Michael Masterson
Challenges You to
Best Year
of Your Life |
Step 1) Take "The Pledge" …
This is a formal contract between the person I am today (frustrated at my lack of progress towards my goals) and the person I have decided to be (the successful me). I commit to creating a Master Plan that I can use to turn vague dreams into specific goals, and to turn those goals into accomplishments that will make 2011 the best year of my life.
Signature: ______________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________
Step 2) Read Michael's new book The Pledge: Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life — and create your own customized Master Plan.
Step 3) Put your Master Plan into action and reap the rewards: The promotion you've been working towards … a second stream of income from the business you've always wanted to start … the vacation you've been dreaming of … more time for yourself, your family, and your friends … and so much more.
Dear Friend,
If you're ever frustrated with the progress you're making towards your dreams …
… if you've ever felt mired in mediocrity and know you can do better if you could just break free from whatever is holding you back …
… or if you already know what you need to do to get ahead, but just can't seem to find the time or the energy to do it …
… then you need to get your hands on Michael Masterson's new book The Pledge: Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life.
A hard-headed — and 100% proven
— success formula for
whatever you want out of life
Now, at first glance, The Pledge might sound like just another self-help book full of positive thinking platitudes and the same old warmed-over advice.
However, once you dip into it, you'll find that it's actually a hard-headed, no-nonsense, no fluff, no woo-woo formula that will let you …
- Finally break free of the frustrating chains that have been holding you back, wasting your days and killing your dreams …
- Make faster progress towards your goals — and accomplish more than you ever thought possible — by getting twice as much done every day — without killing yourself or spending every waking hour at the office …
- Find the time, energy, and big idea you need to finally generate a six-figure second income from that business you've been hoping to start …
- Win that promotion — and the perks and extra money that go with it — you've been working so hard for …
- Free up the equivalent of 10 to 14 weeks a year so you'll have all the time you need to pursue your goals … to spend with your family and friends … to work on your favorite hobby … to take a well-deserved vacation or two … or whatever it is you like to do …
- Turn your dreams of success and happiness into reality — with a concrete action plan that quickly takes you from where you are now to where you want to be …
In other words, it's everything you need to make 2011 the best year of your life. And when you put this formula to work, it's like flipping a switch — a switch that automatically takes you from where you are now to where you want to be.
The secrets that propelled Michael Masterson from pool digger to multi-millionaire businessman
There's no theory in The Pledge. No fluff. No affirmations. And no law of attraction gibberish, either. Instead, it's the exact formula Michael Masterson used to find the time, energy, and motivation to …
- Go from "C" student and pool digger with zero potential, zero advantages, and zero prospects to a successful businessman, best-selling author, and multi-millionaire …
- Start or become a partner in multiple businesses, including two with revenue of more than $100 million a year …
- Write a dozen books, including three business best-sellers …
- Write, direct, and produce a feature-length film …
- Write 350 poems in a year …
- Get a black belt in ju jitsu…
… all while keeping his "day job" and actually spending more time with his wife and three children than ever before.
Meet Michael Masterson, the $100 million man
Michael Masterson, the author of The Pledge, has built not one, but two businesses that now do more than $100 million a year. And he has become a multi-millionaire in the process.
He has also become a business and success mentor to hundreds of personal clients in dozens of industries … to the 400,000 subscribers to his e-zine, Early to Rise … and to the thousands who own one or more of his eight books.
Masterson is the author of Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat … Seven Years to Seven Figures: The Fast Track Plan to Becoming a Millionaire … Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence … Changing the Channel: 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business … Power and Persuasion: How to Command Success in Business and Your Personal Life … Automatic Wealth for Grads… and Anyone Else Just Starting Out … Confessions of a Self-Made Millionaire … and The Architecture of Persuasion.
Now, in his latest book The Pledge, Masterson challenges you to make 2011 the year you finally blow past whatever has been keeping you from achieving your dreams. And he gives you everything you need to make it happen. |
The Pledge delivers the exact formula for achieving the success you've been craving
And Michael Masterson didn't accomplish all this because he's smarter than you (as I mentioned, he was a "C" student in high school) …
… or because he has amazing gifts that you can't hope to match …
… or because he spends every waking hour slaving away to get it all done.
Not on your life. The fact is, Masterson was able to accomplish so much, so fast for two reasons:
- He spent years getting his head kicked in, in the School of Hard Knocks — and soaked up every lesson he learned like a sponge until he was finally able to crack the code on how to get ahead fast; and …
- He happened upon two highly successful mentors who shared their own secrets with him and accelerated his progress on the road to success.
