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Finding and Keeping Great Clients — the Key to Enjoyable Days and MUCH More Money

Not all clients are created equal — not by a long shot. The difference between “great” and “terrible” is Grand Canyon-esque.

5 Reasons Professional Service Providers Offer Steady, Predictable Writing Income

I never intended to work for myself. There is no entrepreneurial anything in my family. My dad worked for the same company — in the same building — for his entire career. I have one brother who is a tenured college professor and another who is a partner in a law firm. We are not risk-taking people, and I was on the same path: I was at my last company for 12 years.

6 Reasons I Love Being an E-newsletter Writer

One simple skill can set you up in a writer’s life with predictable paychecks, and an easy workload. Here are six reasons to love this fun writing project.