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All You Need to Get Started Landing Well-Paid Writing Assignments Is LinkedIn

When you’re starting your freelance writing business, there’s one key thing that can help you find clients. Ilise Benun has details on how to make it work.

10 Common Questions about SEO Copywriting — and the Answers

Wondering if you should add SEO copywriting to your services mix? Here are 10 questions SEO pioneer Heather Lloyd-Martin often hears — and her responses.

B2B Writing Trends for 2019

Demand for B2B trained copywriters is high right now thanks to the growth in content marketing. You can find great projects if you have 3 trending skills.

30 Growing Niche Industries for B2B Copywriters in 2019

Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Check out 30 trending niches where you can look for writing jobs in the B2B market.

Today’s 7 Top-Paying Gigs in B2B Writing

What are today’s top-paying B2B writing gigs? Steve Slaunwhite lists seven opportunities to make good money writing for the $5.7 million B2B industry.

Why Are B2B Copywriters in Demand?

The demand for B2B copywriters is high right now and B2B marketing directors are searching for writers who can help them with their two biggest needs.

Everything You Need to Know to Make Money as a Writer (Plus Free Resources to Help You!)

Millions of companies need projects written, but you may have questions about how to get started and more. Here are the answers and resources you need.

35 Hot Niche Industries for Web Content Writing Jobs in 2019

Succeed faster when you focus your attention where demand is highest. Check out 35 trending niche industries where you can look for content writing jobs.

3 Reasons Why Now Is a GREAT Time to Start Working as an Online Copywriter

Demand for trained online writers keeps getting bigger. Here’s why whatever the future brings, companies will still need web writers to close sales.

How to Set and Negotiate Writing Fees

*: Talking about money with clients can create fear in new writers. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are six things to help you erase fears for good.

How to Find Writing Clients and Great Paying Assignments

How to find clients is one of the most-asked questions for aspiring writers. Rebecca breaks down where to find them and how to approach them once you do.

6 Reasons I Love Being an E-newsletter Writer

One simple skill can set you up in a writer’s life with predictable paychecks, and an easy workload. Here are six reasons to love this fun writing project.

5 “True Life” Tips for Breaking Into the Lucrative World of Financial Copywriting

One market offers the biggest paydays for copywriters, and marketers are always looking for new talent and good ideas. Here are five tips for breaking in.

Clarify Your Vision to Achieve Your Goals

Achieve your goals! You’re much more likely to bring your dreams to living color if you can clearly see the outcome. Use this fun tactic to get started.

Specialization Pays Off in Copywriting

B2B marketing can be a fast route to the writer's life. But to achieve success even faster, use these tactics to attract the attention of prospective clients.

Get B2B Email Copywriting Gigs with this Simple Technique

B2B companies do a LOT of email marketing — creating big demand for writers. Steve Slaunwhite outlines six steps for you to land a high-paying opportunity.

A Handy Site Audit Checklist for SEO and Content Writing that Works — And Leads to More Projects

A paid Site Audit is a gateway to new writing projects. Use this checklist to diagnose weaknesses on your client’s website. Then, get paid to fix them.

Copywriting is the Ultimate Way for You to Live The Writer’s Life

Copywriting gives you the ultimate career choice to living the writer’s life. Katie Yeakle outlines eight little-known benefits to becoming a copywriter.

7 Ways to Make Money Storytelling

Our brains are hardwired to listen to stories. But did you know you can get paid to put your storytelling skills to use for businesses? Learn 7 ways.

4 Goal-Setting Alternatives that Can Yield Big Success This Year

Setting goals is a powerful way to achieve more. But if you struggle with typical goal setting or want to try something new, check out these approaches.

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