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Want to Be a Freelance Writer? Start with a Blog

If you’re looking for an easy writing project to start with, blogging is it. Set yourself up for a predictable monthly writing income. See how to get started here…

How to Make Money Blogging for Clients

Becoming a blogger is an ideal — and fast — way to get started as a well-paid writer. Here’s a look at how you get your foot in the door with paying clients, how to get retainer deals, and more.

3 Ways to Make Blogging Work for You as a Copywriter

As a copywriter, you can blog for yourself and build up a steady income or blog for clients who really need your help. Or, do both! Here are three ways you can benefit from writing blogs.

The Evolution from ‘Online Diary’ to Marketing Powerhouse

Writing blog content for yourself and clients is a great way to earn steady monthly income. These former ‘online diaries’ offer you the chance to share ideas, as well as sharpen your writing skills.

Living the Writer's Life: Janet Davis

Janet Davis’s path to writing was clouded with nonbelievers… but somehow, she kept finding her way back to her first passion. Or perhaps you could say writing found her. She’s now forging a path unlike any other writer’s journey, which is exactly the way it should be in the world of Barefoot Writing.

Is Writing a Good Job?

Four myths may be keeping you from pursing a writing career, but they may not be true. Learn more about the realities of the writing opportunity so you can pursue the writer’s life today.

How to Get That Coveted Conversational Tone in Your Writing

You’ve heard of the ugly first draft… which you never want to turn in to a client. Especially if the sentences are formal, stilted, and (yawn)… Boorrrinng. Here’s how to make sure you get the coveted conversational tone.

How to Give and Receive Writing Feedback

While working toward your writing goals, feedback is essential to learn, grow, and improve. Follow these tips to make feedback more useful for your writing process.

2 Ways a Writer Can Gain a Competitive Advantage

Give yourself a competitive advantage by learning all the crucial copywriting projects marketers need done these days. You’ll easily land more clients.

Living the Writer's Life: Chris Allsop

If you’ve attended Bootcamp, you’ve likely seen Chris Allsop’s smiling face in attendance. As one of the first in the Circle of Success, she has worked hard over the years to use every learning opportunity to its fullest. This attitude helped propel her into a hot seat with Dan Kennedy and into positions side by side with Clayton Makepeace and Marcella Allison. Check out some of Chris’s story in this special “Where are they now?” edition of our Living the Writer’s Life.

Fastest Ways to Make Money as a Writer — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar to discover three easy yet important freelance writing projects clients need now — and how to quickly jump in.

Use Intention-Based Marketing to Boost Your B2B Business Results

Marketing your B2B freelance business is a requirement if you want clients… but haphazard methods yield haphazard results. Use intention-based marketing for a business-winning strategy.

Get Paid $1,000 to Write One Page of Copy Using the Skill Every Writer Needs Today

SEO is a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all levels from corporations to mom-and-pop shops. As an in-demand SEO writer, you could earn a steady income without writing sales letters.

Living the Writer's Life: Ben Phillips

Ben Phillips has worked with some of the top companies in the industry, and his willingness to continue building his skills has positioned him perfectly for a six-figure career. Check out some of Ben’s top advice about working for agencies and using LinkedIn to find clients.

Should You Call Out Bad Content?

You’ve probably received or seen bad content — a poorly designed offer, a confusing sales letter, a wordy and dense web page… Should you point it out to the company while offering to fix it? Maybe… if you do it the right way.

Doing This Could Mean an Extra $750 to $3,500 per Month in Writing Income

He wasn’t a computer genius, yet he launched the first-ever e-commerce website and showed the power of selling online. Follow in his footsteps and generate up to $3,500 per month in writing income.

Living the Writer's Life: Tim Matassa

After leaving his career as a teacher, Tim Matassa jumped into his first Bootcamp ready to explore new opportunities. Now, four years after his first interview with Barefoot Writer, we catch up with Tim to learn how things have progressed. He shares what it’s like to work with legendary copywriter Mark Ford, how he managed to write a direct-response letter that topped a long-running winner in number of sales made, and how he’s learning to put his teaching skills to good use helping new copywriters.

Living the Writer's Life: Allison Comotto

Allison Comotto was a senior college student looking for a way to make money with storytelling. Now, three years later, she is a six-figure financial copywriter with Stansberry Research and has her first $4 million promotion under her belt. Discover why she loves working in-house so much and whether financial knowledge is really necessary for writers hoping to break into the niche.

It’s Like a Secret Library Filled with $56,000 Worth of Copywriting Tips

Access to the most comprehensive library of professional resources offered to copywriters anywhere on the planet brings a ton of writing opportunities.

Living the Writer's Life: Matthew Troncone

A cancer diagnosis back in 2007 led Matthew to look for a plan B if he couldn’t return to work. Since then, this “miracle” writer has won his battle against sickness and is working as a copywriter in the alternative-health niche. You’ll enjoy this inspirational interview with video specialist Matthew Troncone.

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