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To Impress Any Copywriting Client, Ask These 5 Surefire Questions

Use this simple tactic to stand out from the crowd as a professional. It will get your client talking about their marketing needs… and how you can help.

3 Reasons Why You Must Become an Email Copywriter RIGHT NOW (If Not Yesterday)

Now is the best time to hang out your shingle as an email writer. Email expert Jay White looks at three reasons why this opportunity has never been bigger.

5 Small Things that Can Lead to Daily Progress

Feeling stuck on how to move forward in your writing business? Doing these five simple things daily can help you make progress toward your goals.

8 Key Insights about Writing from Award-Winning Author Becky Masterman

Rising star author Becky Masterman talks candidly about the joy of writing, and shares insights on promoting your book once it’s accepted for publication.

4 Simple Strategies I Used to Get My First Copywriting Jobs

To launch your copywriting career, you can use strategies you’re most comfortable with. Here are four examples one AWAI member used to get her first jobs.

Why V is the Most Profitable Letter for Your Writing Business

Combine your copywriting business and a niche website, and you’ve got a unique opportunity to accelerate your success with both. Here is how it works...

The “Big 4” Pillars of Success for Your Freelance Copywriting Career

Build momentum for your copywriting career in the fastest way possible. You can achieve your goals starting now by following four pillars of success.

Why 73% of B2B Companies Are Marketing with Case Studies — And Why You Should Get in the Game Now

If you want to get started as a copywriter, go where the big demand is. Businesses need this writing project today — and it’s fun and quick to do.

How I Got Started Making Money as a Copywriter (With No Sales Letters!)

Copywriters can start earning money right away when they focus on these short copy projects. Here is where to begin earning while learning…

7 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares seven simple ways you can prove your value and land work.

When Is It Time to Call Yourself a Copywriter?

Find out what self-sabotage habits hold you back and get tips on overcoming them so you can move forward in your personal and creative goals…

Impress Clients with These Freelance Writing Productivity Shortcuts

To focus your time on billable projects and impress your clients as a highly organized professional, you just need to create one thing. Here’s the secret.

It’s Official: This Is Now the Biggest Opportunity for Freelance Copywriters in the History of the World

If you want to build a future as a copywriter, go where the growth is. With a historic shift in the marketing world, there is big opportunity right now.

The Best Kind of Product to Sell as a Clientless Copywriter

To start making money and keep it rolling in month after month, Ben Settle shares a proven plan to follow. Plus, how you’ll know the right plan for YOU.

How to “Convert” Products You’re Already Buying at the Store Into a Thriving Clientless Copywriting Business

To start making money fast, Ben Settle shares a proven five-step plan you can follow from scratch so you can be clientless yet making good money writing.

5 Ways to Take the “Sting” Out of Building a Clientless Copywriting Business

If writing for good money — but without answering to clients — appeals to you, use these 5 tips from Ben Settle to get started as a clientless copywriter.

3 Ways Freelancers Can Pay Less Income Tax

*: Taking advantage of legitimate tax planning strategies is a sound idea for your business. These three options can help maximize your after-tax income.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income. Rebecca Matter shares 5 in-demand projects you can learn quickly, and complete fast for big pay.

5 Ways to Make Money Writing Short Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails. Read this to learn why, plus discover five different ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

Use These Two Email Samples to Start Landing Copy Clients

You can use simple emails to land high-paying clients. Ed Gandia reveals which elements your warm prospecting email needs and shares two examples to swipe.

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