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Write a Sample of This Short-Copy B2B Project… and You Could Earn $200
March 06, 2025 (04:00:42 am)
Practice is a good way to improve as a B2B copywriter. Follow the project details to do this practice exercise, using tips about this B2B short-copy gig.
4 Moneymaking Trends in B2B Copywriting
October 24, 2024 (04:06:16 am)
Steve Slaunwhite explains the current trends in business-to-business (B2B) copywriting and the opportunities they represent for you.
25 Lessons I Learned from 25 Years of Freelancing
October 22, 2024 (03:24:50 am)
Steve Slaunwhite shares 25 lessons he’s learned as a freelance writer, so you can use them to gain speed and ease.
No B2B Writing Portfolio? No Problem! Here’s How to Build One, Even if You Haven’t Written for a “Real” Client Yet
August 14, 2024 (04:21:58 am)
Steve Slaunwhite shares the “dream” portfolio, based on the most common writing samples B2B clients request when interviewing a freelance writer.
B2B Writers: 4 Ways to Use ChatGPT as a Tool (Not a Crutch.)
March 26, 2024 (05:00:32 am)
ChatGPT didn’t write this article. That’s important. Because as a B2B writer, you should never surrender control of your work to an AI. That’s akin to a home improvement contractor handing over the renovation plans to a drill, saying, “Take it from here.” AI is a powerful writing tool that can help you in a myriad of ways. But if you treat it like an app to delegate critical tasks to, your work won’t reach the level of excellence that B2B clients expect. So, how do you use ChatGPT as a tool and not a crutch? Here are four practical ways.
Write a Sample of This Short-Copy B2B Project… And You Could Earn $200
March 16, 2023 (04:05:33 am)
Practice is a good way to improve as a B2B copywriter. Follow the project details to do this practice exercise, using tips about this B2B short-copy gig.
Sales Enablement Copywriting: The New Ground Floor Opportunity?
December 27, 2021 (05:50:11 am)
Writers have a chance to get in on the ground floor of a new opportunity. Sales departments need writers who provide materials and templates that will help salespeople land the sale.
5 Sales Copy Editing Tips That Can Double Conversions
June 10, 2021 (08:00:22 am)
Even when you’ve written the best sales copy you can, there are ways you can make it better. In fact, here are five sales copy editing techniques I’ve learned that can double conversions.
The Tao of Writing Email Subject Lines
May 27, 2021 (08:00:07 am)
Why aren't your email subject lines working? Steve Slaunwhite has eight questions you can ask yourself to find your own way to great subject lines.
Choosing the Wrong Pain Point Will Sink Your Copy
April 29, 2021 (08:00:46 am)
You can write the best copy in the world, but if it isn’t pointed at the right pain point, it will go wide of its mark. Identify if you have the right pain point by looking at these three characteristics.
4 Money-Making Trends in B2B Copywriting
April 08, 2021 (05:01:45 am)
Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Steve Slaunwhite highlights four trends in B2B copywriting and the opportunities they represent now for trained writers.
3 Proven Copywriting Formulas You Don't Know (But Should)
February 04, 2021 (05:30:08 am)
The B2B industry needs more trained writers to keep up with demand. You can write the copy marketers need when you follow these three proven copywriting formulas.
How to Break Into B2B Email Copywriting
November 04, 2020 (06:06:40 am)
Writing email copy for B2B companies is an enormous opportunity for freelancers today. Just follow the step-by-step plan outlined by B2B Expert Steve Slaunwhite and you can do very well.
Practice Assignment: Write a Sample of This Short-Copy B2B Project
June 16, 2020 (06:50:50 am)
Practice is a good way to improve as a B2B copywriter. Follow the project details to do this practice exercise, using tips about this B2B short-copy gig.
Top-Paying B2B Copywriting Gigs in a Down Economy
April 23, 2020 (06:23:42 am)
What are top-paying B2B writing gigs in this changing economy? Steve Slaunwhite lists 7 opportunities to make good fees writing for 5.7 million B2B clients.
8 Reasons You Should Write Email Copy for B2B Companies
September 20, 2019 (06:11:31 am)
Business-to-Business (B2B) companies do a LOT of email marketing — creating big demand for writers. Steve Slaunwhite reveals 8 reasons it’s a terrific gig.
Today’s 7 Top-Paying Gigs in B2B Writing
March 19, 2019 (06:13:28 am)
What are today’s top-paying B2B writing gigs? Steve Slaunwhite lists seven opportunities to make good money writing for the $5.7 million B2B industry.
Why Are B2B Copywriters in Demand?
March 15, 2019 (06:14:37 am)
The demand for B2B copywriters is high right now and B2B marketing directors are searching for writers who can help them with their two biggest needs.
Get B2B Email Copywriting Gigs with this Simple Technique
January 25, 2019 (06:47:22 am)
B2B companies do a LOT of email marketing — creating big demand for writers. Steve Slaunwhite outlines six steps for you to land a high-paying opportunity.
7 Tips to Shorten Copy without Losing Impact
November 15, 2018 (09:23:33 am)
What do you do when the copy you wrote is too long to fit the available space? Here are seven tips to shorten your copy without losing impact.