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Best Project for
Predictable Writing Income…

With this writing opportunity, you can count on clients paying you as much as $2,000… month after month… year after year.

(Even if you’re a beginner!)

Plus, there’s very little competition, which means more potential clients than you’ll ever need.

Check Out The Details Here

Get a Paid Byline

If you want a long and profitable career… where there's no limit to what you can earn… and where you are completely in charge of your time and your life…

Then NOW is the time to become a Barefoot Writer member.

Not only will you get access to our monthly magazine highlighting real, working writers who have found success…

Plus an invite to join our community full of brand-new and well-established writers waiting to connect with you…

But you'll also have an opportunity to land your first paid writing gig — cementing your status as a paid AND published writer!

The only catch? The doors to join at today's massively discounted price close at midnight TONIGHT.

Become a Barefoot Writer Today

Get all this for $1…

The Professional Writers' Alliance (PWA) takes the stress out of running your writing business.

With ready-to-use business forms, templates, and checklists… VIP job board access… networking opportunities… and a mountain of tips, tactics, and “been there, done that” advice from working freelance writers…

You’ll minimize the “unbillable” hours you spend working on your business and maximize your time writing — and income potential.

Claim Your $1 Access Here