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4 Reasons Why There’s Never Been a Better Time to Write Case Studies

One skill can set you up in a writer’s life with high fees and lots of clients. Here are 4 reasons to get started with this fun, good news writing project.

College Professor Turns Lifelong Love for Writing into a Full-Time Income — from an RV

After a master’s degree, a professorship, and work as a columnist for her town’s newspaper, AWAI Member Melissa Gouty yearned for a change. Read about her journey to becoming a full-time writer.

Case Studies Tell Before-and-After Stories of Hope and Possibility… and They’re Fun to Write!

Case studies show a real-life example of how great your client’s products are, and they follow a simple formula, making them easy to write. Learn more about this in-demand content writing project.

Why You Should Focus on Writing Feel-Good Stories for Your Clients

Case studies have been a content marketing staple for years because they help buyers make the right purchase decision. You can earn as much as $1,500 for each case study you take on.

Why Case Study Writers Are Getting More Projects Than Ever

In the ongoing economic upheaval of COVID-19, inquiries from current and prospective clients for customer case studies actually increased. The market for these stories seems busier than ever… here’s why.

Living the Writer's Life: Lynn Swayze

Lynn Swayze always knew she wanted to be a writer. So when she hit the Print button on her computer and printed out all 800 pages of her first AWAI course, she was ready to learn everything she could to be successful. Today, she gets to “nerd out” in the world of B2B, writing for the tech industry. Her calendar is regularly filled with very large projects that require only a few hours of work per day. It’s the perfect lifestyle for this busy mom of four.

Free Training Today – Pick Your Writing Niche

Picking a niche has numerous benefits… It’s much easier to market yourself, you’re perceived as an expert, you can charge higher fees, and more. Here’s how to choose a profitable one…

7 Fun Content Writing Projects That Come with Lofty Fees

Content marketing is crucial for any business or brand to succeed and build the right audience, which is why these days content writers are in demand. Here are seven content writing opportunities to get you started.

The #1 Easiest Way to Choose a Copywriting Niche and Start Attracting Well-Paying Clients — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar where we’ll reveal the easiest way to pick a copywriting niche and start attracting freelance writing clients.

You Can Easily Earn $1,500 Writing Product Page Descriptions

The demand for web copy (i.e., digital copy) has absolutely exploded in the past few years, and now you can become an in-demand writer, commanding as much as $1,500 writing simple product page descriptions.

5 Reopening Copy Projects You Can Land NOW

As the marketplace continues to shift due to the pandemic, businesses need help reaching out to customers and prospects. Here are five simple projects you can be writing for them now.

10 Things Every Successful Copywriter Needs to Know

To be a well-paid writer, it’s important to stay alert to the market changes that directly impact the services you provide your clients. Pay attention to these 10 things to increase your success…

What It Really Takes to Write Persuasive Copy (You Need to Know This)

Writing persuasive copy isn’t difficult. If you can learn these three rules for selling, you’ll be much more powerful, not only in your writing but in your ability to get everything you want in life.

Living the Writer's Life: Julia Schaller

Julia Schaller may be a new mother, but that hasn’t kept her from her dream job of copywriting. She works as an in-house writer for AWAI and is the one behind many of the email campaigns, articles, sales letters, and video scripts you see on our site. Even while she’s writing, she’s keeping an ear tuned to her baby daughter sleeping nearby. We hope you enjoy this sneak peek into the writer’s life of one of our favorite AWAI team members.

Live Workshop: Create a Winning Writing Portfolio

No copywriting samples? No problem! Join us for this FREE workshop to learn how to put together a portfolio of professional samples — even if you’re just starting a freelance writing career and you’ve never worked with clients.

3 Trends in UX Copywriting Happening Right Now

Bad user experiences online cost businesses trillions of dollars, but an effective UX copywriter can help change that. Here are three trends in UX… and why they’re a golden opportunity for you.

How You Can Be a Detective, a Scientist, a Psychologist, and a Superhero When You Do This Kind of Writing

Being a UX copywriter is about helping people connect with products that will make their life better. It means solving problems, anticipating needs, and continually learning… all while making a great living as a writer.

Why User Experience (UX) Copywriting Is a Competitive Edge

The right words can make or break a transaction online, and the UX copywriter plays a critical role by thinking through the visitor’s journey on a website. Learn more about the value a UX copywriter brings…

Why Writing Small Fragments of Copy Can Make You an In-Demand Writer (and 5 Ways to Get Started)

Whether you call it small fragments or microcopy, this kind of writing is soaring in demand. And with the proper training, you can become the next in-demand UX copywriter.

What Is UX Copywriting? A Beginner’s Guide

Companies need their customers to have positive user experiences when visiting their website. Which means every business with a website needs your help to create a smooth customer journey.

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