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Who is Elmer Wheeler … and how can he boost your response rate?

AWAI staff writer John Wood highlights Elmer Wheeler, one of the pioneers of persuasive writing. Using Wheeler’s tested selling techniques can boost response and transform your copywriting career.

How to Improve the Clarity of Your Writing

Michael Masterson shares a valuable writing tool that can help you improve your writing clarity.

Fitness Guru Matthew Furey Gives You the Secrets to His Success

In an interview, fitness expert Matthew Furey shows how direct response marketing works to build an exercise business.

Quick Tip: The AWAI Peer Review System

An explanation of the peer review system Michael Masterson recommends.

Alan Serinsky on Writing Great Copy for Supplements

Alan Serinsky shares his tips for writing great copy to sell supplements in the alternative health market.

An Exclusive Interview with Self-Help Copywriter Catherine Cairns

Self-help copywriter Catherine Cairns shares tips on launching your career in the self-help market.

Secrets of a Master: Why This Headline Works

Michael Masterson shows you one small change that gives your headlines more power.

Top 20 Religious Mailers

Discover the names and websites of twenty top mailers in the religious sector.

Targeted Learning Tip: The “So What?” Technique for Squeezing Core Benefits Out of Your Product’s Features

Scott Rempe shares Michael Masterson's technique for discover core benefits.

4 Secrets for Writing Compelling Catalog Copy

Will Newman fills you in on 4 secrets of writing compelling copy for one of the most lucrative niches in direct marketing.

An $11.9 Billion Niche

Will Newman outlines a growing niche that needs skilled copywriters.

Quick Tip: Avoid Using “Literally” and “Virtually,”

Will Newman reveals two words that can make readers take you less seriously.

Quick Tip: What’s the Difference Between Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement?

Understand what you can and can't do when it comes to borrowing ideas.

How to Write a Damn Good Testimonial

Use John Carlton's secrets to write better testimonials.

The Secret of “The Golden Thread,” Part 2

Will Newman finishes the great series on The Golden Thread and how to make tight copy that pulls the reader to the end and finishes with a purchase.

The Secret of “The Golden Thread,” Part 1

“The Golden Thread” is not just the name of this e-letter. It's a Master's technique used by the very best and most successful copywriters. Will Newman starts with part 1 of 2.

From The Golden Thread Mailbag … The False Close

Pat Coffey answers a member's question about the false close and when to use it.

Creating an Enemy

Will Newman tells us the how and why when using an enemy in your sales letter. Get the bond for your client and the prospect.

Using Lift Notes to Give a Lift to Your Sales

Will Newman reveals how lift notes can boost your sales.

From The Golden Thread Mailbag … The Three Fundamental Rules of Selling

Scott Rempe answers emails from members and talks about the “Three Fundamental Rules of Selling”.

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