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Sometimes Quitters DO Win

Michele Peterson outlines four steps to take to get away from your current circumstances and move toward your dream life… a writer’s life full of freedom… The freedom to work when you want, from where you want… writing about what you want, for whomever you want… And most importantly, the freedom to spend your time as you choose… whether that means taking a long break this winter, spending more time with the kiddos, caring for a loved one, or simply going to a yoga class at 10 in the morning.

5 Ways to Improve Your Copywriting

AWAI success Tammy Powell shares the five simple strategies she uses to keep her skills sharp as she continues to build her copywriting business.

Easy Domino-Effect Audience Research for Stronger Writing

The core, the heart, the soul of our writing… lies in our audience. And getting to know your audience is the gold standard for good persuasive writing. Health Master Copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole perfected this art when writing about supplements to the older market. To really find out what was on their minds and haunting their dreams, she went to Walmart and sat on a bench near the pharmacy.

How Parenting Changed My Writing — One Mom’s Writing Tips for Parents

How one mom’s writing career changed when she became a parent.

The Best AI Tool to Repurpose Your Writing for Social Media Posts

With all the AI tools available, how effective are they really? Click through to see how three tools do at producing engaging social media posts from existing content.

AI Updates for the Average Writer

It’s been a year since AI tools become the talk of the town. Check out tips for using AI as a freelance writer. [Including use cases.]

Is Your Relationship Status with AI Complicated?

See how highlighting your humanity, conducting original research, and implementing personalized and niche marketing strategies can enhance your content and SEO efforts.

What Max Factor Teaches Writers About ChatGPT

Learning from the experiences, mistakes, and triumphs of others can help you find success faster. See what a twentieth century makeup magnate can teach you about ChatGPT.

How I Used AI Tools to Create a High-Value Sales Piece

The AI toolset is growing… have you added any new tools to your own kit. Take a look at how using AI tools in sequence can help you produce high-value work faster.

Help for “Overwhelm”… and Four More Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mentor

Michele Peterson has been getting paid to enjoy the writer’s life for 15 years now. Full time for the last 13. And for the last several years, she has been helping fellow writers along the way to their own successful writer’s lives as an AWAI Circle of Success Mentor. She shares a cure for overwhelm nad for other lessons she has learned as a Circle of Success Mentor.

7 Lucrative “Side Hustles” to Support Your Ultimate Dream

Robert Rice shares seven lucrative opportunities for “hustling” your way to freedom right now.

You Do You! Your Writer's Life Doesn't Have to Look Like Anyone Else's

Choices. They’re a double-edged sword. On one hand, choices represent the different possibilities out there waiting for us to claim them. On the other hand, having choices means it’s our responsibility to actually CHOOSE something. And it can be overwhelming — even scary sometimes — to make the decision to choose something. But not choosing? Well, there are consequences to that choice, too.

40 Booming Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2024

Tammy Powell shares the top niches (in alphabetical order) that have excellent potential for copywriters to grow with them…

The 3 Advantages of Sales Enablement — The Easiest Client Pitch You’ll Ever Make

When you’re a sales enablement writer, you sell your services to a sales director, letting them know you can fill that gap for their sales team, allowing them to spend more time selling and giving them copy that increases their success rate. It’s an easy sell to convince a sales director you can do this. Which gives you an advantage when you’re trained in this specialty and marketing your services. In fact, having sales enablement skills gives you three advantages.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Next Right Thing

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Dr. Annette Annechild, talks about how to bring back the joy in creating your writer’s life, by not focusing on “all the things” … but instead focusing on the next right thing. Annette explains why it works and teaches you how to know without a doubt what the next right thing is.

The Future of Freelancing: Why EVERY Copywriter Needs to Harness the Power of AI

AI is here. It’s not going anywhere. And if you’re not embracing it, you’re shortchanging yourself. Guillermo believes it’s the future of freelancing.

How to Get Fast Copywriting Paychecks

Do you need faster copywriting paychecks? For most beginners, landing their ideal clients and earning high professional writing fees takes work… and sometimes it takes longer than they’d like. Rebekah Mays shares her #1 strategy for getting those first few paychecks, faster…

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Understanding Anxiety

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Dr. Annette Annechild, dig into what anxiety is, what causes it, and the solution to regaining control during those anxious moments.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: What DO You Do?

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and AWAI Learning Chief, Pam Foster talk about effective message basics you can use to help clients – as well as better market yourself.

A Good Headline Entices Like a Good Cup of Coffee

A well-crafted headline has the power to intrigue, evoke curiosity, and draw in a reader thirsting for engaging content. This article will show you effective ways to help you master the art of crafting exceptional headlines that leave a lasting impact on readers.

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