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Monday Morning Jumpstart: How to Beat Self-Sabotage and Succeed

In today’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, ask you to look inward at your behaviors.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: To Advance, You Need to “Do the Work”

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, remind us that the only path to true change is through active, conscious effort to get to know yourself.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Slow Down and Reflect on Your Emotions

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, reminds us how to check in with our emotions ... and why it’s best to feel and express them in order to be successful as writers – and as people.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Time to Check in On Your Writing Goals

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, shares a few tricks for becoming less “busy,” so that you can become more effective... and reach your writing goals sooner.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Using Tragedy to Grow as a Writer

Watch today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart session with AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, to learn the difference and understand how you can either use the tragedy to thrive as a writer... or make big life changes before tragedy ever strikes.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: No Time to Write? Watch This...

If you struggle to find the time to write... work on your writing business... or make progress towards your paid writing goals – you have got to watch this week’s Monday Morning Jumpstart!

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Build Your Brand as a Writer

In this Monday Morning Jumpstart session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, shows us how to know what we’re expressing as our brand... and how to make sure that our values and our brand match up... So that we’re ultimately attracting the clients and projects that will bring us fulfillment as people.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Should You Fake It ‘Till You Make It?

Watch as Ted and AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, debate the concept of “faking it” in business and ultimately come up with a better option.

Stress and Creativity – Reduce Stress for Better Writing Results

Stress has a negative impact on your creativity… especially chronic stress. Learn more about stress and creativity, including stress reduction tips.

How to Have a Successful Freelance Career with a Mental Illness

If you live with a mental illness, you may wonder if freelance writing is viable for you. It can be. Read this inspiring story of one writer’s success.

How to Set Realistic Goals and Find Time to Achieve Them

Achieving goals boils down to two things—setting realistic goals and them setting aside time to work on them. Here, you’ll find useful tips for doing both.

Quarterly Checkups Keep the Fire Lit Under Your Goals

Having goals to work toward helps ensure your success. It’s even better when you review those goals regularly. Use quarterly checkups to stay motivated.

Take the “Strong Start” Challenge

Get your year off to a strong start! Whether you’re a new or established freelance writer, get your business in order and set yourself up for a great year.

A 5-Day Plan to Set Your 2021 Business Goals

January 2021 is coming up fast. With less than two months left in 2020, this five-step plan with help you set business goals for the next year.

How Gratitude Seeds Success in B2B Copywriting Businesses

Being grateful for what you currently have helps you be happier in the moment. But did you know there's more to it than that? Here are three reasons why it's critical to the health of your business to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Atomic Habits for Writers

Do you have a new writing habit you’re trying to establish? Make sure it sticks and that it has the desired result, with this guide to setting good habits.

The Why, When, and How of Starting a Peer Group

Starting a peer group can help you build your skills, stay motivated, give you ideas for your business, and connect you with new resources.

How to Raise Your Setpoint to Increase Your Income

Do you know your income setpoint? Once you figure out what it is, you can work to raise your setpoint, which can be critical to earning what you want.

These Potato Chips Launched My Copywriting Career (Seriously!)

Most copywriting careers don’t start with a HUGE project. Instead, little copy projects can be key to building your business. Ed Gandia reveals his story.

How to Find a Copywriting Mentor

A business mentor can help you be successful faster. Here’s how you can find a mentor for your copywriting business.

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