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Practice Assignment: Write 83 Words of Online Copy

Practice is the best way to get started, and get better, as an online copywriter. Here’s the chance to do a practice assignment, using tips from a master.

Social Media Writing Puts You at the Heart of a Client’s Digital Marketing Plans

Today, almost all marketing promotions include social media as an integral part of the campaign, creating new opportunities for social media writers.

Make Money as a Copywriter Without a Single Client

This may be surprising but there’s a simple way you can make money as a copywriter without a single client. Learn more about how to earn money writing.

3 Ways to Make Yourself So IRRESISTIBLE Your Clients Will Never Stop Giving You Work

Getting more work from current clients saves you a lot of time and hassle. Nick Usborne reveals 3 ways you can be more irresistible and make more money.

The Best Way to Land Your First Clients as a Copywriter is to Be RELENTLESS!

Whether you use inbound or outbound marketing strategies, there is one key to landing good clients. Nick Usborne shows you what to do.

The More You Enjoy Writing about Your Chosen Topic, the More Money You’ll Make

You can generate a passive income stream with a Money-Making Website, assuming you have the right topic! Nick Usborne shows how to choose a profitable one.

Three Ways You Can Generate Passive Income — All from a Website You Write Yourself

Nick Usborne spends a few hours a week writing about a topic he’s passionate about. In return, he generates passive income 3 ways — without a single client.

To Market Your Freelance Business Effectively, Try Being a Little Provocative

Has your quest for the writer's life come to a grinding halt because you’re not using a strong self-marketing message? Try Nick Usborne’s strategy.

Questions to Ask Your Social Media Clients Before You Begin Work

Understanding your social media client goals and expectations will make every project go smoother and establish you as a true professional.

If You Want a Reliable Income as a Writer, Go Where the Growth is

What can a notorious bank robber teach you about achieving the writer's life? More than you may imagine. Social media expert Nick Usborne explains.

How to Find the Online Copywriting Work You’ll Love Most

Want to be an online copywriter but unsure what to write about? Here are some tips to identify the kinds on online writing projects you’ll really love to work on.

5 Reasons to Get Started As a Social Media Writer Right Now

Working in social media is a great way to achieve fast success, build solid relationships with your clients, and boost your level of self-confidence.

How to Put Together a Winning Proposal and Snag Your First Social Media Writing Client

Discover the three main points to include in your proposal, when approaching a new social media writing client. This is all stuff they want to hear!

Four Ways Freelancers Can Profit from the Growth in Social Media

Interested in the social media field, but unsure how someone could make money in it? Nick Usborne lays out four of the many ways you can earn a living writing for social media.

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Freelance Business

Marketing is at the heart of every successful freelance business. Today Nick Usborne shares four mistakes most freelancers make, and their solutions.

Why You Should Choose a Niche for Your Freelance Business, and How to Do It

Nick Usborne shares his tips for choosing a niche for your freelance business and discusses why deciding on a niche is good idea.

7 Ways to Add Value to Your Next Online Copywriting Assignment With Social Media

Nick Usborne reveals seven ways you can use social media to add more value to your next web-writing assignment.

Should You Launch Your Freelance Business Under Your Own Name, or a Business Name?

Nick Usborne walks you through the pros and cons of using your own name, or a business name when launching your freelance business.

Improve Your Copywriting Skills … 7 Ways to Improve the Copy on the Next Web Page You Write

Web copy expert Nick Usborne reveals seven ways to ensure your web copy is the best it can be.

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