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The Best AI Tool to Repurpose Your Writing for Social Media Posts

With all the AI tools available, how effective are they really? Click through to see how three tools do at producing engaging social media posts from existing content.

AI Updates for the Average Writer

It’s been a year since AI tools become the talk of the town. Check out tips for using AI as a freelance writer. [Including use cases.]

Is Your Relationship Status with AI Complicated?

See how highlighting your humanity, conducting original research, and implementing personalized and niche marketing strategies can enhance your content and SEO efforts.

What Max Factor Teaches Writers About ChatGPT

Learning from the experiences, mistakes, and triumphs of others can help you find success faster. See what a twentieth century makeup magnate can teach you about ChatGPT.

How I Used AI Tools to Create a High-Value Sales Piece

The AI toolset is growing… have you added any new tools to your own kit. Take a look at how using AI tools in sequence can help you produce high-value work faster.

Package Pricing for Your Writing Services – Is It Right for You?

When thinking about pricing your copywriting services, have you considered offering packages? Packing pricing can elevate your value in your client’s eyes.

Business Challenge: Clean Up Your Social Media Presence

Is your social media presence helping or hurting your web-writing business? Clean up your social media presence and make it easier for clients to hire you.

Stress and Creativity – Reduce Stress for Better Writing Results

Stress has a negative impact on your creativity… especially chronic stress. Learn more about stress and creativity, including stress reduction tips.

3 Tips for Crafting User-Friendly Writing

User-friendly writing is easy-to-read and puts the reader’s needs first. See three easy ways you can make your writing more user-friendly.

Say Yes to Opportunity… and Then Figure It Out

If you want to create more opportunity as a writer, you need to start saying yes to opportunity… even if you’re inexperienced. You can figure it out!

How to Have a Successful Freelance Career with a Mental Illness

If you live with a mental illness, you may wonder if freelance writing is viable for you. It can be. Read this inspiring story of one writer’s success.

5 Easy, Low-Stress Steps to Hone Your Negotiation Skills

Strong negotiating skills can help you build your web-writing business faster. If negotiating makes you nervous, these five steps will help you improve.

Empathy and Writing – How to Connect with Readers

Learn to combine empathy and writing to create copy and content that connects with readers, builds trust, and ultimately drives action.

13 Web Writing Marketing Seeds You Can Start Planting Now

If you want your web-writing business to grow, you need to begin planting your marketing seeds now. This will lead to a steady stream of clients later.

Social Media – Diversification Is Key

Social media diversification is crucial to running a healthy business. If you put all your eggs in one social media basket, they could disappear overnight.

The Writer’s Information Packet Challenge

Take this challenge and put together your freelance writer’s information packet. Then whenever a prospect asks for more information, you’ll be ready.

Three Secrets to Build a Business You Love

Building a freelance business is great. But building a business you love is even better. Here are three secrets to get you started…

How to Set Realistic Goals and Find Time to Achieve Them

Achieving goals boils down to two things—setting realistic goals and them setting aside time to work on them. Here, you’ll find useful tips for doing both.

5 Accessibility Writing Tips to Empower Your Clients’ Sales

When you write more accessibly, you can increase the results you deliver by 25% of more. Use these accessibility writing tips to improve your work.

Choose a Marketing Method to Try for Your Business

When it comes to marketing your writing business, doing some trial and error is useful. Here, you’ll find five different marketing methods you can try.

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