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Believe in Yourself and Others Will Be Forced to Believe in You

Mindy Tyson McHorse gives you a kick in the rear to boost your confidence and realize you are your biggest fan.

How to Write an Article in 30 Minutes or Less

Writing well is one thing. Doing it quicker is another. Christina Gillick explains a great way to get your beautiful prose on the page quicker and more succinctly.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your First Book

Christina Gillick shares a specific strategy that allows you to finish an entire well-thought-out and professional book in a surprisingly short period of time.

16 Ways to Put More Enthusiasm in Your Work and Life

The benefits of living a more enthusiastic life can't be overstated … John Wood has 16 ways to help breath a fire into your copywriting career, and your life.

16 Tips on How to Write Email Subject Lines that Compel Readers to Open and Read Your Email

John Wood helps you create the pre-headline that will get prospects to the headline, the email subject line.

How to Determine Your Value in the Marketplace

Landing a client is half the battle. Steve Roller walks us through the other half, working out the specifics of the deal.

How to Prepare a Client to Hire You

Cindy Cyr reveals how to build up your image with a client to pave the way for them to want to hire you.

How the Imagination of a Child Will Get You Closer to Your Goals

Christina Gillick reminds us of the splendor of childhood and how to apply that wonder to the writer's life.

The Ultimate No (or Low!) Cost Way to Marketing Your Business Part 3

Bob Sands explains how to convert audience members at your public speaking events into paying clients.

Finding ROI in the Most Buzzed About Social Media Site

Brian E. Whitaker reveals a social media site perfect for finding prospective B2B clients.

How to Work with a Virtual Assistant

Jan Schochet outlines the most effective ways to work with a virtual assistant.

The 19 Secrets to Selling Your Freelance Services Successfully

Cindy Cyr gives you a formula made up of a series of strategies, principles, and actions that will lead you to the financial freedom and work-from-anywhere lifestyle you’re longing for.

Skyrocket Response by Eliminating Your Prospect's Risk

John Wood explains the classic technique of "risk reversal", taking on the risk of your reader to increase sales.

How to Write Stronger, More Effective Bullets That Your Clients and Readers Will Love

Have you ever written an ineffective, lacklustre bullet? Whether you use them in an email, website, or online sales page, the quality of your bullets can play a major role in whether or not a reader makes it to the end of your copy.

What is Your Gem Personality? The Answer Can Make You A Better Writer!

Christina Gillick shares a new way to identify your personality types and shows how knowing your type can help you in your freelance career.

How to Become an Authority in 60 Days

Steve Roller shares steps freelancers can take to become an authority in their niche.

The Best Fonts to Use in Print, Online, and Email

John Wood shares which fonts get the best results in your copy.

Nine Ways to Increase Your Personal Excellence Starting Today

John Wood gives nine ways that you can increase your personal excellence – and success – today.

Do You Make These Mistakes In Goal-Setting?

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares some common mistakes people make when setting goals – and how to avoid them.

57 Things Other People Want From Life

Mindy Tyson McHorse shares what people really want from life in order to help jump-start your list of goals.

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