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8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 2

We’re visiting with Clayton Makepeace again this week, so he can reveal the last 4 of his 8 secrets for pinpointing your prospect’s dominant emotions.

8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 1

How do you know what your prospects are feeling? Clayton Makepeace starts answering this frequently-asked question.

Bob Bly’s 25-50-25 Rule

Successful copywriters divide their time between studying, analyzing and doing. Bob Bly's 25-50-25 rule helps you manage how much time to devote to each.

Clayton Makepeace on the Astonishing Power of Fear

Clayton Makepeace shares his expert view on using fear in your copy… and tells you how to avoid five blunders copywriters make when using fear.

Never Deceive Your Prospect…BUT…

Will Newman explains why your clients and long-term successes depend on being able to develop a trusting relationship with your prospect-turned-customer.

The Copywriter Who Changed My Life

Master copywriter Will Newman explains how Bob Bly changed his life… and how Bob can change yours, too.

Don’t Be a Copywriter!

Targeting small clients (rather than high-visibility clients) when growing your copywriting business could be the key to becoming a successful copywriter.

Don't Overspice Your Copy...

Let your words carry the beauty and the impact of your idea. Will Newman shows you how to dress your copy appropriately.

Learning From 8th Graders How to Strengthen Your Copy

Here are a few tips to help strengthen your copy during the editing process. Sometimes you may need to read your finished copy a couple times to get it just right.

How "Structural Priming" Will Make You a Better Copywriter

Structural priming is an effective method of priming your brain for copywriting. Copying effective sales letters over and over again will help build muscle memory.

The Most Powerful Words in Your Writing...

The first draft of anything always needs revising! Eliminate words like is and there is, and use powerful verbs instead. This will make your copy much stronger.

The Heartbeat of Powerful Copywriting

Will Newman goes over some basic differences in verbs to breathe life into your copy.

Your Real Prospect is Closer Than You Think

Will Newman has three strategies for getting “up close and personal” with a potential prospect without getting in his face.

The "Hidden" Component for Killer Sales Letters

What is the big Idea? And how do you find one? Will Newman is here to help you make your copy better than ever.

The Key to Every Copywriter’s Success

As a writer, one of the most important things you can do to improve is the exact opposite: read. Alexander Green gives you some ideas for reading that will help make you a stronger copywriter.

How to Discover Your Hidden Remarkable Benefit

Brian Clark wants to help you find your inner benefit and market it to help achieve freelance copywriting success.

The Magic of False Logic

Bob Bly details one of the strongest copywriting tricks a writer can use to win over their prospects.

The 6 Key Differences Between Business-to-Business and Consumer Marketing

Bob Bly explains some major differences between consumer and corporate buyers, and why your sales message needs to be tailored to these differences.

What a Soapbox Derby and a 14-Year-Old Means to Your Success

Will Newman helps remind us that no matter how far off track we have gone, there is a path to get back.

When You Absolutely, Need to Capture Your Prospect’s Attention

Will Newman explains the simple reason why your promise is so crucial to capturing your prospect’s attention.

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