And what's really nice is that Masterson has now taken the key lessons he's learned along the way and put them between the covers of The Pledge.
In other words, you finally have your own mentor who will help you make rapid progress towards the success you've been craving — without your having to learn the hard way at the School of Hard Knocks that Michael Masterson knows so well.
How to Master Plan your
new and better life
Masterson starts by asking you take the simple pledge described at the beginning of this letter — a pledge to follow his formula and change your life for the better, so you can make 2011 the best year of you life. And he then makes a simple promise:
"If you're willing to follow my formula, I'm willing to guarantee that by this time next year you'll be well on your way to health, wealth, wisdom, and happiness."
And the first step is the most crucial—to create a Master Plan for your new and better life. A Master Plan that will show you exactly what you need to do to get what you want out of life.
Masterson walks you through his powerful process for creating your personalized Master Plan. You start by turning your vague dreams and ambitions into specific goals so you know exactly where it is you want to be.
But then you take another step that goes beyond just setting goals and hoping you achieve them. You take your goals and build in specific actions you can take to make achieving them practically inevitable. It's a crucial step that's simply missing from most goal-setting programs.
And what's really nice is how simple the Master Planning process is. Even if you have hundreds of goals — including some that conflict — you'll discover how to reduce them down to four fundamental life goals, a simplification that makes achieving them much easier.
You'll be amazed at how good you feel
Whether you've set goals in the past or not, I urge you to give Masterson's Master Planning process a try. When you do, you'll find yourself making progress almost automatically.
And once you get the ball rolling, you'll be amazed at the rapid progress you make and at how your life will change.
You'll achieve goals that you've been dreaming about for years. And as you do, you'll be surprised at how good you feel. You'll feel your confidence growing — and any doubts you had about yourself fading away. Bottom line: You'll begin to enjoy life more.
Better yet, your early success will breed more success and your newfound energy and confidence will fuel you throughout every day. And you'll suddenly find it easier than ever before to accomplish your most important goals.
You'll be amazed at how much progress you'll make in just a few shorts weeks. And as the weeks go by, you'll realize you really are having the best year of your life.
Make all your dreams come true
Plus, you'll also discover …
- Why most people never realize their dreams. Two key factors that get in the way and how to avoid them. Page 16 …
- Does writing your goals down really make any difference? Or is it just another success myth? Page 19 …
- Crucial step you must take before you set another goal. Or you risk achieving the wrong goals and winding up miserable. Page 24 …
- Set better, more appropriate goals by imagining your funeral. Yes, your funeral. Page 25 …
- Take charge of your time and make more steady progress towards your goals. How to make sure you never let another day get away from you. Page 31 …
- Escape the tyranny of the urgent. How urgent tasks — both important and unimportant — burn you out and ensure that you never make progress towards your goals. Page 35 …
- Achieve your goals faster by keeping a daily journal. Takes just a few minutes a day. Page 37 …
A Standing Ovation for Michael Masterson
from Brian Tracy, Robert J. Ringer, and others
"Achieve more in every area of your life"
"This wonderful, warm, insightful book is loaded with great ideas and practical methods that help you to achieve more in every area of your life."
—Brian Tracy, Author of Getting Rich Your Own Way, Maximum Achievement, and dozens of other self-help classics
"A clear roadmap to success"
"I've been an admirer of Michael Masterson's work for many years, which is why I was so happy to see him tackle the all-important subject of his latest book. What I especially like is that he didn't take the route of many self-development authors and simply offer worn-out, generic advice. For those serious about improving their lives — personally, socially, and financially — Michael has laid out a clear roadmap to success. This book is loaded with practical, simple, effective strategies that really work."
—Robert J. Ringer, best-selling author of Looking Out for #1, To Be or Not to Be Intimidated? and Restoring the American Dream
"You'll have the skill to make a fortune"
"Read The Pledge. Period. It's just as simple as that. In just a couple of short sessions, you'll have the skill to make a fortune, both personally and professionally. I know. I listened to Michael as a mentor, word for word, and took his wisdom to heart. It's made all the difference in my life and career. The keystone to his — and your — success is some incredibly simple, it will astonish you: Just do it!"
