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Copywriting Makeovers: Tips and Tricks

Copywriting makeovers or rewrites can be lucrative projects. But it’s easy for them to go terribly wrong. Here’s how to avoid potential problems.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income. Rebecca Matter shares 5 in-demand projects you can learn quickly, and complete fast for big pay.

How to Become a Genuine, Recognized Expert in Your Field

Becoming a recognized expert is important today, even as the internet creates “gurus” based on follower numbers. Here’s how to attain true expert status.

In-Demand Writing Projects: Get Paid to Write a Simple 30-Character Headline

Writing Pay-Per-Click ads is one way writers can earn big fees. Companies rely on PPC ads to bring in leads and customers. Here are tips for writing them.

Opportunity to Learn from a Grand Master AND Get Paid Well at the Same Time

Train with AND work for one of the best in the financial publishing industry. Get more details about this exciting opportunity here.

Demand Is Growing for These 8 Copy Projects

In this era of online marketing, there are more opportunities for writers than ever. Here are 8 in-demand projects you could offer copy clients right now.

How to Pitch Articles to B2B Trade Publications

Getting articles published in B2B trade publications raises your profile as an expert clients want to hire. Here’s how to pitch ideas so editors say yes.

Pass the Tests and Get Ready for High Paying Copywriting Jobs

As a Badge-certified copywriter you’ll be in line for top copywriting jobs.

Copywriting Work-at-Home Moms: From Legos to Letting Go

Living the writer's life can be a blessing - especially for a mom. Read here to see how these AWAI members combine writing with being a mom and how you can too!

Use Your Copywriting Skills to Start Your Own Publishing Business

Because you know the elements of writing sales copy, you can use those skills to write and publish your own information products.

How 3 a.m. Television Can Make You a Better, More Successful Copywriter

Watching middle-of-the-night TV can improve your copy skills. Use their seven time-tested success techniques to boost response on your own copy projects.

Writing Radio Commercials for Fun and Money (Part 1)

Writing radio commercials for B2B companies can be fun and lucrative. Here’s how you can find those gigs.

How Gene Schwartz’s Clientless Copywriting Business Made Him Rich Beyond the Dreams of Avarice

Legendary copywriter Gene Schwartz made a fortune using this tactic 50 years ago, and it can work for you too. Here are five ways you can get started.

The One Thing Your Online Copywriting Must Do

Online copywriting is only successful when you grab your prospect’s attention and get them to act. Here’s the key to making that happen.

Seven Rich Reasons to Become a Health Copywriter

Health copywriting is a growing market with writers in demand. Here are Carline Anglade-Cole’s top 7 reasons why you should choose health as your niche.

How in the World Do They Do It? The Surprising Secret of High-Income Copywriters

High-income copywriters know the secret to “rig the system” to generate new levels of success. You can use their insights to achieve your goals too.

A Proven Formula for Winning Spec Challenges

Suzanna Fitzgerald used spec challenges to accelerate her copywriting success.

The Secret Psychology of Becoming a Great Copywriter

Mike Palmer hit a point in his career where he almost gave up. So did Will Newman. So might you. Understanding the psychology will help you push through.

An Easy 5-Point Checklist for Pricing Your Work

Even if you know the range for quoting a project, how do you know where in the range an individual project should fall? Use this easy 5-point checklist to know for sure.

Heisting Hall of Fame Headlines for Copywriting Success

Write stronger headlines by applying the timeless structure of John Caples’s classic 1925 ad. Mark Ford shows you how.

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