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How to Solicit Useful Feedback on Your Writing and Why
August 26, 2015 (04:00:17 pm)
Getting feedback is a key step in the writing process. Christine Butler discusses ways to getting useful feedback and why it's important.
Why You Should Choose a Niche
June 24, 2015 (06:52:39 am)
Not sure if you should choose a niche? Click through to learn about three big benefits of choosing a niche for your web-writing business.
Get Every Writing Project Off to a Great Start
May 13, 2015 (02:52:02 pm)
The steps you take when starting a writing project will set you up for success or failure. Learn four steps you should take at the start of every project.
Information Marketing: Copywriters Needed!
March 25, 2015 (06:44:13 am)
In the information marketing niche, there’s a huge opportunity for copywriters. These clients need a high volume of work and they pay well, too.
The Writing Process, Deconstructed – Part 2
January 07, 2015 (10:59:43 am)
Writing is a five-step process. Learn about the revision, editing, and proofing steps of the writing process and how they can improve your work.
Are You Skipping Important Steps in the Writing Process? (Part 1)
December 31, 2014 (06:36:14 am)
Improve your writing by embracing all 5 steps of the writing process. Here, you’ll the discover first two steps and how to use them to their fullest.
Three Winning Strategies from the ‘Giants’ of Social Media
November 05, 2014 (06:50:58 am)
The San Francisco Giants aren’t just on top of baseball. They’re also on top of social media. Learn 3 proven strategies you can learn from their success.
Improve Your Life By Asking Yourself Better Questions
October 15, 2014 (06:50:38 am)
Successful people ask better questions. Find out how you can improve your life by asking better questions, including the best questions to solve problems.
How to Pitch Writing Projects Like a Film Producer
October 01, 2014 (06:23:05 am)
One success secret of great freelancers is that they pitch ideas rather than pitching themselves. Find out 6 steps to start pitching projects like a pro.
How to Write an Email Signature that Brings You Business
August 20, 2014 (06:37:09 am)
Adding a professional email signature to your email programs can help you attract more referrals and more projects.
Developing Experiential Confidence - Being a Fearless Best Friend to Your Prospect
July 09, 2014 (06:13:46 am)
Developing experiential confidence helps you take your copywriting to a new level. It gives you a way to create deeper connections with your audience.
4 Offline Self-Promotion Strategies that Can Bring Online Work
July 02, 2014 (06:59:28 am)
Freelancers who use a blend of online and offline self-promotion strategies tend to have the most success. Discover 4 offline strategies that really work.
Overcoming Proposal Anxiety
June 04, 2014 (11:29:01 am)
Sending proposals should not be a nerve-wracking experience; it should be a normal part of how your business operates.
5 Ways You Can Use Google Alerts to Build Your Web-Writing Business
February 26, 2014 (06:23:54 am)
Heather Robson shows you how to set up a Google Alert and gives you five easy ways to start using Google Alerts to grow your web-writing business.
Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year
January 01, 2014 (06:38:19 am)
Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia each have a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.
9 Ways to Increase Your Name Recognition
December 04, 2013 (06:21:56 am)
Christina Gillick helps you find opportunities to market your freelance business.
5 Rules to Follow When Asking to be a Guest Blogger
November 06, 2013 (06:28:06 am)
Kellie Craft helps you create a winning proposal for landing guest blogging gigs.
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Create Your Own Infographic
August 07, 2013 (06:25:19 am)
If you're looking to create an infographic for your own business, or for one of your clients, Julia Borgini tells you how to create a great infographic that will be shared EVERYWHERE.
How to Create a Profit-Generating Online Sales Funnel For Your Clients … or Yourself!
July 17, 2013 (06:17:17 am)
A website sales funnel is a powerful tool for your business. Learn what it is, how to set it up, and why you should start using it today!
The 3 P’s of Successful Networking
July 10, 2013 (06:49:49 am)
Michele Peterson shares her own Three P’s of Successful Networking to help make getting clients more comfortable.
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