—Mike Ward, Publisher, Money Map Press
"Specific, concrete steps to make it happen"
"What a happier, richer, more satisfying world this would be if everyone could be personally mentored by Michael Masterson, as I've been. Unfortunately, that's simply not possible. But here's the next best thing. In The Pledge, Michael doesn't just challenge you to achieve the things you really want. He reveals the specific, concrete steps to make it happen. You can't put a price on this kind of knowledge. I don't know anyone who wouldn't benefit from reading this book."
—Alexander Green, Investment Director, The Oxford Club, author of The Gone Fishin' Portfolio: Get Wise, Get Wealthy, Get On With Your Life and The Secret of Shelter Island: Money and What Matters
"Turn dreams into reality"
"As a lifelong believer in taking action, I wholeheartedly recommend Michael Masterson's latest (and, in my opinion, greatest) book.
"Take The Pledge today … not tomorrow … not next week … TODAY! This book outlines your CALL TO ACTION.
"The minute you begin reading you will be saying 'Yes! I can do this!' and your success- oriented mindset will take flight …
"Don't wait for success 'to happen.' Get going and make it happen. The Pledge will show you how to turn dreaming into the reality of your doing!"
—Bob Cox, Director of Early to Rise's Epiphany Alliance/Total Success Achievement Program and author of Flip the Success Switch and The Billionaire in You |
Fill your life with good days that are more productive than ever before
Once your Master Plan is in place, you're ready to stop spinning your wheels and to make each day twice as productive so you can achieve your most important goals and create the life that you want to live.
As Michael Masterson says, "If you want to have a better life, you must fill it with good days." And he proceeds to show you how to do just that with …
- Leap from your bed every morning happier and more energetic than ever before. A surprising change in your environment does the trick — discovered by researchers at Harvard. Page 43 …
- Accomplish more over the next month than you have in the last six months. A simple morning routine that supercharges your productivity. Page 44 …
- Create your perfect day. The simple secret to maximizing your productivity all day long. Page 46 …
- Free up 589 hours a year — 49 hours a month — to invest in your career … your hobby … or your family. Simply eliminate these four common time wasters that you won't even miss. Page 58 …
- Make your office work harder for you. 12 secrets for organizing your office to get more done with less stress. Page 60 …
- Common mistake that ensures you'll never achieve your most important goals. And a simple change that turns it all around. Page 44 …
- You've set your goals … and prioritized them — but how do you follow through? Three simple ways to coach yourself into making progress like you've never made before. Page 52 …
- Six simple steps you can take right now to become number one in your class, job, or outside interest. This technique works like crazy and won't take more than six months. Page 67 …
- Never worry about motivation again. No need to psych yourself up or recite affirmations — just a simple process that makes it automatic. Page 67 …
- Key trait of the happiest, healthiest, and most productive people in the world. They make more money and are more satisfied with their lives, too. Page 42 …
Create a richer,
more enjoyable life
You'll also discover Michael Masterson's best strategies for living a simpler, more enjoyable life — when things are going your way and even when they aren't. Take a look …
- Make your leisure time more fulfilling and enjoyable. You'll never feel empty again. Page 73 …
- How the simple practice of gratitude brings greater happiness to your life. You'll feel better in no time. Page 84 …
- Crucial connection between your self worth and your ability to make money. And a common, easily-avoidable mistake that ruins both. Page 86 …
- Stop caring about your goals so much and you'll be more likely to achieve them. And you'll be happier along the way, too. Page 87 …
- Keep a positive outlook even when things are collapsing around you. An astonishing secret that has nothing to do with positive thinking — and is much more powerful. Page 87 …
- Live better and longer by adding more laughs to your life. The "Ho! Ho! Ho!" technique makes it fun and easy. Page 90 …
- The surprising secret to eliminating self-destructive habits and energy-draining feelings from your life. And how to replace them with more of what makes life worth living. Page 80 …
- Three reasons people fail to take action. And how to easily overcome each one. Page 77 …
- The amazing motivational power of small rewards. Why you should reward yourself for even small accomplishments — and eight simple ways to do it. Page 78 …
- Simplify your life to make more money, enjoy more success, and be more effective! Five strategies that work. Page 80 …
- A sure fire path to more personal freedom. And all it takes is a few key changes to your daily schedule. Page 82 …
- Secrets of more powerful to-do lists. Ask yourself these three key questions when creating your list. Page 82 …
- Leisure activities that disable you intellectually, emotionally, and physically. Why you must avoid them at all costs. Page 76 …
Secrets to motivating yourself so
you can stop dreaming and start
making things happen
Lack of motivation is one of the biggest obstacles you'll face on your road to success over the next year. It's just so easy to get distracted by everything that's going on around you — and it's often a lot more fun to watch your favorite TV show than to take action on one of your goals.
