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Set Your Fees With Confidence – and Get Paid What You're Worth

Valuable insights into how you should set your fees.

Quick Tip: The 3 Components of a Good USP

Bob Bly share three things that every good USP has.

Secrets of Creating a Winning Magalog

Krista Jones reveals how you can write a magalog that gets results.

Secrets of Writing for the Self-Help Market

Discover how you can succeed as a self help copywriter.

Revealing Deeper Benefits

John Forde shows you how to find the most important benefits of your product.

Free From the USPS for Our Graphic-Design Members – and All AWAI Members Interested in Our Graphics Program

Find out about a free resource for direct mail designers.

SRDS: What It Is and How to Use It as an Invaluable Resource

Find out about an invaluable resource for copywriters.

Quick Tip: The Secret of "Top and Tail"

Discover the two parts of your package that you should focus on when editing.

Interview with a Pro: Scott Haines on Discipline, Criticism and How to Find Highly-Successful Controls You Can Learn From

In an interview with Scott Haines, you'll learn how to study controls to hone your copywriting skills.

The Resistance Factor: Avoid It and Boost Response

Find out an insight that Bill Bonner uses to create a deeper connection with readers and motivate them to buy.

Interview with a Pro: John Carlton Reveals the Secrets Behind His Letter for "Sex: A Man's Guide"

John Carlton joins AWAI for an interview on how he's found big success writing edgy copy.

Why Clients Rewrite Your Copy (and How to Handle It)

Bob Bly provides tips on how to work with clients who rewrite your copy.

A Telephone Script for Approaching New Clients

Find out how to use prospecting by telephone as one of the fastest, cheapest ways to land new writing assignments.

Quick Tip: How Marketing Managers Really Feel About Working with Copywriters

Find out what marketing managers really think about copywriters.

Boost Your Sales by Having a Contingency Plan

Michael Masterson shows you how a contingency plan can boost your sales.

Tips for Building Your Copywriting Portfolio

Discover seven ways to build your copywriting portfolio.

What to Do When Your Client Asks for a Resume

Freelancers aren't often asked for a resume – here's what to do when you are.

The “Ben Franklin” (and Other Secret Ways to Close a Sales Pitch)

Discover five methods for closing your sales promotions.

The Invisible Web: How to Access Hidden Documents Online

Learn how to find documents that search engines don't see and give your research a boost.

12 Ways to Use Lift Notes to Boost Response

John Forde gives you 12 strategies you can use to write better lift notes.

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