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Quarterly Checkups Keep the Fire Lit Under Your Goals

Having goals to work toward helps ensure your success. It’s even better when you review those goals regularly. Use quarterly checkups to stay motivated.

Your Clients Are Not Your Business

Developing the right mindset to succeed in business means you need to take it seriously from the beginning. Do the three things outlined here to build a solid, steady writing career.

How to Confidently Convert Your First Prospect Into Your First Client

Here are a few lessons you can use when you find yourself talking to a prospective client. Follow these three steps and you’ll know exactly what to say to them.

The One Person Whose Good Opinion You Need

When you’re stepping outside your comfort zone, you benefit from having someone show you that you’re on the right path. Here’s how to find the validation that helps you build self-trust and confidence.

What Our Writers Will Accomplish in 2022…

Expanding what you know makes you a better writer and increases your confidence. Our writing team shares what they’re planning to accomplish this year, to encourage you to make progress too.

“Challenge” Yourself to Ditch the Resolutions This Year

Make real progress on your goals this year when you use this simple and fun tactic. Here are four things you should look for to ensure this strategy will work and put you in the best position to succeed…

How to Use What You Learned Since 2020 to Improve Your Life in 2021

2020 gave us time to pause, and many used that time to think and to learn new skills, including copywriting and business-building. Now, here’s how to apply the lessons and do better this year.

Take the “Strong Start” Challenge

Get your year off to a strong start! Whether you’re a new or established freelance writer, get your business in order and set yourself up for a great year.

How a Cup of Coffee Inspired Gratitude

If you write a list of things you can be grateful for, you may surprise yourself. Jen Phillips April shares how a Ted Talk on gratitude changed her thinking. It might do the same for you.

With His Kids All Grown Up, This Busy Dad Decided it Was Time to Switch from an Engineering Career to Freelance Writing…

After a job in the desert as an environmental engineer, Bill Nettleton realized what he really wanted was to be a writer. Here’s how he made the switch to a brand-new career…

Living the Writers Life: Max Latimer

Max Latimer first found copywriting while searching for a way to break free from unfulfilling jobs. He initially thought it would be a useful tool to help him create his own business… and then discovered that copywriting itself was the dream business he’d been looking for. Discover what happened after that lightbulb moment and why these days, he’s excited to get out of bed in the morning…

Digging Deep for Your “Why”

Do you know what your “why” is? It can be your guiding star and help you shape a writing career — and lifestyle — that makes you happy. Katie Yeakle has the questions you need to ask yourself…

Top 3 Things to Do First to Get Your Writing Business Up and Going While You’re Stuck at Home

People stuck at home with time on their hands are ready to try copywriting. Here are three things you can do to launch your paid writing career during this pandemic.

How Screaming, Calculating, and Silver Linings Can Strengthen Long-Term Earning Power

For a dramatic effect on your writing career, now is the time to listen to the advice of Success Coach Ted Capshaw and follow his three-step plan. Move forward toward your goals.

August Issue: Fix the Fissures To Earn More Sooner

Just released, the August issue of Barefoot Writer!

Sidestep the Goals that Make You Fail

The point behind setting goals is to get yourself on a trajectory of success, but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. Here’s how to set, or not set, goals and still make forward progress.

No Need to “Launch” Your Writing Business. You’ve Already Started…

How you talk to yourself about starting your business could impact your progress… Here’s how you should look at the process for a smoother path to the writer’s life.

Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens

Eddie’s story is similar to many other Barefoot Writers, where he discovered freelance writing while in need of a new career and never looked back. But what he did soon after starting is a path too many writers waver on: choosing a niche and staying the course. Not only has Eddie stayed focused on a specific niche, he now has regular clients hailing from all over the world. Read on to find out how he got there.

How Gratitude Seeds Success in B2B Copywriting Businesses

Being grateful for what you currently have helps you be happier in the moment. But did you know there's more to it than that? Here are three reasons why it's critical to the health of your business to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

How I Found My First Copywriting Gig in the Midst of a Global Pandemic

Copywriting is the antidote to job losses and uncertainty in the news. PWA Member Tracey Ingram shares her action plan to her achieve goals during COVID-19.

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