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Don’t Be Fooled by the ‘Big Lie’ of Copywriting

Many so-called copywriting experts will lead you astray, feeding you misinformation about capturing your prospect’s emotions. Don’t fall for this ‘big lie.’

Ignore This Essential Copywriting ‘Rule’ From Mark Ford and Risk the Success of Your Copy

Many writers of all stripes make a serious error that dilutes the effectiveness of their writing. But for a copywriter, this error can be deadly.

The Big Idea is Hidden in This 5-Point Checklist

Answering these five questions will not only work magic on your copy but also help you uncover the Big Idea.

How Long Should a Sales Letter Be?

The debate is as strong now as when I started writing copy. “Which is better, long copy or short copy?” Mark Ford gives an answer that may surprise you.

Writing for the Health Niche Provides a Path to Freelance Success for this Circle of Success Member

After struggling with his own health, COS member David Tomen discovered the natural health niche - one of the hottest niches in copywriting right now...and AWAI's program, Secrets of Writing for the Health Market is available for a $200 discount now until April 25!

The Most Important Words in Copywriting

Ask many writers what the most important word in copywriting is, they’ll say “free” or “you.” They’re wrong. That honor belongs to words called “the heartbeat of a sentence."

So, What Exactly Is Business-to-Business Copywriting?

We’ve been talking this week about Business-to-Business copywriting. Only I left out a major part of this discussion … exactly what B2B copywriting is.

Pruning Words for Stronger Copy

Successful copy uses just as many words as it needs...and no more. Here’s a strategy for pruning unnecessary words from your copy to make it stronger.

What Do Fountain Pens Have to Do With Copywriting?

Learn what key marketing and business technique took a company from selling their product from their home to a 12,000-square-foot facility and $3.4 million annual revenues.

Bringing Order to Swipe File Chaos

Organizing swipe files can become overwhelming. Here are some tips to managing the files so they don’t get ignored and forgotten.

Making Swipe Files Work for You

The key to using swipes properly is not to steal from them but to use them as a model for your own work. Think of them as a stimulus to generate your own compelling ideas.

Earn a Living as a Copywriter and Retire Early

Copywriters often make as much money or more than doctors and lawyers, and they get the added benefit of being able to retire early.

Back by Popular Demand: AWAI’s LIVE Ultimate Accelerated Copywriting Companion Series

AWAI is thrilled to announce that we are bringing back the tool that guarantees your copywriting success with far less effort and in one-quarter of the time.

The Art of Providing a Compassionate Copywriting Critique

When a peer asks you for a copywriting critique, how do you provide honest feedback without being harsh or insensitive? Try these tips.

Copy “Skunk” Words to Avoid

You never want your reader to laugh at something you write in seriousness or be confused by your word choice. Here are some words to avoid so you don't risk confusing or offending your reader.

Direct-Response in B2B … Yes, it Exists

B2B copywriting isn’t all content marketing. Mac Bull looks at how B2B marketing also incorporates direct-response copywriting.

The Secret Behind Kid Books and Copywriting Success

Even if your copy feels readable to you, how can you tell if it’s readable for your audience? Use this tool to check objectively if your copy is readable.

Anyone Can Be a Copywriter … But Not Everyone Should!

Discover how not to sell yourself short as a copywriter and why it’s vital to go after clients who already value what you do, instead of having to persuade.

The Art and Science of Being Believable

To be a successful copywriter, you must write like you talk. Here are some tips for writing easy-to-read copy.

Money Morning’s Advertorial Challenge

Money Morning is partnering with AWAI to offer AWAI members a very unique Spec Challenge opportunity, writing advertorials for their team.

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