Fortunately, Michael Masterson has devoted an entire section of The Pledge to a variety of simple tactics for motivating yourself so you take action without even thinking about it. And that means you'll make more rapid progress towards getting whatever you want out of life.
Here's how:
- Give yourself a kick in the pants and make things happen. The real secret of motivation. Page 97 …
- What your average junkie has in common with the most successful people on earth. And a valuable lesson you can learn from the junkie's example that will help you achieve greater success much faster. Page 99 …
- Why it's so hard to get started on achieving your dreams. And how to blast past this hurdle. Page 114 …
- Three things successful people do well. If you want to succeed, copy them. Page 101 …
- Get more of what you want out of life by turning your dreams into burning desires. How to fan those flames and make the fire grow so that you're literally compelled to go get what you want. Page 102 …
- If you want to achieve more than you've ever achieved, you have to … continued on page 103 …
- The terrible truth about positive thinking. A beloved self help tenet that simply doesn't work for most people. Discover why on page 103 …
- The most powerful self-help technique in your arsenal. A fast and proven way to achieve peak performance. Page 106 …
- What's really keeping you from getting everything you want out of life? Turn to page 103 to find out …
- Never fear failure again. A surprisingly simple trick that makes you forget your fears so you can make things happen. Page 110 …
- The easiest and fastest way to become something special in whatever it is you want to do. And you can get started immediately. Page 115 …
- Never, ever doubt yourself, right? Wrong! A powerful alternative to unbridled optimism that can bring you a life of maximum accomplishment and minimum heartache. Page 116 …
- Make faster progress towards your goals by accelerating your failures and making more mistakes. This might just be the ultimate success secret. Page 111 …
- The most powerful way to transform yourself into a positive thinker. And it has nothing to do with forcing yourself to think positive. Page 106 …
- Why it's so crucial to monitor your progress towards your goals. It takes just minutes a day and guarantees you'll make faster progress towards your goals. Page 120 …
Master the simple skills that will
put you head and shoulders
above your competition
Another great way to accelerate your progress towards your goals is to master just a few of the important skills that instantly set you apart from your co-workers or fellow business owners.
And the nice thing is, it really doesn't take much to master these skills and to get that edge. Here's just some of what you'll discover:
- What ballroom dancing taught Michael Masterson about leadership. Three valuable lessons you can apply to your life, career, and business. Page 125 …
- Accelerate your career advancement by becoming a more powerful speaker. Three steps to easily mastering a skill most people are afraid of. Page 133 …
- Master the power of persuasion and double your personal power. Simple three-step process makes it easy. Page 135 …
- Read to succeed. Michael Masterson's five-step process for getting the most out of every business book, magazine, and ezine you read. Page 144 …
- Get more of what you want by asking more questions. A simple strategy for avoiding the heartbreak of missed opportunities. Page 131 …
- The truth about the four-hour workweek. Can you really make a living in just four hours a
week? Page 139 …
- The unappreciated power of having a mentor. And how to find the right one for you, so you can make faster progress towards your goals. Page 123 …
The obstacles to your success —
and how to defeat them
I'm sure you'll find it no surprise that as you make your way down the path to success and wealth, you're going to run into your fair share of obstacles and challenges.
Fortunately, Michael Masterson has devoted an entire section of The Pledge to helping you meet and defeat the roadblocks that life has a nasty habit of throwing in your path.
For example …
- What to do when you're paralyzed by a crisis or disaster paralyzes you. Simple four step process helps you push ahead. Page 147 …
- Stuck in a rut? Lost your passion for your business or career? Three easy steps to breaking free and getting the passion back. Page 159 …
- How to cope when your life suddenly takes a turn for the worse. Masterson's simple plan for turning setbacks into opportunities. Page 162 …
- Defeat depression before it defeats you. Give these powerful strategies a try before you turn to antidepressants. Page 164 …
- You're unhappy at work … don't like what you're doing … and wonder if it's time for a change. Here's how to be happy right where you are, so you can make a better decision about whether or not to move on. Page 168 …
- Why you probably need to put yourself on an information diet. You're inundated with more than you can handle. Here's what to do about it. Page 150 …
- Easy way to transform yourself from an information junkie to an information user. Two critical rules that make all the difference. Page 154 …
Grow your wealth and
achieve financial independence
In Michael Masterson's view, one of your first responsibilities to yourself and to your family is to become financially independent. And in the final section of the book, he does just that, taking you through his personal prescriptions for rapidly growing your wealth, including …
- The absolute fastest way to become rich. But it's not for everyone — is it for you? Page 179 …
- Develop the power to create wealth. Powerful action steps for making it happen. Page 175 …
- Business-building secrets of successful entrepreneurs. How to get your new business off to a fast and profitable start. Page 181.
