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What Is UX Copywriting? A Beginner’s Guide

Companies need their customers to have positive user experiences when visiting their website. Which means every business with a website needs your help to create a smooth customer journey.

How to Create Samples for Starting a Freelance Writing Career — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar to learn how to put together a portfolio of professional samples — even if you’re just starting a freelance writing career and you’ve never worked with clients.

“UX” Demystified — Writers Needed Right Now

Learn why the demand for writers who specialize in UX copywriting is so high right now. And how you can use this fast-growing opportunity to increase the fees you earn for every project.

6 Reasons B2B Blogging Is a Great Way to Build Your Business

Businesses who incorporate B2B blogging into their sales process have strategic thinking behind it and need engaging content to fill their publishing calendar.

The Real Scoop on Paid Blogging: Why to Start, and How It Works

Savvy marketers recognize that blogging is an important part of their content strategy, and they need good blog writers to provide fresh, consistent posts. Check these five points to see if blogging is a good fit for you.

Package Pricing for Your Writing Services – Is It Right for You?

When thinking about pricing your copywriting services, have you considered offering packages? Packing pricing can elevate your value in your client’s eyes.

This Writing Specialty Brings Freelance Stability Plus Income Rocket Fuel

Starting your writing career as a blogger is a fast way to get your foot in the door with paying clients. Here’s how you can earn steady income, set up retainer deals, and more.

This Style of Writing Generates $200,000 in Income

When you start a blog, you get to write about subjects you enjoy or have a passion for. And you can turn that passion into a steady stream of income, earning $4,000 to $100,000 a month.

6 Reasons to Start Blogging NOW

You may be an ideal fit for this well-paid and fun writing specialty. Here are six reasons you should get started now. Plus, discover why this project is a gateway to other writing opportunities.

She Almost Gave Up, Then She Hit $100K with This Writing Skill

Mindy McHorse suspected that learning one simple skill would change her life, and she was right. Here’s how she broke into the world of well-paid writing, and how you can too.

Living the Writer's Life: Joey Lubelfeld

The pandemic left Joey Lubelfeld jobless, so they started to look for new ways to make money doing something they loved… writing! So when AWAI’s Launch Party dropped into their lap, things felt like they were meant to be. Joey took immediate action, using LinkedIn to land new clients, and writing web content and emails for them. Today, Joey is continuing to build a writing career in the mental health niche. This just goes to show that “talent and opportunity” can converge at the perfect time!

What’s Stopping You from Taking Advantage of This Red-Hot Health Market? Here Are 7 Reasons Why You’re CRAZY Not to JUMP In!

With the combination of the post-pandemic focus on wellness, alternative health treatments, and an aging population… the health market is exploding with opportunity. Here are seven reasons why you should jump into this market.

12 Software Tools to Run Your Freelance Copywriting Business

As you add clients to your schedule, you’ll find you need to increase your efficiency and effectiveness. Want to meet all your deadlines with time to spare? Use these 12 tech tools to run your freelance writing business.

Why Now Is NOT the Time to Put Your Freelance Health Writing Dreams on Hold!

An aging population, the pandemic, and a greater focus on health have created even more opportunity in the health writing market, and expert Carline Anglade-Cole reveals more reasons why now is the time to get started.

Business Challenge: Clean Up Your Social Media Presence

Is your social media presence helping or hurting your web-writing business? Clean up your social media presence and make it easier for clients to hire you.

Copywriters: Can You Guess Which Test Won?

Learn insider secrets on how to identify winning copy from a top health copywriter. You’ll also discover why the demand for writers who specialize in the alternative health market is surging right now.

7 Ways to Make Money as a Writer… Without Clients

Andrew Murray is following a proven formula for making money writing about something he loves. Thanks to expert Nick Usborne’s process, Andrew is generating passive income seven ways without clients.

This Copywriting Expert Wants to Help You Earn up to $10,000 per Project

There’s no denying that “A-list” copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole is the “Queen of Controls” for the alternative health market. Today she’s going to help you break into this billion-dollar market, with the potential to earn up to $10,000 per project.

4 Powerful Lessons Learned from My New Money-Making Website — All About Mushrooms

Nick Usborne’s been very successful with his over 15-year-old Money-Making Website. Here are four lessons he’s learned as he tries to build a new website to the same level of success.

Write Your Way to Personal Freedom

To become a well-paid writer, you must have a willingness to start. You won’t have it all figured out right from the beginning, but there are simple steps you can take to launch your freelance writing dream.

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