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Choosing a Professional Email Address for Your Freelance Business

One of the first things prospects see is your email address. Here’s how to choose an email address for your freelance business that presents you as a professional.

Why a CRM Is Useful for Freelancer Copywriters

Do you need a customer relationship management tool for your freelance copywriting business? Here’s when a CRM can be useful.

Copywriting is the Ultimate Way for You to Live The Writer’s Life

Copywriting gives you the ultimate career choice to living the writer’s life. Katie Yeakle outlines eight little-known benefits to becoming a copywriter.

The True Story of How Social Media Can Alter Your Life and Your Freelance Writing Career

Social media can have a far-reaching impact on your life and writing career, and put you in the ranks of an in-demand copywriter.

These 9 Copywriting Tips Can Help You Make More Money Faster

These nine reverse engineering tips will help you get the most out of your copywriting Swipe Files and help you earn more money, much faster.

Two Hidden Persuasion Tactics That Get Prospects to Hit the Buy Button

If you use these 2 persuasion tactics in your copy, you’ll get more people buying the products you’re selling — and you’ll land more copywriting projects.

3 Smart Social Media Goals and How to Achieve Them

There’s a vital key to social media success. Keep it in mind and any social media goal you go after will be instantly more attainable. Discover it here…

Working with Small Businesses as a B2B Copywriter

Small businesses are often overlooked as potential clients for B2B copywriters, but working with this market can be profitable as well as satisfying.

The Five Types of People to Include In Your Inner Circle of Success

Success isn’t a solo journey. If you want to accelerate your copy career, you need to surround yourself with other successful writers, like these 5 types.

When Should You Charge for B2B Copywriting Revisions?

When a client wants revisions to your copywriting project, you might be justified in asking for more money. Here’s how to have that difficult conversation.

Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Copywriting Business?

At a certain point, hiring a Virtual Assistant for your B2B copywriting business makes sense. Find out when you should, what to look for, and where to find one.

Stop Struggling to Come Up with a Big Idea, Do These 3 Things Every Day

A Big Idea is the backbone of a successful sales letter but what happens when you struggle to come up with one? Easy. Just do these three things every day.

Copywriting Makeovers: Tips and Tricks

Copywriting makeovers or rewrites can be lucrative projects. But it’s easy for them to go terribly wrong. Here’s how to avoid potential problems.

In-Demand Writing Projects: Get Paid to Write a Simple 30-Character Headline

Writing Pay-Per-Click ads is one way writers can earn big fees. Companies rely on PPC ads to bring in leads and customers. Here are tips for writing them.

How to Pitch Articles to B2B Trade Publications

Getting articles published in B2B trade publications raises your profile as an expert clients want to hire. Here’s how to pitch ideas so editors say yes.

Use Your Copywriting Skills to Start Your Own Publishing Business

Because you know the elements of writing sales copy, you can use those skills to write and publish your own information products.

Writing Radio Commercials for Fun and Money (Part 1)

Writing radio commercials for B2B companies can be fun and lucrative. Here’s how you can find those gigs.

The One Thing Your Online Copywriting Must Do

Online copywriting is only successful when you grab your prospect’s attention and get them to act. Here’s the key to making that happen.

Seven Rich Reasons to Become a Health Copywriter

Health copywriting is a growing market with writers in demand. Here are Carline Anglade-Cole’s top 7 reasons why you should choose health as your niche.

An Easy 5-Point Checklist for Pricing Your Work

Even if you know the range for quoting a project, how do you know where in the range an individual project should fall? Use this easy 5-point checklist to know for sure.

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