- Think like a billionaire! The questions successful entrepreneurs ask that lead them to new opportunity after new opportunity. Page 183 …
- Secrets of the world's great wealth builders. What Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and others have in common — and how you can use their secrets to build your own wealth. Page 185 …
- Attitude is the most important factor in getting rich, right? Wrong! A multitude of self-help authors peddle this nonsense, but if you fall for it, you're setting yourself for a heap of disappointment. Page 174…
- The vital key to getting wealthy. And it's something anyone can learn. Page 174 …
- Habits and behaviors of the super rich. Make these changes for a better life. Page 175 …
- Rise to the top of any business … blow past your peers … beat your competitors. How to do it, even when they're smarter and more talented and have more connections than you. Page 176 …
- The simple secret to doubling your money every three years. No other strategy even comes close (and it doesn't involve buying high risk options, commodity futures, or leveraged real estate). Page 177 …
- Can you really change your behavior by changing your attitude? Sometimes — but try the trick on page 174 instead for even better results.
- Secrets of the millionaire mind. What the world's great wealth builders have in common — and how you can use their secrets to build your own wealth. Page 185 …
- Create new businesses almost automatically. A simple process for mastering the skills you need in practically no time. Page 186 …
- Enjoy your retirement to the fullest. And why most people don't even come close even when they have plenty of money in the bank. Page 190 …
- Put your retirement planning on the fast track. Three crucial questions you must ask now, even if retirement is years or even decades away. Page 192 …
- Become a better person and live a richer, happier, and more enjoyable life. Seven secrets for making it happen. Page 193 …
- Financial planning nonsense that keeps you broke. You'll never achieve financial independence if you follow this advice. Page 175 …
- Why budgets don't work. And what to do instead to build your wealth faster than ever before. Page 175 …
Everything you need to
2011 the best year of your life
As you can see, The Pledge is loaded with secrets you can use right now to transform your life and make 2011 the best year you've ever had.
It contains everything you need to make rapid progress towards your goals … to double and perhaps even triple your income … to double your productivity … and to grow your wealth by leaps and bounds.
Better yet, these ideas have been proven effective again and again as Michael Masterson has helped countless individuals achieve all those things and more, for instance …
- George Franklin, a business owner and personal friend, used Masterson's principles to go from bankrupt and broke to millionaire in just four short years …
- Brad Solomon, an accountant and one-time client, used what Masterson taught him to build a $4 million fortune in less than seven years …
- David Kelly was an overworked South Florida doctor who took Masterson's advice and went from working 80 hours a week and squeaking by, to a seven-figure net worth — while slashing his workweek down to just 15 hours …
- Marie Vlasic saw her income double every year for four years thanks to the advice she received from Masterson …
- N.L. was a penniless poet who, following Michael's advice, built his own successful publishing business, bought a $2.5 million home in London, and has accumulated a real estate portfolio worth $1.3 million …
- Audrey Maxwell was a mid-level manager with $5,500 to her name when she began taking Masterson's advice. Six years later, she was worth more than $1.1 million …
These are just a few examples of the many lives Michael Masterson has impacted in a positive way.
And now you can get the same mentoring in your own life for a relative pittance when you get your copy of The Pledge.
Order your copy of The Pledge today and I'll send you a FREE Special Report worth $14.95
Right now a hardcover copy of The Pledge is available to you through Amazon.com for a paltry $16.47 — a 33.9% discount off the cover price. That's about five cents a day in 2011 for the opportunity to reinvent your life and finally achieve the success you've been dreaming about for so long.
And when you compare that $16.47 to the $50,000 Michael Masterson charges to deliver his ideas in person over a weekend, you can truly see what a bargain The Pledge is.
Click here to order your copy of The Pledge right now.
And I'll even sweeten the pot a little by sending you a FREE Special Report by Michael Masterson when you order your copy of The Pledge today. The Report is called Livng Rich: Michael Masterson's Personal Guide to Having a Multi-Millionaire Lifestyle on a Normal Person's Budget and delivers exactly what the title promises.
