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Monday Morning Jumpstart: To Advance, You Need to “Do the Work”

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, remind us that the only path to true change is through active, conscious effort to get to know yourself.

Living the Writer's Life: Peter Smolens

Peter Smolens fell in love with photography the moment he first saw a black-and-white print being developed. He’s also passionate about digital painting and even published a book on the topic. Through a happy set of circumstances, this love of art and photography led him to a career as a technical writer. Peter attributes his success to persistence. He draws inspiration from the adage, “You have to put your butt in the chair and do the work!”

Meet Marketers Who Need Freelance Writers Now — Free Webinar and Q&A

Writers are in big demand as marketers look to take advantage of the massive increase in the number of people researching and making buying decisions online. Meet with marketers looking to hire now … and hear firsthand what they’re looking for in a writer.

Where the Puck Is Going Next and More Answers for Writers from Russ Henneberry

The opportunity to make a lot of money in content writing is HUGE right now. Content is everywhere and it’s desperately needed by every business. Here are five questions and answers with Russ Henneberry about this trend.

This Is Easily Worth 10x the Money You Pay

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Slow Down and Reflect on Your Emotions

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, reminds us how to check in with our emotions ... and why it’s best to feel and express them in order to be successful as writers – and as people.

Four Goof-proof Ways to Write Irresistible Headlines for Every Sales Copy Project You Take On

The average headline will keep only about 25% of people reading further. And that’s on a page where the only options are to keep reading or to leave. So how do you bump that percentage higher? Read this article to learn tips on how to write an irresistible headline.

If You Can Tell a Good Story, You Might Get a Check for $5,000

If you know how to tell a good story, you might win a check from AWAI for $5,000 plus get your name on our roster of potential writers for other upcoming projects.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Time to Check in On Your Writing Goals

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, shares a few tricks for becoming less “busy,” so that you can become more effective... and reach your writing goals sooner.

Writing Assignments Worth $1,500… $3,000… or Even $8,000 or More

Specializing in auditing website content is a clever way to get paid twice, while establishing yourself as a valuable member of your client’s marketing team.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Using Tragedy to Grow as a Writer

Watch today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart session with AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, to learn the difference and understand how you can either use the tragedy to thrive as a writer... or make big life changes before tragedy ever strikes.

Living the Writer's Life: Candice Lazar

Candice Lazar is a former advertiser and lawyer who discovered how copywriting could give her the freedom to enjoy nonstop adventure with her husband. Since we last talked with Candice in 2017, she has won the AWAI $10K Challenge, which gave her a lot of exposure in the world of copywriting. She also had the chance to work on a campaign with industry legend Brian Kurtz. You’ll love Candice’s thoughts on community and her advice for writers who are just starting out.

Show Off Your Freelance Skills by Writing an Attention-Getting Headline And You Might Be Awarded a $200 Cash Prize for Your Effort

Practice is the best way to keep improving at any endeavor. For a copywriter, that means time spent writing! Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

Do This for Your Client and Get Paid as Much as $2,000

Auditing website content allows you to solve problems for your clients and get paid as much as $2,000 for each one you do. And you get a chance to get paid twice from that same client.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: No Time to Write? Watch This...

If you struggle to find the time to write... work on your writing business... or make progress towards your paid writing goals – you have got to watch this week’s Monday Morning Jumpstart!

The Site is Right

Join Pam Foster for a fun and interactive session on how to identify FIVE key areas doing site audits.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Air Fryer Email Contest

From over 150 submissions, Guillermo Rubio announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our email contest about the air fryer in The Writer’s Life.

FREE WEBINAR: How to Land Your First Paid Byline as a Freelance Writer

Join us for a special webinar replay with magazine editor Mindy McHorse and learn everything you need to know to get an editor’s attention, so you can land your first paid byline...

Reuters Called It “One of the Most Important Tools” for a Business

This somewhat old-school writing specialty used by all kinds of businesses is growing like crazy, offering writers the chance to earn $800-$2,000 for one project. And that’s just for starters… because this project repeats month after month, year after year.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Build Your Brand as a Writer

In this Monday Morning Jumpstart session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, shows us how to know what we’re expressing as our brand... and how to make sure that our values and our brand match up... So that we’re ultimately attracting the clients and projects that will bring us fulfillment as people.

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