AWAI Writer’s Blog

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5-Point Checklist to Effectively Market Yourself to Clients

A disconnect with any one of these 5 things can impact getting clients. Use this checklist to discover how you can show prospects what you’re capable of.

3 Things I Learned from Our First Group of Chatbot Copywriting Students

There are plenty of programmers to BUILD chatbots, but there’s a shortage of copywriters trained in how to WRITE chatbot scripts. Here are three insights for you to see if this new opportunity is for you.

How to Break Into B2B Email Copywriting

Writing email copy for B2B companies is an enormous opportunity for freelancers today. Just follow the step-by-step plan outlined by B2B Expert Steve Slaunwhite and you can do very well.

Past Fear to Hero-Status: Why Writers Are Headed Toward the Spotlight

To ramp up your writing business — and be a hero — you need to go where your writing services can be most helpful right now. Your writing can save livelihoods and change lives.

5 Steps to Start Making Money as a Writer

Whatever your idea of freedom looks like, writing can get you there… and following five proven steps can make your journey faster and easier. Use these resources to get started…

Fast Track Way to Writing Winning Sales Letters (and Getting Paid $5,000)

More than ever, companies need well-trained copywriters so they can continue to grow and overcome bottlenecks. You can learn key lessons from the sales letter writing masters.

Write a Powerful, 83-Word Email About an Air Purifier… And You Could Get a $200 Prize!

Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

The “Universal” Writing Key to a Fantastic Income for Life

Discover the “universal” writer’s market that’s flipping the script on how clients do business and giving writers like you the power to earn a fantastic living writing about the things they love.

7-Page Projects with a Higher Payoff than Full-Length Books!

B2B companies use white papers to introduce new products and systems, and they need writers who can craft proof-filled documents with no hype. Learn more about this highly-paid writing specialty…

5 Video Scripts Marketers Need Now

Videos are changing the face of online marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are five types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

10 Bloggers Who Could Turn Your World Upside Down… in a Good Way!

Launching your own blog can be life-changing, as the 10 stories shared here illustrate. Starting with a simple blog, these writers are now making huge money, and they want to show you how to do it.

Spend 20 Minutes a Day on This Writing Project While Earning a Five- or Six-Figure Income

You can perfect your writing skills in just 20 minutes a day while earning an easy five- or six-figure income with your own money-making blog.

What to Include in Your LinkedIn About Section (Especially When You Have No Experience)

Your LinkedIn About section can help you land clients — when you share this key information. Discover a tactic that works, even when you don’t have any writing experience (yet).

How to Differentiate Yourself Using Only Your LinkedIn Title

Catch the eye of prospective clients with a powerful, attention-getting LinkedIn title. Discover 17 ways to make your title stand out to marketers looking for a copywriter like you.

10 Reasons You Might Be a UX Copywriter and Just Not Know It Yet

Every website could benefit from user experience (UX) copy. Here are 10 ways to know if UX is the key to building a writing business that will fill you with purpose.

The 5 Easiest Projects for a UX Copywriter

Prospects abandon shopping carts at a rate of almost 70%. An effective UX Copywriter can help eliminate bad user experiences by writing five key essential but often overlooked projects.

Digging Deep for Your “Why”

Do you know what your “why” is? It can be your guiding star and help you shape a writing career — and lifestyle — that makes you happy. Katie Yeakle has the questions you need to ask yourself…

How This New Copywriter Pulled in $17K in 10 Weeks

From not knowing what a “copywriter” even was to earning $17K in just 10 weeks from her writing, this brand-new AWAI member went all-in on her new career opportunity. Here’s how…

How Copywriting Turned Him into a Millionaire in a Few Months

Gary Dahl was a freelance copywriter, and that skill helped him turn a bunch of rocks into a $15 million fortune. Here is how he came up with a Big Idea that became a pop culture phenomenon.

A Shortcut to Starting a Copywriting Business (During a Pandemic)

Get your writing business off the ground when you take the shortcut you’ve already got access to. Ilise Benun shows how to connect the dots and build a successful career starting today.

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