freelance writing. Her guiding light during this transition was the training she received from AWAI — especially from Russ Henneberry’s SEO Copywriting course. Now, just nine months after finishing the training, Amy has conquered her fears and is living her own writer’s life. Learn how she went from teacher to content marketer in this special interview with AWAI’s Jade Trueblood.

Living the Writer's Life: Laurent Duperval

Laurent Duperval has always loved writing, so when he received a piece of mail asking if he could write “a simple letter,” he was intrigued. The pandemic provided the push he needed to start building his own writer’s life as a content writer. Now he gets up each morning, rides his bike, and works the rest of the day on his own terms. You’ll love this special interview hosted by Barefoot Writer’s Robert Rice…

College Professor Turns Lifelong Love for Writing into a Full-Time Income — from an RV

After a master’s degree, a professorship, and work as a columnist for her town’s newspaper, AWAI Member Melissa Gouty yearned for a change. Read about her journey to becoming a full-time writer.

Living the Writer's Life: Lynn Swayze

Lynn Swayze always knew she wanted to be a writer. So when she hit the Print button on her computer and printed out all 800 pages of her first AWAI course, she was ready to learn everything she could to be successful. Today, she gets to “nerd out” in the world of B2B, writing for the tech industry. Her calendar is regularly filled with very large projects that require only a few hours of work per day. It’s the perfect lifestyle for this busy mom of four.

Living the Writer's Life: Julia Schaller

Julia Schaller may be a new mother, but that hasn’t kept her from her dream job of copywriting. She works as an in-house writer for AWAI and is the one behind many of the email campaigns, articles, sales letters, and video scripts you see on our site. Even while she’s writing, she’s keeping an ear tuned to her baby daughter sleeping nearby. We hope you enjoy this sneak peek into the writer’s life of one of our favorite AWAI team members.

Living the Writer's Life: Joey Lubelfeld

The pandemic left Joey Lubelfeld jobless, so they started to look for new ways to make money doing something they loved… writing! So when AWAI’s Launch Party dropped into their lap, things felt like they were meant to be. Joey took immediate action, using LinkedIn to land new clients, and writing web content and emails for them. Today, Joey is continuing to build a writing career in the mental health niche. This just goes to show that “talent and opportunity” can converge at the perfect time!

Living the Writer's Life: Christian Nix

Most people who have a thriving medical career wouldn’t think of starting over. But Christian Nix was looking for a change. He was already dreaming of launching his own business, and needed the copywriting chops to make it happen. Today, Christian makes a six-figure income with just 10 hours of work per week! Plus, he shares his amazing story of how one idea helped launch his copy career.

Living the Writer's Life: Pauline Longdon

Pauline Longdon’s favorite quote is “I haven’t come this far to only come this far.” In a way, this perfectly describes her journey to date as a copywriter. She doesn’t stop striving to serve her clients, reach new goals (seven figures now!), and connect with her global network of colleagues and mentees. Pauline’s continued drive toward success has landed her coveted spots learning from the top A-list writers in the industry. Enjoy!

Living the Writer's Life: Ernst-Jan Buijs

Ernst-Jan Buijs grew up in a small city near Rotterdam, Netherlands. While still attending university, he was already thinking about the future. One thing was for sure… the typical 9–5 lifestyle just wasn’t for him. So, Ernst-Jan began looking for opportunities to build his own business. What he was able to build — while traveling Europe in a camper with his girlfriend — is quite astounding! You’ll love his advice for how to grow your own business when your heart longs for adventure.

Living the Writer's Life: Colette Rice

Years ago, Colette Rice and her sister took a life-changing trip to Egypt. While exploring a spice market, one vendor proudly told them his family had held the same booth for 250 years. When he saw her look of surprise, he explained, “Here, we think in thousands.” Colette’s fascination with the people in the world around her was the driving force that led her to seek a new career in copywriting. She tried freelancing for a while, but it was an in-house position with a nonprofit company that gave her the writer’s life of her dreams…

Living the Writer's Life: Steve Coombes

The year was 2014, and Steve Coombes and his entire family were invited on stage at AWAI’s annual Bootcamp, where he would receive the coveted $10K Challenge prize. This was the moment… He had truly “arrived” in the world of copywriting. Since then, Steve has seen his writing career grow and evolve. Through it all, he has still had time to hang out with his young sons.

Living the Writer's Life: EG Orren

EG Orren’s writing business shot out of the gate in the early years of the pandemic. She claimed her independence from the beginning, often working from picturesque camping grounds throughout Canada. I chatted with EG via Starlink from her latest post in the Canadian Rockies southwest of Calgary, Alberta, where she was volunteering for a week at a camp designed for older adults and disabled people. Enjoy reading about her fruitful writing journey.

Living the Writer's Life: Rob Gramer

Sitting around a conference room at his old engineering job was never going to be enough for Rob Gramer. He craved something more… a career where he could engage his curiosity, make serious money, and WIN. Lucky for Rob, he found an early mentor in copywriting legend Mark Ford and was able to build a brand new career. Today, Rob is a successful direct-response copywriter with multiple controls for large companies. Here’s his story…

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