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Sometimes Quitters DO Win

Michele Peterson outlines four steps to take to get away from your current circumstances and move toward your dream life… a writer’s life full of freedom… The freedom to work when you want, from where you want… writing about what you want, for whomever you want… And most importantly, the freedom to spend your time as you choose… whether that means taking a long break this winter, spending more time with the kiddos, caring for a loved one, or simply going to a yoga class at 10 in the morning.

Help for “Overwhelm”… and Four More Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mentor

Michele Peterson has been getting paid to enjoy the writer’s life for 15 years now. Full time for the last 13. And for the last several years, she has been helping fellow writers along the way to their own successful writer’s lives as an AWAI Circle of Success Mentor. She shares a cure for overwhelm nad for other lessons she has learned as a Circle of Success Mentor.

You Do You! Your Writer's Life Doesn't Have to Look Like Anyone Else's

Choices. They’re a double-edged sword. On one hand, choices represent the different possibilities out there waiting for us to claim them. On the other hand, having choices means it’s our responsibility to actually CHOOSE something. And it can be overwhelming — even scary sometimes — to make the decision to choose something. But not choosing? Well, there are consequences to that choice, too.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for… Email!

Email is as popular and effective as ever — and businesses today need multiple types of email to reach prospects, so they’re willing to spend big on campaigns. To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with these short projects.

Say Yes to Opportunity… and Then Figure It Out

If you want to create more opportunity as a writer, you need to start saying yes to opportunity… even if you’re inexperienced. You can figure it out!

13 Web Writing Marketing Seeds You Can Start Planting Now

If you want your web-writing business to grow, you need to begin planting your marketing seeds now. This will lead to a steady stream of clients later.

How to Set Realistic Goals and Find Time to Achieve Them

Achieving goals boils down to two things—setting realistic goals and them setting aside time to work on them. Here, you’ll find useful tips for doing both.

Quarterly Checkups Keep the Fire Lit Under Your Goals

Having goals to work toward helps ensure your success. It’s even better when you review those goals regularly. Use quarterly checkups to stay motivated.

5 Ways to Renew Your Enthusiasm for Writing

Are you stuck in a rut with your writing? It’s not writer’s block. You’re just not enjoying it. Try these five ways to renew your enthusiasm for writing.

5 Quick and Easy Tips to Organize Your Virtual Workspace

When you work as a freelancer, your computer plays a critical role in your workflow. Use these 5 tips to organize your virtual workspace.

Developing Affinity Marketing Partnerships

Affinity marketing partnerships give your marketing leverage when you work with other businesses that also serve your clients. See how it’s done.

How to Estimate Project Time – Tips for Freelance Web Writers

When you’re working as a freelance web writer, you need a plan for how to estimate project time, so you can set sensible fees. These tips will help.

Updating Your Website: How Often and What Makes the Most Impact

How often do you update your freelance web writing website? Use this guide to updating your website to keep your business in ship shape.

3 Powerful Ways You Can Put Chatbots to Work for Your Clients… And Make High Fees for Yourself

Chatbots can be very powerful for companies. Here are three ways a chatbot copywriter can help create leads and generate sales via preprogrammed messages.

How to Be Everywhere in Your Niche

Want to attract the attention of prospects within a certain niche? Learn how to be everywhere in your niche. You’ll build your authority and your contacts.

An Easy 3-Part Social Media Marketing Plan for Web Writers

Social media marketing for web writers is a fun way to attract new clients… but you have to respect the medium you’re in. Here’s how in 3 easy steps…

20 Essential Email Marketing Stats Copywriters Need to Know

These email marketing statistics represent a golden opportunity for web writers to help clients in a tangible way… and to get a foot in the door.

20 Ways to Stand Out As a Professional Web Copywriter in 2020

As a web copywriter, you need to make it easy for clients to say yes to hiring you. One way to do that is to stand out from other web copywriters…

How to Stockpile Content for a Rainy Day

For your freelance business, it helps to create future content when you have a little extra time. This can help you be more consistent in your outreach.

A 4-Part Strategy for Copywriters Who Want More Referrals

Would you rather grow your copywriting business by cold calling strangers or by having conversations with warm prospects who have been referred to you?

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