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The One-Word Resolution

Not a fan of resolutions? Try this instead! Rebecca Matter has been doing it for years with great success, and encourages you to try it too.

Three Ways You Can Make Money Writing — Without Having to Find Clients

Nick Usborne spends 1-3 hours a week writing about a topic he’s passionate about. In return, he generates income three ways — without a single client.

Why the Smartest People Have Tons of Unread Books

The smartest, most successful people in the world have a trait in common. The good news is, it’s entirely attainably by anyone willing to do one thing.

A Letter to My Younger Self

Use this simple exercise inspired by Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet to illuminate your journey to the writer’s life. Rebecca Matter shares her version...

How to Set Yourself Up for Steady, Predictable Writing Income Month After Month

Retainers let you command good, predictable fees (even as a newbie) and open the door to other projects. Rebecca Matter reveals her 3 top retainer options.

Why Finding Nemo Almost BOMBED: Discover How Pixar’s Last-Minute “Fix” Narrowly Avoided Box-Office Catastrophe

Three tricks you can steal from Pixar’s million-dollar “cutting-room” process to transform your writing into “A-level” storytelling.

5 Steps to Generating Big Ideas

Coming up with a “Big Idea” can seem like a daunting task for newer writers. But AWAI’s Copy Chief simplifies it for you…

How to Make It Easier to Sell Your Writing Services in Just Five Steps

Get clients easier, focus your marketing, and earn more money with these steps. Discover how to use your experience and skills to expand your client base.

How to Build Wealth as an “Alt-Copywriter”

Achieve greater success when you become an Alt-Copywriter. Follow four steps to start your clientless copywriting business and make all the money you want.

"Can You Send Me a Writing Sample?" Here’s What You Do…

You can pursue any writing projects you want, even if you don’t have a lot of samples. Follow this effective strategy and land prospects.

Are There Too Many Writers in the Copywriting Market?

Simple math reveals big news about the copywriting industry — and you can use this information if your goal is to earn good money as a well-paid writer.

3 Proven Ways to Move Forward in Your Copywriting Career

Build momentum in your copywriting career when you follow these three proven, simple steps.

Why 73% of B2B Marketers Are Publishing Case Studies — And Why You Should Get in the Game Now

Writing success stories for businesses is a great way to get started as a writer. The projects are fun and easy to do — and pay $1,250-$2,000 each.

Key Message Copy Platforms: A Vital Copywriting Service Every Business Needs

When a company writes their marketing materials based on this vital report you can offer, their content will have a very consistent message. Learn more here…

These Potato Chips Launched My Copywriting Career (Seriously!)

Most copywriting careers don’t start with a HUGE project. Instead, little copy projects can be key to building your business. Ed Gandia reveals his story.

How I Used Bullet Journaling to Double My Productivity as a Writer

If you’ve tried planners, calendars, and other systems without success in your quest for organization, this new option may be the answer you need.

3 Reasons Why Short-Form Copywriting Is Set to Become Your Next Superpower

A new trend is hitting the copywriting world and it equals big opportunity. Nick Usborne outlines three reasons it’s happening, and what it means for you.

Copywriter's Checklist for Submitting Copy

Look like a professional from day one when you follow this handy checklist for submitting your copy to clients. Impress your clients from the start.

How Copywriting Royalties Work

You can earn professional fees writing copy. But you can earn really big money when you get paid this too. Learn how and set yourself up for big paydays.

Today’s 7 Most-Asked Questions about B2B Copywriting

Expert Steve Slaunwhite gets a lot of questions about the opportunity for B2B copywriters. He offers his best, concise answers to the top 7 questions.

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