AWAI Success Stories

Looking for a little inspiration? Read some of our most recent success stories below.

And if you want to meet some of the AWAI Members who are now living the writer’s life thanks to their hard work and dedicated persistence, be sure and read our case studies.

Living the Writer's Life: Sam Woods

When I spoke with Sam Woods, he’d just returned from an invigorating, “unplugged” week of hiking in Sweden and reported feeling poised for forward motion after his time away from technology. That approach toward resting, resetting, and restarting has served him well in his career, as Sam’s business is thriving on the cutting edge of AI technology. But as you’ll read below, the foundation for everything he’s built starts with copywriting. Enjoy Sam’s story.

Living the Writer's Life: Elizabeth Pickart

Elizabeth Pickart is in the process of watching all her writing dreams come true. Like many Barefoot Writers, writing for her was nothing more than a hobby until a necessary career change prompted her to look in new directions. Copywriting surfaced as a viable opportunity, and the more she did it, the more she loved it. One win led to another, and before she knew it, her author dream started to unfold. Read on to discover how copywriting helped her get there.

Living the Writer's Life: Sean Van Zant

Sean Van Zant has that unique quality of taking action once given direction. In a world where too many of us writers fret about how and when to take that first step and next step, he’s able to do it and do it quickly. Sean’s efforts are already starting to pay off as he continues to build connections and authority in the writing world. Discover how he’s used the trinity of marketing tactics to move fast in getting started as a copywriter, modeling the concept behind Mark Ford’s Ready, Fire, Aim book.

Living the Writer's Life: Steve Maurer

Steve Maurer has long been one of the friendliest, most helpful Barefoot Writers we’re proud to call a member. Along with always being ready to encourage someone move forward in their writing journey, he’s one of the humblest copywriters you’ll meet — though his rise to well-paid writing was seamless and fast. Enjoy Steve’s story.

Living the Writer's Life: Amanda Sanchez

Amanda Jo Sanchez, formerly known as Mandy Marksteiner, always had an eye for writing, but it wasn’t till she discovered copywriting that the money piece fell into place. Along the way, she’s shored up her abilities to the point where she can happily take risks and try new ventures without ever feeling limited. Discover how she’s currently reinventing herself while enjoying the journey.

Living the Writer's Life: Deanna Blanchard

Deanna Blanchard’s journey to copywriting is heartwarming… Not only did she venture into a way of life that was unfamiliar based on her upbringing, but she also rediscovered the joy she felt through writing and, albeit with some trial and error, made it work for her in a way that allowed her to pursue other passions. Plus, it gave her the ability to be there for those who matter most in her life. Enjoy her story.

Living the Writer's Life: Les Worley

Not only does Les Worley have a vibrant personality, but when I connected with him from his home in the Yucatan, he was surrounded by color, from his cheerful shirt and art to the vivid view out his window. But while he’s living the ultimate expat writer’s dream now, it didn’t come without a few key lessons. Read on to discover how writing made its way to the forefront of his career — twice — and how he’s leveraged it to live the semi-retired lifestyle of his dreams.

Living the Writer's Life: Derek Coleman

Derek Coleman felt like his life was wasting away, working for meager pay at a dull job that required a prolonged commute. He made an escape plan and dove in, then found himself in a pickle when it didn’t work out the way he’d hoped. Writing came to the rescue, and brought with it unexpected joys. Enjoy Derek’s copywriting love story and take note of his unique long-term view to pursue joy to the very end.

Living the Writer's Life: Wanda Sewell

Wanda Sewell had been writing for as long as she could remember, but it never really took hold as a career until health needs sent her on a journey to find a flexible job that offered more income. Once she connected with Barefoot Writer, the world of copy opened up to her and she began to find her way with writing that’s meaningful to her. She’s since become an active voice in the Barefoot Writer Facebook group and is quick to share advice and give support to new writers.

Living the Writer's Life: Ashley Jonkman

Artistically inclined Ashley Jonkman found passion through writing early on in her adult life, but other pursuits soon filled her days. Then when the pandemic presented a unique opportunity to write for a nonprofit, her efforts blossomed into a full position, and she’s been in demand ever since. Discover how she overcame self-doubt by jumping at new opportunities and showing a genuine willingness to serve others.

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