Christina Gillick

Articles by Christina Gillick

A Simple Template for Faster Content Writing

Writing content is a great path for becoming a freelance writer. In this article, discover a template for writing faster and keeping writer’s block away.

5 Small Things that Can Lead to Daily Progress

Feeling stuck on how to move forward in your writing business? Doing these five simple things daily can help you make progress toward your goals.

How Long Will it Take? Six Tips for Estimating Your Project Times

When you take on a project, both you and your client want a solid idea of how long it will take. Use these tips for accurately estimating project times.

Move Your Business Forward in 30 Minutes a Day

Christina Gillick gives us a quick and easy framework to start planning our daily routine to help boost our copywriting career.

5 Steps to FOCUS (Follow One Commitment Until Successful)

Committing to your goals is the key to achieving them. How do you do that successfully? FOCUS on these five simple steps to maintain your commitment.

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