AWAI Writer’s Blog

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Sometimes Quitters DO Win… Especially Now During The Great Resignation

A record number of people are quitting their jobs to pursue opportunities that offer more freedom, fulfillment, and financial payoffs. Here are five steps to make writing a new career.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Your First $1,000 Writing

Magic occurs when you get specific about where you want to go with your freelance writing career. To stay focused on your next steps to success, ask yourself these five questions and build momentum toward your first paychecks.

No Bites on Your LinkedIn Profile? 3 Simple Things to Try

Marketing is all about timing. Your ideal clients need to be in their moment of need in order to find you and engage you for a project. Here’s how to put yourself in the right place to be found when they need help…

Using Common Sense to Start Your Copywriting Business

When you connect the dots between the need in the market and the services you provide, you set yourself up for great success as a well-paid writer. Ilise Benun outlines what you need to do…

The Real Way to Build Confidence

When you use your business as a laboratory for growth, you can experiment, try out new things, and practice. And what you learn will make you better at business. See how this can impact your long-term success…

This Kind of Hand-Built Portfolio Brings You Tons of High-Paying Clients

Building a network of potential clients and like-minded writers is one of the most important assets in your portfolio and pays off in distinct ways, including more money, more knowledge, and higher status.

The ONLY Career Accelerant I Trust Enough to Use on My Own Family

After witnessing Jen Adams succeed as a copywriter for more than a decade, her sister was ready to make a big leap into her own writing career. Here’s the “accelerant” Jen chose to help her make this THE year it would happen.

Want a Faster, Happier Writing Career? Buy Out Your Time

Finding the time to dedicate to your writing career will take you in the right direction. With small steps, your path will feel clearer, and you’ll be doing what you’ve always dreamed. You’ve just got to decide to get started. Here’s how…

Writers Benefit as Email Breaks New Records in 2021

Email is “mission critical” to the survival of businesses today, so brands are willing to spend big on campaigns. To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with these short, in-demand projects.

Things You’ll Love About Being an Email Copywriter

Every writer should learn to write emails because marketers need a lot of them, and your fees will add up. Discover five emails you can get paid top dollar for, and six steps to get started.

Why Right Now Is the Best Time Ever to Be an Email Copywriter

Customer inboxes are more crowded than ever, meaning it’s very important that companies send quality emails… written by trained copywriters. Here’s why you should be writing these…

5 Steps for Writing Emails That Make Your Clients Happy (and Richer)

When the pandemic hit, most people thought email marketing might dry up. But the tables have turned, and email marketing is a major channel for clients, growing by leaps and bounds. Follow these five steps for writing winning emails.

Email Writing, an Easy Way to Get Your Foot in the Door

Get your foot in the door with writing clients with this one simple skill. Here is why the big demand means beginners and pros can make good money writing these short projects.

To Succeed as a Writer, Learn How to Shift Gears

You can earn more as a writer when you understand the most popular formats of content. When you’re familiar with today’s in-demand projects, you can shift gears faster and easily get more done (and make more money).

4 Reasons Why There’s Never Been a Better Time to Write Case Studies

One skill can set you up in a writer’s life with high fees and lots of clients. Here are 4 reasons to get started with this fun, good news writing project.

College Professor Turns Lifelong Love for Writing into a Full-Time Income — from an RV

After a master’s degree, a professorship, and work as a columnist for her town’s newspaper, AWAI Member Melissa Gouty yearned for a change. Read about her journey to becoming a full-time writer.

Case Studies Tell Before-and-After Stories of Hope and Possibility… and They’re Fun to Write!

Case studies show a real-life example of how great your client’s products are, and they follow a simple formula, making them easy to write. Learn more about this in-demand content writing project.

Why You Should Focus on Writing Feel-Good Stories for Your Clients

Case studies have been a content marketing staple for years because they help buyers make the right purchase decision. You can earn as much as $1,500 for each case study you take on.

Why Case Study Writers Are Getting More Projects Than Ever

In the ongoing economic upheaval of COVID-19, inquiries from current and prospective clients for customer case studies actually increased. The market for these stories seems busier than ever… here’s why.

What Your About Page Should Really Be About

Today, every freelance writer needs a website that shows prospective clients why they are the one to do business with. A well-written About page makes a big difference.

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