You'll be amazed at how well you can live — on almost any budget — when you know how. You can dress like a millionaire … eat and drink like a millionaire … even live in the home as nice as almost any millionaire's. And you can do it for less than you imagined. You'll discover:
- Work anywhere you want — even in your favorite vacation spot — whether you own your own business or not. Follow Masterson's plan and even your employer will be hard-pressed to say no. (Page 12)
- Dress like the world's richest at a fraction of the price. Save thousands on clothes and look better than you ever thought possible. (Page 2)
- Your wine snob friends rave about your taste in wine. Just don't tell them you spent a measly $7.99 on this remarkable French wine. (Page 6)
- Become a VIP at your favorite restaurant. Even if you never order anything more than a chopped salad. (Page 13)
- Cuban cigars are the best, right? Wrong! Let the millionaires smoke those overpriced and overrated Cubans, while you enjoy these $6 alternatives even more. (Page 14)
- Retire like a millionaire. A secret retirement haven where you can live in luxury overlooking the Pacific Ocean and enjoy life's finest things on a pittance. (Page 17)
- Michael Masterson's Action Plan for living rich on a budget. Eight easy steps that won't cost you a fortune. (Page 4)
- And much, much more.
To claim your FREE report, you must order The Pledge through our special Amazon.com clicking here. Then email your confirmation page or receipt to VIPAccess@agoralearning.com, with "The Pledge bonus" in the subject line. Our Customer Service Department will make sure you get your bonus immediately.
An extra FREE gift when you
order within the next 10 days
Better yet, when you click here to order your copy of The Pledge within the next 10 days I'll send you a second FREE gift. It's a FREE year-long membership (a $60 value) in Early to Rise Premium — a unique new program that gives you exclusive access to Michael Masterson's private wealth-building communiqués.
In these communiqués, you'll discover Masterson's latest and most valuable insights, ideas, and strategies for how you can build greater wealth and live a more fulfilled life. It's like having him as your personal mentor on a regular basis.
Until now, these communiqués have been reserved for his paying clients, business associates, family, and close friends only — and dozens of them have made fortunes as a result.
Better yet, your FREE membership in Early to Rise Premium also entitles you to a host of additional benefits, including monthly interviews with financial experts … access to Michael's personal Rolodex … crucial strategies and tips from our best-selling products … discounts on every success and wealth-building program we offer … and more.
To claim your FREE year membership, click here to order your copy of The Pledge within the next 10 days. Then email your confirmation page or receipt to VIPAccess@agoralearning.com. Your FREE membership will start immediately.
You must be 100% satisfied with The Pledge
or you get your money back
When you take advantage of this special offer, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You must agree that The Pledge is exactly what you need to make 2011 the best year of your life … and that it will help you get everything you want out of life. If not, simply return it for an immediately 100% refund of every penny you paid, with no questions asked. No hard feelings either.
The free report and your free year-long subscription to Early to Rise Premium are yours to keep for your trouble.
Haven't You Kept Your Dreams on
Hold for Long Enough?
Okay, it's time to choose. Are you going to stay where you are, dreaming about creating a new life for you and your family? Or are you going to take The Pledge, create your Master Plan, and then use Michael Masterson's secrets to turn your dreams into reality and make 2011 the best year of your life?
After all, 2011 is going to go by anyway. And wouldn't it be nice to wake up a year from now and to realize that you've achieved more over the previous 12 months than in the last five or 10 years?
It's simple:
- If you're dissatisfied with what you've achieved in your life so far and want to take your life to a whole new level …
- If you're willing to take The Pledge, to create a Master Plan, and to take advantage of Michael Masterson's best ideas …
- If you're prepared to start working differently and thinking about yourself as a different kind of person … .
- If you're willing to start now so you can make 2011 the best year of your life …
… then you need to click here and head over to Amazon.com to get your copy of The Pledge.
Don't wait. Why keep your dreams on hold when it's so easy to bring them to life?

Jason Holland,
Associate Publisher
Early to Rise
P.S. I don't know how much progress you've made so far towards realizing your dreams … how much success you've had in your life … what kind of challenges you've faced … or any of that.
However, I do know this: No matter where you are now, The Pledge can take you to where you want to be in 2011. But don't take my word for it. Click below to check out The Pledge for yourself.
You'll receive a FREE bonus report … a FREE one-year subscription to Early to Rise Premium… and you're fully protected by a 100% money-back guarantee. You've got nothing to lose and the best year of your life to gain.