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The “Gold Rush Secret” to Making Money as a Freelance Copywriter

By following the money, you can have lasting success as freelance copywriter. And the money path points toward the information publishing industry.

Use These Seven “How-to” Headline Starters NOW

Use these seven “how-to” headline starters to write compelling headlines that capture your reader’s attention and more.

3 Simple Strategies for Getting the Most Out of Your Writing Time

Master Copywriter Mike Palmer reveals three strategies that can make a big difference to your productivity and success as a copywriter.

The Power of Research: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Being a great copywriter means being a great researcher. Some research involves talking to others and asking the right questions to get the right answers.

How to Change Your Copywriting Niche

Do you want to change your current copywriting niche? It’s easier than you think — just follow these simple steps.

Working with a Legendary Copy Chief

When you’re starting out as a copywriter, one person can make a big difference in how quickly you catch on. When the student is ready, a teacher appears...

Six Steps to Becoming a Great Copywriter

The best way to make a living as a writer is to become a great copywriter. Here’s how to do it in six steps.

Fastest Way to Learn Copywriting and Land Copywriting Jobs

Hands-on practice and feedback in AWAI’s Copywriters Initiative ensures you get the skills you need to get copywriting jobs.

The Shortcut Way to Become a Better (and Richer) Copywriter

If you want to be a better and richer copywriter — and in the shortest time possible — one person can help you. Plus, get a checklist to improve your copy.

Smart Networking for Copywriting Jobs

You can make the contacts you need to land high-paying copywriting jobs with PWA.

The Most Important Question to Ask Your B2B Copywriting Clients

When talking with a potential B2B client, ask this one question to open the door to more project opportunities.

Here’s Why This Type of Copywriting Pays Handsome Fees

This specialized type of copywriting pays handsome fees — enough that you could be making a six-figure income in no time at all.

How to Use Spec Challenges to Launch Your Copywriting Career

Elizabeth Blessing is proof you can launch your copywriting career by completing Spec Assignments. Here, she shares how you can use specs to get started.

The Formula for Properly Pricing Your Freelance Copywriting Fees

If you use this formula, you’ll find that figuring out fees for your copywriting services is easy and lands you more profitable assignments.

Only A Few Seats Left for Bootcamp!

It's not too late to sign up for 2017 FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair...there's still just a few seats left AND a chance to save $300 on your registration. Get all the details and sign up - before it's too late!

Here’s How to Write the Perfect Email Subject Line

Subject lines are the same as headlines. You’ve got to grab the reader’s attention. Email marketer Ben Settle shows how to write the perfect subject line.

What Villains Can Teach You about Writing Persuasive Copy

Discover how to become a more persuasive copywriter by turning your prospect’s problems into villains.

6 Ways to Make a Living Writing Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails. Read this to learn why, plus discover six different ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

Clients Can’t Help But Open Emails with This Subject Line

As a freelance writer, one thing you’ll have to focus on is finding clients. Using this two-word subject line trick will get clients to open your emails.

Interview with a Barefoot Writer: Pam Neely

Author and Internet Marketer Pam Neely talks candidly about her freedom-filled, entrepreneurial-driven writer’s life.

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