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Monday Morning Jumpstart: Communication with Clients

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about what professionalism means, the two types of questions you should be asking your client, and how to know when you are in a proper rhythm with your client.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Advice from a Top Copywriter

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, is joined by special guest, Marcella Allison. Now a top copywriter and mentor, Marcella reveals what she wishes she would have let go of earlier in her writing career… perfectionism.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Overcoming Fear — Tips from a Professional Paraglider

In this week’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Jade Trueblood and her special guest, “A-list” copywriter and mentor, Marcella Allison talk about Marcella’s best tips for overcoming fear, including a tip from a professional paraglider! Follow these tips the next time you need to overcome fear so you can continue to live your best writer’s life.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Are You Being Helpful or Are You Trying to be Right?

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about navigating when you need to be right and when you should be helpful. They offer a key piece of advice that will help you determine what to do. This technique will not only help with client relationships but also with personal ones.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Freedom as a Writer

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the importance of defining freedom in your own specific terms because it is different for everyone, and your definition will ultimately guide you towards living the writer’s life you want.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Questions Are Crucial

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, focus on the importance of asking follow-up questions, how they lead to deeper connections, and ultimately show that you care.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Law of Inertia

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the importance of evaluating how you spend your time, the intention behind those actions, and if those actions are contributing to the outcome you want.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Setting Boundaries

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the importance of creating boundaries in order to take care of yourself.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: The Power of Reflection

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the benefit of slowing down and reflecting. They also dig into some questions many writers have, like when it’s time to “give up” on a goal.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Goals vs. Outcomes

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, hit the goal conversation from a totally new perspective and show you how many goals are not goals after all – but rather outcomes. And then teach you how to set goals that drive real action … so you achieve the outcomes you desire this year.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: 8 Pillars of Wellness: Money & Giving Back

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, finish this 4-part series on wellness by helping you get comfortable with money … and the value of giving back to others you encounter on your journey to living your own writer’s life.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: 8 Pillars of Wellness: Values & Career

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, continue this 4-part series on the eight pillars of wellness by helping you gain clarity on what you value most, and setting yourself up to have a career that matches this year.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Emotional & Physical Wellness

In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, continue this 4-part series on by delving into your emotional and physical wellness.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: What You Do & Who You Serve

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood give you a unique (read: easier) way to make this decision, and make a good case for not forcing anything that you think you have to do.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: The Importance of Feedback

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, tackle the importance of feedback, and share some insights on giving and receiving it, so you can continually improve your writing, and ultimately, your writing business.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Focus on Helping and Watch Your Business Grow

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about how focusing on helping clients will grow your writing business at the same time.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: The Importance of a Writing Community

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the importance of community for the solopreneur, and identifying what you need from that community to make your writing business more successful.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Building Trust with Writing Clients

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, walk you through a 3-part trust model that will help you land good clients and build trust over time.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Getting Started Quicker with a Proof of Concept

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about identifying your “proof of concept,” and how they can evolve over time…so you can continue to grow your writing business.

Monday Morning Jumpstart: Moving from Fear to Confidence

In this week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI’s Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and AWAI’s Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, help you identify the root of your fears, show you how to normalize them, and then guide you through a series of insights to help keep them at bay … so they don’t stop you from moving forward.

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