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Monday Morning Jumpstart: Next Right Thing

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Dr. Annette Annechild, talks about how to bring back the joy in creating your writer’s life, by not focusing on “all the things” … but instead focusing on the next right thing. Annette explains why it works and teaches you how to know without a doubt what the next right thing is.

Living the Writer's Life: Sam Woods

When I spoke with Sam Woods, he’d just returned from an invigorating, “unplugged” week of hiking in Sweden and reported feeling poised for forward motion after his time away from technology. That approach toward resting, resetting, and restarting has served him well in his career, as Sam’s business is thriving on the cutting edge of AI technology. But as you’ll read below, the foundation for everything he’s built starts with copywriting. Enjoy Sam’s story.

Well-paid writing just got easier…

Well-paid writing just got easier… This will soon be your “secret weapon” Yes, it’s true… It’s easier than ever before to become a well-paid writer. All because of two simple letters: AI.

The Future of Freelancing: Why EVERY Copywriter Needs to Harness the Power of AI

AI is here. It’s not going anywhere. And if you’re not embracing it, you’re shortchanging yourself. Guillermo believes it’s the future of freelancing.

One Writer’s Strategy for Getting Paychecks Coming In

Do you need faster copywriting paychecks? For most beginners, landing their ideal clients and earning high professional writing fees takes work… and sometimes it takes longer than they’d like. Rebekah Mays shares her #1 strategy for getting those first few paychecks, faster…

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Understanding Anxiety

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Dr. Annette Annechild, dig into what anxiety is, what causes it, and the solution to regaining control during those anxious moments.

Living the Writer's Life: Elizabeth Pickart

Elizabeth Pickart is in the process of watching all her writing dreams come true. Like many Barefoot Writers, writing for her was nothing more than a hobby until a necessary career change prompted her to look in new directions. Copywriting surfaced as a viable opportunity, and the more she did it, the more she loved it. One win led to another, and before she knew it, her author dream started to unfold. Read on to discover how copywriting helped her get there.

Living the Writer's Life: Sean Van Zant

Sean Van Zant has that unique quality of taking action once given direction. In a world where too many of us writers fret about how and when to take that first step and next step, he’s able to do it and do it quickly. Sean’s efforts are already starting to pay off as he continues to build connections and authority in the writing world. Discover how he’s used the trinity of marketing tactics to move fast in getting started as a copywriter, modeling the concept behind Mark Ford’s Ready, Fire, Aim book.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Your First Client

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Learning Chief, Pam Foster shares a secret that will help you find and land one!

Monday Morning Jumpstart: What DO You Do?

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Learning Chief, Pam Foster talk about effective message basics you can use to help clients – as well as better market yourself.

Perfection is a Myth, Especially When It Comes to the Writer's Life

Michele Peterson digs into perfection, why it’s a myth, and reasons why imperfection should be embraced.

3 Editing Tricks to Catch Errors

It looks bad if your client uses copy that has grammatical errors… typos… or something worse, like misquotes or untruths… The latter could actually damage their business. So here are three little tricks you can use to catch errors…

Living the Writer's Life: Steve Maurer

Steve Maurer has long been one of the friendliest, most helpful Barefoot Writers we’re proud to call a member. Along with always being ready to encourage someone move forward in their writing journey, he’s one of the humblest copywriters you’ll meet — though his rise to well-paid writing was seamless and fast. Enjoy Steve’s story.

Use This Quick Checklist to Help Ensure Your Client’s Offer is Irresistible

Sandy Franks shares a checklist that you can use to create irresistible offers for your clients.

The Simple Drilling Down Process that Makes Your Copy Feel More Real

Sandy Franks shares a simple "drilling down process" that makes your copy feel more real and compelling … and gets the response you're looking for from your readers.

This Legendary Writer Knew How to get Readers to Say Yes within the First Few Sentences of Copy

Sandy Franks shares some tips for writing winning sales copy from a legendary copywriter.

Why Getting to the Heart of Your Reader’s Core Emotion Matters Most

Sandy Franks shares why it’s crucial to get your reader’s core emotion.

Why the Payoff in Copywriting Is Bigger Than You Think (Plus 4 Tips to Get Started)

Mindy McHorse shares a slew of AWAI success stories that illustrate lots of other benefits that come along with the money.

To Go from Good to In-demand Writer, Know What Your Prospect is Feeling

Sandy Franks layers in a copywriting lesson that will make your copy more effective … by further "meeting your reader where they are" when they read it.

Living the Writer's Life: Amanda Sanchez

Amanda Jo Sanchez, formerly known as Mandy Marksteiner, always had an eye for writing, but it wasn’t till she discovered copywriting that the money piece fell into place. Along the way, she’s shored up her abilities to the point where she can happily take risks and try new ventures without ever feeling limited. Discover how she’s currently reinventing herself while enjoying the journey.

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