AWAI Writer’s Blog

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How Freelance Writers Can Keep Up with the California Law and PRO Act

There’s a massive need for freelance writers. But you may have heard the buzz out there about your opportunities being shut down by new laws. Here’s the scoop.

What’s the Real “Secret” to Writing Success?

When you’re starting out in the world of paid writing, you may think there’s a “secret” to success. Instead, follow this 9-step blueprint, and take consistent action to make progress.

The Writer’s Life Doesn’t Have to Mean Freelance

Do you crave the freedom of the writer's life, but feel more secure with the stability of a full-time job? Rebecca Matter shows how you can define your own writer’s life and have it both ways.

Starving Artist, No More… We Write for Money!

There are so many options and paths you can take to make the income you want as a writer… You just need this one financially valuable skill.

3 Big Freelance Writing Myths Debunked

Three myths may be creating roadblocks on your path to copywriting success, but they may not be true. Learn how to get past anything holding you back.

Learn How to Create an Irresistible Offer and Watch How Quickly Your Writing Career Takes Off

Creating an irresistible offer is fundamental to creating a winning sales letter. Once you learn how to do it, you edge your way toward becoming an in-demand copywriter able to charge big fees.

Will You Ever Be “Good Enough?”

Copywriting offers the opportunity to get paid to do what you love and enjoy a great lifestyle. But some myths hold writers back. Here’s one debunked.

Top 5 Excuses for Not Having a Website (And 5 Solutions to Nix Them for Good!)

Today, every business needs a website — even yours! Here are five excuses for not having a website, and five solutions to conquer the roadblocks for good.

You Might Be Cut Out for Case Study Writing If…

Businesses can set themselves apart from competitors by using storytelling, but they need writers. Discover if case study writing is the specialty for you.

Unlock the Doors to Multiple New Income Streams with a Fun Conversation

You could have another line of writing income open to you if you enjoy talking to people. Here are four ways to put that skill to use and get paid well. Plus, here’s why it’s fun.

Here’s How to Get Paid $2,000 to Write Feel-Good Stories for Your Clients

Writing case studies is no different from writing a good story. And because companies rely on them so much, you could earn a handsome living as a specialist when you know how to write these customer success stories.

Your Clients Are Not Your Business

Developing the right mindset to succeed in business means you need to take it seriously from the beginning. Do the three things outlined here to build a solid, steady writing career.

Fast or Slow — Here’s How to Make Sure You Finish Your Big Projects Every Time

When you have a multistep project to do, you can take one of four approaches. Save yourself from an unproductive strategy and adopt one that helps you get the job done every time.

How to Confidently Convert Your First Prospect Into Your First Client

Here are a few lessons you can use when you find yourself talking to a prospective client. Follow these three steps and you’ll know exactly what to say to them.

People Are “Losing Their Minds”… Which Is Great News for You, the Writer!

As the pandemic passes the one-year mark, alternative health treatments are flourishing. For copywriters, that opens up a lucrative opportunity. Here are four reasons you should try this specialty now.

Writing for the Health Market Offers Payouts as High as $13,000

Writing for the health market gives you the opportunity to make a handsome living with an almost never-ending roster of clients eager to pay you huge fees.

Why NOW Is an Even BETTER Time to Become a Freelance HEALTH Writer!

The pandemic has created even more opportunity in the health writing market, and expert Carline Anglade-Cole reveals more reasons why now is the time to get started.

Finding Your “Love Match” When It Comes to Getting Clients

To find clients, you don’t have to do every type of self-marketing method available. You just have to find one tactic that fits your strengths. Learn more about finding the “one” for you…

Could Google Help Launch Your Web Writing Career?

As a web writer, Google is handing you a massive opportunity to help your clients right now. Find out what’s happening and how you can make a difference — and be well-paid to do so.

Write a Powerful, 83-Word Email About a Carpet Cleaner… And You Could Get a $200 Prize!

Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

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