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CLAAP: 5 Steps to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Feel your writing is not good enough? You need to CLAAP. These five tactics will boost your confidence. Learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and change your mindset.

A Behind-The-Scenes Look into Creating Direct Response Copy (Plus 11 Other Rules for Writing from Legendary Copywriter David Ogilvy)

Sandy Franks shares a lesson for you from one of the greatest copywriters of our time, David Ogilvy.

6 Things I Love about Writing White Papers

Gordon Graham is known as “That White Paper Guy” and he’s been working on white papers for over 20 years! Here are the top six things he loves about writing white papers.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: 1% Rule to Reach Goals

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw share something you can do instead … that will practically guarantee you REACH your goal.

Your Top 5 Questions about White Papers, Answered …

If you're looking to make a great living as a freelance writer … here's a high-demand writing skill you may have missed or even dismissed. It's a project called White Papers … which is a marketing content cornerstone that can bring in tons of sales leads for Business-to-Business (B2B) companies and others. If you like doing clever research — along with the idea of distilling it into smart, fascinating, and persuasive business essays — this project is for you.


AWAI LABS is a hit with our members!! 🎉 If you want to join this group of writers — if you want to become a better writer faster… Then you need to check this out!

Enjoy the Benefits of The Writer's Life with These 7 In-Demand Writing Projects

Money, freedom, control … Those are the big three when it comes to the benefits of the writer's life. But there's also a variety of writing projects to choose from. Here are seven in-demand writing projects to try out this year!

Practice: Why is it so Important?

How important is practice when learning a new writing skill? At AWAI we get a lot of questions and many revolve around if practice is really needed. Here writer Jessica Garza digs into practice and its role in building your dream writer’s life.

Embracing Entitlement and the Arrogance of Belonging

Embracing entitlement can be hard to do as a new writer starting out. Learn how you can start with an easy first step.

Three Projects That Have Clients Clamoring for UX Copywriters

Companies that understand the importance of UX will hire UX professionals because they know that providing a good user experience is key to their success. Here are three easy-to-approach projects that companies turn to UX copywriters for.

Earn Three Times As Much Money Writing Customer Retention Projects … While Helping Clients Grow Their Customer Base and Business

Clients love it when a writer can step in and help them build long term relationships with their customers. And when you do that, you’re able to make a lot of money. Learn three different ways you can get paid with customer retention projects.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Celebrate

In today’s 🎉 100th Monday Morning Jumpstart episode 🎉, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw talk about why it’s important to slow down to celebrate goals that you reach.

Understanding the Five Stages of the Customer Journey and How to Match a Copy Style that Reflects Exactly What Your Prospect is Thinking and Feeling

Learn how to understand the five stages of the customer journey and how to write in a way that matches how your prospect is feeling.

Living the Writer's Life: Derek Coleman

Derek Coleman felt like his life was wasting away, working for meager pay at a dull job that required a prolonged commute. He made an escape plan and dove in, then found himself in a pickle when it didn’t work out the way he’d hoped. Writing came to the rescue, and brought with it unexpected joys. Enjoy Derek’s copywriting love story and take note of his unique long-term view to pursue joy to the very end.

3 Ways to Use AI to Help You Create Your Money-Making Website — Plus a Big, Fat Caveat

Nick Usborne, the expert in Money-Making Websites shows how using AI can help you get started with your own Money-Making Website.

Advice to My Younger Self: Unlock Your Money Mindset

If Rebekah Mays could have a chat with her 26-year-old self as she was just starting out her copywriting journey. Here's what she'd tell her … and what she'd tell anyone else who might be limiting their own financial potential.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: The Change Curve

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Ted and Jade walk through it, so you can use the knowledge of what’s happening to blast through any doubts (the ones that stop others in their tracks) and achieve your goals.

Living the Writer's Life: Wanda Sewell

Wanda Sewell had been writing for as long as she could remember, but it never really took hold as a career until health needs sent her on a journey to find a flexible job that offered more income. Once she connected with Barefoot Writer, the world of copy opened up to her and she began to find her way with writing that’s meaningful to her. She’s since become an active voice in the Barefoot Writer Facebook group and is quick to share advice and give support to new writers.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: What’s at Risk

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, give you an invaluable tool to help move your forward … It’s called “going to WAR” with yourself.

What Is Good Writing? Find Out and You’ll Become a “Really” Good Writer

Ever wonder what is good writing? Who decides what’s good and what isn’t? Learn how to become a better writer with Mark Ford's tips...

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