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Write a Sample of This Short-Copy B2B Project… and You Could Earn $200

Practice is a good way to improve as a B2B copywriter. Follow the project details to do this practice exercise, using tips about this B2B short-copy gig.

Finding and Keeping Great Clients — the Key to Enjoyable Days and MUCH More Money

Not all clients are created equal — not by a long shot. The difference between “great” and “terrible” is Grand Canyon-esque.

Want to THRIVE in the New AI Era? Become This Kind of Copywriter…

AI expert Guillermo Rubio shares what the future of freelancing looks like and why every copywriter needs to harness its power … And gives you specific examples of how you can leverage AI in YOUR writing career.

Three Things You’ll Want to Know for 2025

Discover three exciting opportunities for growth in your writing business. AWAI's President weighs in on what she's excited about in the coming year.

Five Tips to Ensure Success as a Freelance Digital Copywriter

Nick Usborne shares FIVE tips you can use to all but ensure your success as a freelance digital copywriter.

Write a Powerful, 83-Word Email About Sleep Buds… and You Could Get a $200 Prize!

Practice is the best way to keep improving at any endeavor. For a copywriter, that means time spent writing! Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

How My Network Helped Me Land My First Copywriting Client Without My Even Asking

Alan Ramsey shares her story of how she got her first client.

How a Date Turned Into a Client Opportunity

Angie Colee shares her story of how she got her first client.

Building My Copywriting Dream (Without Quitting My Day Job)

Elizabeth Tiernan shares her story of how she got her first client.

My “Connections” Approach to Landing Freelance-Writing Clients

Pam Foster shares her story of how she got her first client.

4 Reasons I Love My Secret Writing Specialty

I’ve been a writer and published author — I could say best-selling author! — for years, yet you may not be familiar with my name. There’s a very good reason for that.

How to ‘Fail’ Your Way to More Freelance Copywriting Jobs

As a copywriter, there will be times when you ‘fail’ — or at least you’ll feel like you did. You may fail to get the clients you want, write effective copy, increase your open and click-through rates, and so on. This can be very discouraging, especially if you’re new to copywriting. But you can’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Remember — every top copywriter started one day as a newbie too. So, what’s the difference between those who eventually find success and those who don’t? Let’s take a look at five positive attributes successful copywriters have going for them…

3 Compelling Reasons Why Site Audits Should Be in Your Portfolio

Su Burton-Griffiths looks at three compelling reasons why Site Audits should be in your writer’s toolkit…

7 Ways to Land Your First (or Next) Writing Client

With a new year looming, now is the ideal time to set yourself up for success. Start laying the groundwork now, so you’re prepped and ready to roll as marketers ramp up their efforts for a big year. Taking a proactive stance will help you finish out this year strong — and give you a head start on new opportunities in the writing industry.

Writers: Do You Have Hidden Coaching Potential? Here’s How to Find Out…

Coaching is about using your experiences to help someone else move forward. It offers writers an opportunity to help others, create a new income stream, and build a rewarding business. Here’s how to know if coaching is a path you’d enjoy — and if you’re ready.

3 High-Value AI Services You Can Offer Your Clients Now

Nick Usborne shares three high-value AI services you can start offering your clients now.

How to Improve AI Writing With an Emotional Intelligence Audit

Nick Usborne shares five elements to look for when reviewing copy that is generated with AI to get you started.

How to Use AI as a Freelance-Business Coach and Strategist

Nick Usborne looks at three powerful use cases for AI as your very own, private, and almost-free coach or consultant.

My Formula for Success

If you’re at a place where you feel like you’re stuck — where nothing you seem to do is working to move your writing career forward… Or if you absolutely know you want to live the writer’s life, but you just can’t seem to get any traction going … you’re not alone. Guillermo Rubio has also been there. He shares what you can do to gain some real momentum, so you can FINALLY make your dream to be a high-paid writer a reality.

How to Choose the Best AI Writing Tool for Your Copywriting Process

Unlock your copywriting career with these AI tools. Find the perfect free AI assistant to revolutionize your copywriting process and boost productivity.

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