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How to Make Money As a Ghostwriter: Insider Tips to Get Started

Get these insider tips on how to become a ghostwriter from a writer with a thriving career helping other people tell their stories.

Get Paid as Much as $7,500 to Keep Learning

The difference between earning a few hundreds of dollars as a “project” writer — and the potential for tens of thousands of dollars per assignment as a Direct Response Copywriting Specialist — comes down to knowing just “a little bit more” than the next writer.

How to Prime Yourself for Contagious Emotion that Writes Itself

Writing with empathy is one of the most crucial skills you can have as a persuasive copywriter, and knowing about this scientific evidence will make it easier for you to tap into emotions and write stronger direct-response copy.

Live Training: Marketing 101 for Writers: Get More Assignments and Make More Money by Knowing the Basics

Learn basic marketing and you’ll become a more valuable writer. During the free training event, Marketing 101 for Writers, we’ll teach you what you need to know to make it easier for you to land well-paid writing assignments and make more money.

The Evolution of Marketing… And Why Being a Copywriter Now is More REWARDING Than Ever!

Watch as AWAI’s Rebecca Matter explains the biggest trend – and opportunity – for copywriters heading into 2022

Which Well-Paying Writing Projects Would You Like to Write?

In this golden age for freelance writers, the opportunity is huge and growing. A wide variety of copy and content projects are needed to move a prospect through the four stages from awareness to happy customer.

Tailored Guidance to Help You Grow Your Freelance Business and Income

Work with AWAI’s brand-new Copywriter Concierge and get a tailor-made game plan that will help you get clients, and build your career while putting more money in your bank account just as quickly as possible.

Writer Secrets Learned Over 10 Years of Life with Barefoot Writer

Mindy McHorse has learned a lot in her 10 years as Executive Editor of Barefoot Writer. She shares 11 lessons to shorten your learning curve… and give you some insight and peace of mind about pursuing a well-paid writing career.

Ready, Set, Launch Your Freelance Writing Business in 30 Days

Let our team of business-building experts give you the knowledge and confidence to launch your freelance writing career in 30 days or less.

Living the Writer's Life: Ashly Kimball

Every morning, you’ll find Ashly Kimball and her cat strolling down the driveway to get her mail. At the same time, she’s holding a phone to record a quick business tip to post on her Instagram account. According to Ashly, this has revolutionized her business. Read on to learn more about how she uses social media to connect with her clients.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for… Email!

Email is as popular and effective as ever — and businesses today need multiple types of email to reach prospects, so they’re willing to spend big on campaigns. To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with these short projects.

A Shot at Making Your First $2,500 with an Unusual Writing Project

The global pandemic set the wheels into motion — making video script writing one of the most explosive writing opportunities for 2021 and beyond. Here’s how easy it is to get started.

Living the Writer's Life: Mike Klassen

It’s been a long time since we showed his face, but it’s time to share the story of our very own Barefoot Writer designer, Mike Klassen! Mike actually got his start working at Microsoft, but it wasn’t long before he turned to AWAI to learn copywriting and then graphic design. Over the last 10 years, his career has continued to evolve, including a trip to Australia for a speaking engagement, time spent homeschooling his kids, and — of course — the freedom to work with nice people on his own terms. We hope you enjoy this peek into the design side of our magazine family.

Opening Up Your Options Is as Easy as Writing a Letter

Many workers are reevaluating their careers as the pandemic continues to impact businesses. Faced with undesirable work situations, here’s how so many of today’s successful copywriters have chosen the options the writer’s life offers.

Live Training: Breaking Into Video Script Writing

Calling all storytellers… this is the perfect specialty for you. Learn how to make money writing video scripts during this free training event. Businesses need your help with online video, and you can get started fast.

Doing This One Thing Opens Doors to Industry Insiders

Joining Circle of Success is one of the best decisions you can make to advance your career and get on the path to building a six-figure writing income.

Turn Your Focus Into a Gold Mine (and Earn an Extra $69K per Year!)

Interruptions when you’re writing derail your focus and cost you wasted time. If you could regain those lost chunks of time, it can make a big difference in your productivity — and your income. Here are six tricks to help you…

Breaking Into Video Script Writing — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE session to learn how to get paid to write video scripts.

Learn These 5 projects & Become a Skilled Copywriter in 4 Weeks

There’s a simple way to start getting paid as a writer FAST. Learn these five writing projects businesses and organizations everywhere need most, and you could become a skilled, in-demand copywriter in four weeks or less.

What Are Your Writer’s Ripples?

AWAI Member Keith Trimels has found great success since he decided a few short years ago to pursue a career as a copywriter. But Keith discovered there was more happening in his new life than financial gain… hear more in this video, and how it can impact you as well.

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